#!/usr/bin/php -qC
* api: cli
* title: convert trove.csv
* description: generates PHP array of trove categories and tag leaves
* `soffice --headleass --convert-to csv trove.ods`
* does not work, so we need it preconverted in trove.csv
* only first 4 columns contain the tree and leaves
#-- read in
$csv = array_map("str_getcsv", file(__DIR__."/trove.csv"));
unset($csv[0]); // remove head
// target
$TREE = array();
$TMAP = array();
// last tree
$last_path = array();
# loop over lines
foreach ($csv as $row) {
// Cut out only 5 columns (rest of spreadsheet is documentation)
$py_trove = $row[5];
$row = array_map("trim", array_slice($row, 0, 5));
// merge current leave parts with last path
if ($row = array_filter($row)) {
$row = array_slice($last_path, 0, key($row)) + $row;
$last_path = $row;
// skip empty
else {
$TMAP[] = array($py_trove, implode(" :: ", $row));
// append to what we have
$path = array_filter($row);
$leaf = array_pop($path);
$var = enclose("['", $path, "']");
\$TREE{$var}[] = '$leaf';
# if ($up_var) unset(\$TREE{$up_var}[array_search('$up_leaf', \$TREE{$up_var})]);
// reorder, strip Status and License, then output
print var_export54(array(
"Topic" => $TREE["Topic"],
"Programming Language" => $TREE["Programming Language"],
"Environment" => $TREE["Environment"],
"Framework" => $TREE["Framework"],
"Operating System" => $TREE["Operating System"],
"Audience" => $TREE["Audience"],
# "Natural" => $TREE["Natural"],
// save mapping onto py-trove
file_put_contents(__DIR__."/trove.pypi-map.csv", json_encode($TMAP, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
#-- le functions
function enclose($pre, $values, $post) {
return $values ? $pre . implode("$post$pre", $values) . $post : "";
function var_export54($var, $indent="") {
switch (gettype($var)) {
case "string":
return '"' . addcslashes($var, "\\\$\"\r\n\t\v\f") . '"';
case "array":
// $indexed = array_keys($var) === range(0, count($var) - 1);
$r = [];
foreach ($var as $key => $value) {
$indexed = is_numeric($key);
$r[] = "$indent "
. ($indexed ? "" : var_export54($key) . " => ")
. var_export54($value, "$indent ");
return "[\n" . implode(",\n", $r) . "\n" . $indent . "]";
case "boolean":
return $var ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
return var_export($var, TRUE);