* api: include
* type: template
* title: Project description
* description: Displays title, version, description, tags, homepage + download button
* depends: wrap_tags
* Each projects/ page description contains
* → Headline of project title and current version
* → Screenshot image
* → Description
* → Tag list (tags, license, state)
* → [Homepage] and [Download] link buttons
// varexpr
$_ = "trim";
// license title=
$license_long = isset(tags::$licenses[$entry["license"]]) ? tags::$licenses[$entry["license"]] : $entry["license"];
// html
print <<<PROJECT
<article class=project>
<a href="/projects/$entry[name]">
<em class=version>$entry[version]</em>
<a href="$entry[homepage]">
<img class=preview src="$entry[image]" align=right width=160 height=120 border=0>
<p class=description style="border:0">$entry[description]</p>
<table class=long-tags border=0>
<tr> <th>Tags</th> <td>{$_(wrap_tags($entry["tags"]))}</td> </tr>
<tr> <th>License</th> <td><a class=license title="$license_long">$entry[license]</a></td> </tr>
<tr> <th>State</th> <td><a class=license>$entry[state]</a></td> </tr>
<p class=long-links>
<a href="$entry[homepage]"><img src="img/home.png" width=20 height=20 border=0 align=middle> Homepage</a>
<a href="$entry[download]"><img src="img/disk.png" width=20 height=20 border=0 align=middle> Download</a>