⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  freshcode

Artifact [c41a709e03]

Artifact c41a709e03e17ea076dd3cfe809a91d64aa72e71:

  • File template/search_form.php — part of check-in [b137de1697] at 2021-04-05 06:25:54 on branch trunk — More shortags (use `phptags --long` to reverse...) (user: mario size: 1009)

 * api: include
 * type: template
 * title: Search from
 * description: Show simple search <form>

$select = "form_select_options";
$licenses = array_slice(tags::$licenses, 1);


<h3>Search projects</h3>

<form action="/search" method=GET enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencode" accept-encoding=UTF-8>

        <input name=q type=text size=50 style=height:24pt>
        <small>Search in project titles and descriptions.</small>

        <input name=tag type=text size=50>
        <small>Comma-separated list of tags you want to include.</small>

        <select name="license[]" multiple size=3>
            <?=form_select_options($licenses, NULL); ?>
        <small>Constrain results to a specific libre / open source / free software licenses.</small>
       <input type=submit title=Search>