Attachment "_logs_store_logstash.php" to
wiki page [log]
added by
2015-01-10 16:13:08.
# type: partial
// no need to compact subarrays or move extra entries into `context`
var $literal_data = TRUE;
// logstash tcp input
var $logserver = ["udp://localhost", 7483, NULL, NULL, 2];
var $logconn;
* Logstash pushing
* ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
* Similar to the JSON-Lines store, this output target just sends a blob with
* notional hierarchy ids along.
* It requires a logstash setup using multiline+mutate filters to reconstruct
* sequential event ids → using the "stream identity".
* Or you know, just keep the entries as-is. Keeping an event hierarchy is
* useful, but not a dependency. For low-traffic applications plain time-
* ordering did the job okay enough since the 90s.
* @param array log event data
* @return int event id
public function store($data) {
// connection
if (!isset($this->logconn)) {
$this->logconn = call_user_func_array("pfsockopen", $this->logserver);
// local event id counter
static $i = 0;
// make parent references relative to primary group id
$data["i"] = NULL;
$data["g"] = NULL;
if (isset($data["p"])) {
if ($data["p"] != 0) {
$data["p"] = $i - $data["p"] - 1;
// send JSON blob
fwrite($this->logconn, json_encode($data) . "\n");
// return
return $i;