* api: include
* type: template
* title: Frontpage listing
* description: Outputs list entry for recent project releases
* depends: wrap_tags
* version: 0.5
* Each project release entry on the frontpage contains
* → Headline with project title, current version, homepage + download button
* → Screenshot image
* → Description, .trimmed
* → Scope and changes, .trimmed
* → Short Tag list: license, tags
// varexpr callback
$_ = "trim";
// greying out flagged entries?
$css_flags = ($entry["flag"] < 2) ? "" : "style=\"opacity: " . (1.0 - 0.2 * $entry["flag"]) . "\"";
$css_class = preg_match("/^\d+\.0(\.0)+$/", $entry["version"]) ? " sponsored" : "";
// desc
$license_long = isset(tags::$licenses[$entry["license"]]) ? tags::$licenses[$entry["license"]] : $entry["license"];
if (strlen($entry["title"]) >= 64) {
$entry["title"] = substr($entry["title"], 0, 64) . "…";
// Write
print <<<HTML
<article class="project$css_class h-product" $css_flags itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/SoftwareApplication">
<a href="/projects/$entry[name]" class="p-name"><span itemprop=name>$entry[title]</span>
<em class=version itemprop=softwareVersion>$entry[version]</em></a>
<span class=links>
<span class=published_date itemprop=datePublished>$entry[formatted_date]</span>
<a href="$entry[homepage]" itemprop=url class=u-url><img src="img/home.png" width=20 height=20 alt="⛵"></a>
<a href="$entry[download]" itemprop=downloadUrl><img src="img/disk.png" width=20 height=20 alt="💾"></a>
<a href="$entry[homepage]"><img class="preview u-photo" itemprop=image src="$entry[image]" align=right width=120 height=90 border=0></a>
<p class="description trimmed e-description" itemprop=featureList>$entry[description]</p>
<p class="release-notes trimmed" itemprop=releaseNotes><b>$entry[scope]:</b> $entry[changes]</p>
<p class=tags itemprop=keywords><img src="img/tag.png" width=30 align=middle height=22 border=0><a class="license p-category" title="$license_long">$entry[license] </a>{$_(wrap_tags($entry["tags"]))}</p>