⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  freshcode

Artifact [d7f1708517]

Artifact d7f17085170f07eda5bffc92f80bfd0e58bc1a10:

  • File gimmicks.js — part of check-in [42ca3b7d11] at 2021-04-05 08:27:21 on branch trunk — Fix forum (PHP7.4 compat for Parsedown, stray empty name= in template, didn't test for emtpy lastInsertedId) (user: mario size: 5940)

 * api: jquery
 * title: UI behaviour
 * description: Well, just client-side interface features
 * version: 0.4.2
 * depends: jquery, jquery-ui
 * Collects a few event callbacks to toggle and trigger all the things.
 *  → Compacted entries (.trimmed class)
 *  → Trove tags
 *      → Injection to submit_form input box
 *      → Or appending to links on page_tags cloud
 *  → Action links (green dashed underline)
 *      → Lock entry in submit_form
 *      → Injecting $version placeholder in URLs
 *      → Sidebar box for submit_imports
 *  → Forum action links

// DOM ready

    // Make frontpage #main .project descriptions expandable, by undoing .trimmed; animatedly
    $(".project .trimmed").one("click", function(){  
        $(this).animate({"max-height": "20em"});
    // Likewise for compacted news feeds in #sidebar
    $(".article-links.trimmed").one("click", function(){

     * Trove map and tag cloud.
    // Trove tags add to input#tags field
    $("#trove_tags.add-tags .option").click(function(){
        var $tags = $("#tags");
        var prev = $tags.val();
        $tags.val(prev + (prev.length ? ", " : "") + $(this).data("tag"));

    // Trove tags highlight in page_tags cloud
    $("#trove_tags.pick-tags .option").click(function(){

        // highlight in trove box
        var tag = $(this).data("tag");

        // and in tag cloud
        $("#tag_cloud a:contains('"+tag+"')").toggleClass("selected");
    // Append trove[]= selection to any clicked links in tag cloud
    $("#tag_cloud a").click(function(){

        // array from selected tags
        var tags = $("#trove_tags b.selected, #trove_tags .option.selected").map(function(){
            return $(this).data("tag");
        // append to current link
        if (tags.length) {
            this.href += "&trove[]=" + tags.join("&trove[]=");
     * Action links are marked up using <a class="action func-name">
    // submit_form: lock entry
        var $lock = $("input[name='lock']");
        if (!$lock.val().length && $lock.attr("placeholder")) {

    // submit_form: apply $version placeholder in URLs
        var $input = $(this).parent().parent().find("input, textarea").eq(0);
        var version = $("input[name='version']").val();
        if (version.length) {
            version = new RegExp(version.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1"), "g");
            $input.val($input.val().replace(version, "$version"));

    // submit_form: apply $version placeholder in URLs
        $("#sidebar section").eq(0).toggle("medium");
        $("#sidebar .submit-import").fadeToggle("slow");
    // Copying some form fields from /submit to /drchangelog
    $(".action.drchangelog").click(function() {
        $(this).attr("href", "/drchangelog?autoupdate_module=" + $("form[method='POST']").serialize());
        // and let default action proceed

    // Append search field in #tools bar
    $("#search_q a").click(function() {
        var q;
        if (q = $("#search_q input[name=q]").val()) {
            $(this).attr("href", "/search?q=" + q);
        // and let default action proceed

     * Forum actions.

    // Expand forum previews
    $(".forum").on("click", ".entry", function(e){
        if ($(e.target).is("form *")) return false;
        $(this).find(".excerpt, .content").animate({opacity: 'toggle', height: 'toggle'});
    // Post submit button
    $(".forum").delegate(".action", "click", function(ev){

        // entry/post id
        var id = $(this).data("id");
        var func = this.classList[1];
        var $target = $(this).closest(".entry");
        // new
        if (func == "forum-new") {
            $target.load("/forum/post", { "pid": id }).fadeIn();
        // reply
        if (func == "forum-reply") {
            $target.find("ul li").last().load("/forum/post", { "pid": id }).fadeIn();
        // editing
        if (func == "forum-edit") {
            $target.load("/forum/edit", { "id": id });
        // submit
        if (func == "forum-submit"){
            $target = $target.parent();
                url: "/forum/submit",
                method: "POST",
                data: $target.find("form").serialize(),
                success: function(html) {
                error: function(xhr, status, error) {
                    var errorMessage = xhr.status + ': ' + xhr.statusText
                    alert('Error - ' + errorMessage);

    // Markup
    $(".forum").delegate(".action.markup", "click", function(){
        var $ta = $(this).parent().parent().parent().find("textarea");
        var content = $ta.val();
        var x = $ta[0].selectionStart;
        var y = $ta[0].selectionEnd;
        var before = $(this).data("before");
        var after = $(this).data("after");
        if (y) {
            $ta.val(content.substr(0, x) + before + content.substr(x, y-x) + after + content.substr(y, content.length - y));
        else {
            $ta.val(content + before + "..." + after);
