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View Ticket

Ticket Hash: 3070509db40ac6fd074a6c551c2bccebf3355d7e
Title: Preview of the entry
Status: Review Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Minor Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2020-08-12 07:17:00
Version Found In:
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2020-07-28 06:57:30:
Currently a new/updated software entry is published immediately.
There should be a 'preview' function.

mario added on 2020-08-12 07:17:00:

Yes, and no.

Might be useful, but it's also UI clutter and rarely used I'd think. Since the submit form is quite lengthy, it's unlikely that users would fill it out but then discard it after a preview. (And more honestly, I'm worried about introducing potential XSS holes with a preview handler.)

The real bug here is probably the "Please proofread before saving" warning.

It should be something akin to "Please proofread. Albeit you can edit the project/release as often as you like at any time." - which would avoid any publication anxiety.