# encoding: utf-8
# api: python
# type: function
# category: utils
# title: Utils & Config
# description: various shortcut functions, config data, UI and remoting wrappers
# version: 0.4
# depends: pluginconf (>= 0.8), python:appdirs, python:pathlib
# config:
# { name: sshfs_mount, type: str, value: "~/.config/modseccfg/mnt/", description: "Remote connection (sshfs) mount point", help: "This will be used for `modseccfg vps123:` invocations to bind the servers / root locally." }
# { name: debug, type: bool, value: 0, description: modseccfg debug messages, help: terribly startup slowdown }
# state: alpha
# license: Apache-2.0
# Contains some utility code, and Python module monkeypatching.
# With `srvroot` all file access gets encapsulated, so it works
# locally or over sshfs.
# The `conf` dict is read from `~/.config/modseccfg/settings.json`.
# Defaults are built in, or module-extracted via pluginconf. The
# settings GUI also courtesy of.
import sys
import os
import pathlib
import re
import functools
import subprocess
import importlib
import atexit
import json
import pluginconf, pluginconf.bind, pluginconf.gui
import appdirs
try: import frosch; frosch.hook()
except: pass
import logging, inspect, traceback
#-- dict mirrored into object properties
class DictObj(dict):
def __init__(self, dict={}):
self.__dict__ = self
#-- config defaults
conf = DictObj({
# mainwindow
"theme": "DefaultNoMoreNagging",
"switch_auto": 0,
"keyboard_binds": 1,
# writer
"edit_sys_files": False,
"backup_files": True,
"backup_dir": "~/backup-config/",
# logs
"log_entries": 5000,
"log_filter": "(?!404|429)[45]\d\d",
"log_skip_rx" : "PetalBot|/.well-known/ignore.cgi",
"add_stub_logs": 1, # data/common_false_*.log
"log_extra": "",
"log_max_days": 3,
"log_strip_json": 0,
"logview_colorize": 1,
# utils
"sshfs_mount": "~/mnt/",
"sshfs_o": "",
"conf_dir": appdirs.user_config_dir("modseccfg", "io"),
"conf_file": "settings.json",
"plugins": {
"__init__": 1,
"mainwindow": 1,
"appsettings": 1,
"utils": 1,
"vhosts": 1,
"logs": 1,
"writer": 1,
"editor": 1,
"ruleinfo": 1,
"advise": 1,
"recipe": 1,
#-- plugin lookup
pluginconf.data_root = __name__
# invoked from main
def load_plugins():
return list(pluginconf.bind.load_enabled(conf))
#-- path
def expandpath(dir):
return str(pathlib.Path(dir).expanduser())
#-- @decorator to override module function
def inject(*mods):
def decorator(func):
for mod in mods:
setattr(mod, func.__name__, func)
return decorator
#-- patch re for \h support
def compile(regex, *kargs, re_compile_orig=re.compile, **kwargs):
if type(regex) is str:
regex = re.sub(r'\\h(?![^\[]*\])', r'[\ \t\f]', regex)
#print("re_compile: " + regex)
return re_compile_orig(regex, *kargs, **kwargs)
def grep(regex, list, flags=0):
return [s for s in list if re.search(regex, s, flags)]
#-- remote/sshfs bindings
# This wraps any modseccfg file operations on config or log files.
# If modseccfg is started with a ssh:/ parameter, then we'll connect
# the remote file system. All file IO uses the mount prefix henceforth;
# thusly enabling remote log scans and config editing.
# (Because X11 forwarding with Python/Tkinter is unworkable at best.)
class remote:
# initialize if argv[] contains any `(user@)hostname:/`
def __init__(self, srv=[]):
if not srv:
self.local = 1
self.mnt = ""
self.srv = self.srvname = ""
self.local = 0
self.srvname = re.sub(":.*?$", "", srv[0])
self.srv = self.srvname + ":/" # must be / root
self.mnt = expandpath(conf.sshfs_mount) + "/" + self.srv
os.makedirs(self.mnt, 0o0700, True)
def mount(self):
opts = []
for opt in re.findall("(?<!-)\\b[\w=]+", conf.get("sshfs_o", "")):
opts += ["-o", opt]
cmd = ["sshfs"] + opts + [self.srv+"/", self.mnt]
if self.mnt and self.srv:
print(f"srvroot.mount = {cmd}")
def umount(self):
cmd = ["fusermount", "-u", self.mnt]
if self.mnt and self.srv:
print(f"srvroot.umount = {cmd}")
def fn(self, fn):
return self.mnt + fn
def read(self, fn):
if not self.exists(fn):
if not re.search("letsencrypt|ssl", fn):
print("WARNING: file not found", self.mnt, fn)
return ""
with open(self.fn(fn), "r", encoding="utf8") as f:
return f.read()
def write(self, fn, src):
with open(self.fn(fn), "w", encoding="utf8") as f:
return f.write(src)
def popen(self, cmd, action="r", force_local=False):
if not self.local and not force_local:
cmd = ["ssh", self.srvname] + cmd
print(f"srvroot.popen = {cmd}")
if action=="r":
return subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout
elif action=="e":
return subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).stderr
return subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE).stdin
def exists(self, fn):
return os.path.exists(self.fn(fn))
def writable(self, fn):
if self.local:
return os.access(self.fn(fn), os.W_OK)
return True # need a real test here
writeable=writable # alias
# initialize with argv[]
srvroot = remote(re.grep("\w+:", sys.argv[1:]))
#-- read config file
def cfg_read():
fn = conf.conf_dir + "/" + conf.conf_file
if os.path.exists(fn):
conf.update(json.load(open(fn, "r", encoding="utf8")))
# write config file
def cfg_write():
os.makedirs(conf.conf_dir, 0o755, True)
fn = conf.conf_dir + "/" + conf.conf_file
json.dump(conf, open(fn, "w", encoding="utf8"), indent=4)
# show config option dialog
def cfg_window(mainself, *kargs):
fn_py = __file__.replace("utils", "*")
init_py = fn_py.replace("*.py", "*/_*.py")
save = pluginconf.gui.window(conf, conf.plugins, files=[fn_py, init_py], theme=conf.theme)
if save:
# initialze conf{}
# prepare logging, and log.with.module.context.warn(…) support
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if conf.get("debug") else logging.WARN)
class log:
ls = []
# fluid call collector
def __getattr__(self, name):
if not self.ls:
frame = inspect.stack()[1]
self.ls = [re.sub("^.+/|\.py$", "", str(frame.filename)), str(frame.function)+"()"]
return self
# invoke logging.call()
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
method = self.ls.pop()
args = ":".join(self.ls) + ":" + ", ".join(str(a) for a in args)
getattr(logging, method)(args)
self.ls = []
log = log()