* title: PDO wrapper
* description: Hybrid db() interface for extended SQL parameterization and result folding
* api: php
* type: database
* version: 0.9.9
* depends: php:pdo
* license: Public Domain
* author: Mario Salzer
* doc: http://fossil.include-once.org/hybrid7/wiki/db
* Provides simple database queries with enumerated / named parameters. It's
* flexible in accepting plain PDO scalar arguments or arrays. Array args get
* merged, or transcribed when special placeholders are present:
* $r = db("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE a>=? AND b IN (??)", $a, array($b, $c));
* Extended placeholder syntax and common uses:
* βββββββ¬βββββββββββββββ¬ββββββββββ¬βββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ
* βPlcH β Expands to β Context β Purpose β
* βββββββΌβββββββββββββββΌββββββββββΌβββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ€
* β ?? β ?, ?, ? β IN β Expansion of indexed arrays. β
* βββββββΌβββββββββββββββΌββββββββββΌβββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ€
* β :: β :a, :b β VALUES β Expand associative arrays into named β
* β β β β value list. β
* βββββββΌβββββββββββββββΌββββββββββΌβββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ€
* β :? β βaβ, βbβ β Names β Interpolates key names (does not paβ β
* β β β β rameterize values). β
* βββββββΌβββββββββββββββΌββββββββββΌβββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ€
* β :& β x=:x β WHERE β Becomes ANDβjoined name=:value list. β
* β β AND y=:y β β β
* βββββββΌβββββββββββββββΌββββββββββΌβββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ€
* β :| β x=:x β WHERE β Becomes ORβjoined name=:value list. β
* β β OR y=:y β β β
* βββββββΌβββββββββββββββΌββββββββββΌβββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ€
* β :, β x=:x, y=:y β UPDATE β Becomes commaβjoined name=:value list. β
* βββββββΌβββββββββββββββΌββββββββββΌβββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ€
* β :* β SQL + params β Expr β Expression placeholder, where the asβ β
* β β β β sociated argument should contain an β
* β β β β array ["AND foo IN (??)", $params]. β
* β β β β Which only interpolates if $params β
* β β β β contains any value. Can be nested. β
* βββββββ΄βββββββββββββββ΄ββββββββββ΄βββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ
* Configurable {TOKENS} from db()->tokens[] are also substituted..
* The returned result can be accessed as single data row, when fetching just
* one:
* $result->column
* $result["column"]
* Or just traversed row-wise as usual by iteration
* foreach (db("...") as $row)
* Alternatively by object-wrapping (unlike plain PDO->fetchObject() this
* hydrates the object using its normal constructor) the result set with:
* foreach ($result->into("ArrayObject") as $row)
* Yet all PDO ->fetch() methods are still available for use on the result obj.
* The db() interface binds the global "$db" variable. It ought to be
* initialized with:
* db(new PDO(...));
* It's wrapped PDO handle can also be retrieved with just $pdo = db(); then.
* There's also a simple table data gateway wrapper implemented here. It
* accepts db() queries for single entries, and allows ->save()ing back, or
* to ->delete() records.
* You should only use it in conjuction with sql2php and its simpler wrappers.
* Hybrid instantiation / query function.
* Couples `$db` in the shared/global scope.
function db($sql=NULL, $params=NULL) {
#-- shared PDO handle
$db = & $GLOBALS["db"]; // Alternatively could be just static to hide it behind db()
#-- open database
if (is_object($sql)) {
// use passed param
$db = new db_wrap($sql);
$db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, is_int(stripos($db->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME), "mysql")));
$db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES, false);
$db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CASE, PDO::CASE_NATURAL);
// save settings
$db->tokens = array("PREFIX"=>""); // or reference global $config
$db->in_clause = $db->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME) == "sqlite"
and $db->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CLIENT_VERSION) < 3.6;
#-- return PDO handle
elseif (empty($sql)) {
return $db;
#-- just dispatch to the wrapper
else {
$args = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1);
return $db($sql, $args);
* Binds PDO handle, allows original calls and extended placeholder use.
class db_wrap {
* Keep PDO handle.
public $pdo = NULL;
function __construct($pdo) {
$this->pdo = $pdo;
* Chain to plain PDO if any other method invoked.
function __call($func, $args) {
return call_user_func_array(array($this->pdo, $func), $args);
* Prepares and executes query after extended placeholders and parameter unpacking.
function __invoke($sql, $args=array()) {
// $sql may contain associative SQL parts and parameters
if (is_array($sql)) {
list($sql, $args) = $this->join($sql);
// reject plain strings in SQL
if (strpos($sql, "'")) {
trigger_error("SQL query contained raw data. DO NOT WANT", E_USER_WARNING);
return NULL;
// flatten array arguments and extended placeholders
list($sql, $args) = $this->fold($sql, $args);
// placeholders
if (!empty($this->tokens) && strpos($sql, "{")) {
$sql = preg_replace_callback("/\{(\w+)(.*?)\}/", array($this, "token"), $sql);
// older SQLite workaround
if (!empty($this->in_clause) && strpos($sql, " IN (")) { // only for ?,?,?,? enum params
$sql = preg_replace_callback("/(\S+)\s+IN\s+\(([?,]+)\)/", array($this, "in_clause"), $sql);
// just debug output
if (!empty($this->test)) {
print json_encode($args)." => " . trim($sql) . "\n"; return;
// run
$s = $this->prepare($sql)
$r = $s->execute($args);
// wrap
return $s && $r ? new db_result($s) : $s;
* Expands the extended placeholders and flattens arrays from parameter list.
function fold($sql, $args) {
// output parameter list
$flat_params = array();
#-- flattening sub-arrays (works for ? enumarated and :named params)
foreach ($args as $i=>$a) {
// subarray that corresponds to special syntax placeholder?
if (is_array($a)
and preg_match("/ \?\? | : [?:* &,|] /x", $sql, $capture, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE))
list($token, $pos) = current($capture);
// placeholder substitution, possibly changing $a params
$replace = $this->{self::$expand[$token]}($a);
// update SQL string
$sql = substr($sql, 0, $pos) . $replace . substr($sql, $pos + strlen($token));
// unfold into plain parameter list
if (is_array($a)) {
$flat_params = array_merge($flat_params, $a);
else {
$flat_params[] = $a;
return array($sql, $flat_params);
* Syntax expansion callbacks
static $expand = array(
"??" => "expand_list",
":?" => "expand_keys",
"::" => "expand_named",
":," => "expand_assoc_comma",
":&" => "expand_assoc_and",
":|" => "expand_assoc_or",
":*" => "expand_expr",
// ?? array placeholders
function expand_list($a) {
return implode(",", array_fill(0, count($a), "?"));
// :? name placeholders, transforms list into enumerated params
function expand_keys(&$a) {
$enum = array_keys($a) === range(0, count($a) - 1);
$r = implode(",", $this->db_identifier($enum ? $a : array_keys($a), "`"));
$a = array();
return $r;
// :: becomes :named,:value,:list
function expand_named($a) {
return ":" . implode(",:", $this->db_identifier(array_keys($a)) );
// for :, expand COMMA-separated key=:key,bar=:bar associative array
function expand_assoc_comma($a, $fill = ", ", $replace=array()) {
foreach ($this->db_identifier(array_keys($a)) as $key) {
$replace[] = "`$key` = :$key";
return implode($fill, $replace);
// for :& AND-chained assoc foo=:foo AND bar=:bar
function expand_assoc_and($a) {
return $this->expand_assoc_comma($a, " AND ");
// for :| OR-chained assoc foo=:foo OR bar=:bar
function expand_assoc_or($a) {
return $this->expand_assoc_comma($a, " OR ");
* While :* holds an optional expression and subvalue list. Which only gets
* interpolated if the params list is non-empty.
* which may be provided as alternative pairs ["AND :&", $and, "OR :|", $or].
* While each value list should be a list itself, it's common to just pass
* one array param for a single ::/?? extended placeholder. (Which then will
* be auto-wrapped.)
function expand_expr(&$a) {
foreach (array_chunk($a, 2) as $pair) if (list($sql, $args) = $pair) {
// substitute subexpression as if it were a regular SQL string
if (is_array($args) && count($args)) {
// rewrap simple value lists into param-args list
$args = array_sum(array_map("is_array", $args)) ? $args : array($args);
list ($replace, $a) = $this->fold($sql, $args);
return $replace;
$a = array(); // else replace with nothing and omit current data for flattened $params2
* For readability input SQL may come as associative clause => params list.
* ["SELECT ?" => $num,
* "FROM :?" => [$tbl],
* "WHERE :&" => $match
* ]
* Which is separated here into keys as $sql string and $args from values.
function join($sql_args, $sql="", $args=array()) {
foreach ($sql_args as $key=>$val) {
// Key itself is not an SQL part
if (is_int($key)) {
// Value then can be an SQL string, or a param
if (is_string($val)) {
$sql .= $val;
else {
$args[] = $val;
// Plain SQL => Value
else {
$sql .= $key . "\n ";
$args[] = $val;
return array($sql, $args);
// This is a restrictive filter function for column/table name identifiers.
// Can only be foregone if it's ensured that none of the passed named db() $arg keys originated from http/user input.
function db_identifier($as, $wrap="") {
return preg_replace(array("/[^\w\d_.]/", "/^|$/"), array("_", $wrap), $as);
// Regex callbacks
function token($m) {
list($m, $tok, $ext) = $m;
return isset($this->token[$tok]) ? $this->token[$tok].$ext : $this->token["$tok$ext"];
function in_clause($m) {
list($m, $key, $vals) = $m;
$num = substr_count($vals, "?");
return "($key=" . implode("OR $key=", array_fill(0, $num, "? ")) . ")";
* Allows traversing result sets as arrays or hydrated objects,
* or fetches only first result row on ->column_name accesses.
class db_result extends ArrayObject implements IteratorAggregate {
protected $results = NULL;
function __construct($results) {
parent::__construct(array(), 2);
$this->results = $results;
// used as PDO statement
function __call($func, $args) {
return call_user_func_array(array($this->results, $func), $args);
// Single column access
function offsetGet($name) {
// get first result, transfuse into $this
if (is_object($r = $this->results)) {
if ($row = $r->fetch()) {
// no row returned, silently return
else {
return NULL;
// suffice __get
return parent::offsetGet($name);
// Just let PDOStatement handle the Traversable
function getIterator() {
return isset($this->results)
? $this->results
: new ArrayIterator($this);
// Or hydrate specific result objects ourselves
function into() {
$into = func_get_args() ?: array("ArrayObject", 2);
return new db_result_iter($this->results, $into);
* More wrapping for hydrated iteration.
class db_result_iter implements Iterator {
// Again keep PDOStatement and class specifier
protected $results = NULL;
protected $into = array();
function __construct($results, $into) {
$this->results = $results;
$this->into = $into;
// Iterator just fetches and converts on traversal
protected $row = NULL;
public function current()
list($class, $a2, $a3, $a4, $a5) = array_merge($this->into, [NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL]);
return new $class($this->row, $a2);
function valid() {
return !empty($this->row = $this->results->fetch());
// unused for normal `foreach` operation
function next() { return NULL; }
function rewind() { return NULL; }
function key() { return NULL; }
* Table data gateway. Don't use directly.
* Keeps ->_meta->table name and ->_meta->fields,
* uses extendable tables with [ext] field serialization.
* Doesn't cope with table joins. (yet?)
* Allows to ->set() and ->save() record back.
class db_record /*resembles db_result*/ extends ArrayObject {
// this is not purposelessly private, but to not pollute (array) typecasts with decorative data
private $_meta;
// initialize from db() result or array
function __construct($results, $table, $fields, $keys) {
// meta
$this->_meta = new stdClass();
$this->_meta->table = $table;
$this->_meta->fields = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($fields), array_keys($results)));
$this->_meta->keys = $keys;
// db query result
if (is_array($results)) {
$this->_meta->new = 1; // instantiate from defaults or given row values
else {
//if (is_string($results)) { // queries are handled in wrapper
// $results = db($results);
$results = $results->fetch(); // just get first result row
$this->_meta->new = 0;
// unfold .ext
if ($this->_meta->ext = isset($results["ext"])) {
$results = array_merge($results, unserialize($results["ext"]));
// copy data
// and turn object==array
parent::__construct((array)$results, 2); //ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS
// fluent (hybrid constructor wrapper)
return $this;
// set field
function set($key, $val) {
$this->{$key} = $val;
return $this; // fluent
// store table back to DB
function save($row=NULL) {
// source
if (empty($row)) {
$row = $this->getArrayCopy();
else {
$row = array_merge($this->getArrayCopy(), is_array($row) ? $row : $row->getArrayCopy());
// fold .ext
if ($this->_meta->ext) {
$ext = array();
foreach ($row as $key=>$val) {
if (!in_array($key, $this->_meta->fields)) {
$ext[$key] = $val;
$row["ext"] = serialize($ext);
// store
if ($this->_meta->new) {
db("INSERT INTO {$this->_meta->table} (:?) VALUES (??)", $row, $row);
$this->_meta->new = 0;
// update
else {
$keys = $this->keys($row, 1);
db("UPDATE {$this->_meta->table} SET :, WHERE :&", $row, $keys);
return $this; // fluent
// split $keys from $row/$this
function keys(&$row, $unset=0) {
$keys = array();
foreach ($this->_meta->keys as $key) {
$keys[$key] = $row[$key];
if ($unset) unset($row[$key]);
return $keys;
// oh noooes
function delete() {
db("DELETE FROM {$this->_meta->table} WHERE :&", $this->keys($this));
return $this; // well