GUI editor to tame mod_security rules

โŒˆโŒ‹ โŽ‡ branch:  modseccfg

Artifact [b4e0fa5b6d]

Artifact b4e0fa5b6de7a373524732db8257d9821db6747fa02768d583ea90d0f32124f8:

  • Executable file html2mallard/ — part of check-in [12587995cd] at 2022-10-21 22:50:09 on branch trunk — flex decription tag detection (user: mario size: 11136)

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# api: cli
# encoding: utf-8
# type: transform
# title: HTML to mallard
# description: convert mkdocsยด html output to mallard/yelp xml
# category: documentation
# keywords: mkdocs mallard
# version: 0.3.0
# depends: python (>= 3.6), python:PyYAML (>= 5.0), python:markdown
# license: Public Domain
# url:
# Poor transformation approach, mostly salvaging some HTML structures
# and reshuffling document body into mallard <page> with allowed
# inline markup.
# XSLT might have been easier, but doesn't work on most HTML.
# BS/lxml is way overkill for this task (hence zero such tools).
# Noone's doing a markdown to ducktype/mallard converter either.
# Kinda only works because the mkdocs/markdown-generated HTML is
# fairly consistent. It's best combined with a `xmllint --recover`
# pipe anyhow.

import os, sys
import re, html
from textwrap import dedent, indent
from glob import glob
debug = True and" -+de?b?u?g?\\b", " ".join(sys.argv), re.I)

# output
template = dedent("""
    <page xmlns=""
     type="guide" id="{id}">

        <?http header="X-Generator: html2mallard" ?>




# regex all the way
extract = {
    # meta info
    "mkdocs_page_name = \"(.*?)\";": "title",
    "<title>(?:\w+:\s)?(.+?)</title>": "title",
    "<(?:h1|h2)>([^<]+)</(?:h1|h2)>": "title",
    '''<meta\s+name=["']?description["']?\s+content=["'](.+?)["'][^>]*>''': "desc",
    '<a class="reference internal" href="(\w+).html">.+?</a>': "links",
    '<a class="trail" href="(\w+).html(#.+?)?" title=".+?">': "links",
    # flags
    '(<.+>)': "is_html",
    '(mkdocs)': "is_mkdocs",
    'data-target="[#.]navbar-(collapse)"': "is_material",
    '(fossil|timeline)': "is_fossil",
    "(SphinxRtdTheme|readthedocs-doc-embed.js|aria-label=)": "is_sphinx",
    '(<div class="inner pagewide">)': "is_yelphtml",
     "(&\w+;)": "has_entities",
    '(<p>|<div|<table|<li>|<img|<strong|<em|<h\d|<span|<code)': "convert",
rewrite = {
    # trim and cleanup
    ("GENERAL HTML", "is_html"): {
        "<script.+?</script>": "",
        "<head>.+?</head>": "",
        "<!DOCTYPE[^>]+>|<html[^>]*>|</body>|</html>": "",
        "<span></span>": "",
    ("MKDOCS", "is_mkdocs"): {
        "\\A.+?</nav>": "",   # might strip too much for any bottom-navigation templates
        "\\A.+?<div[^>]+role=\"main\">": "",   # mkdocs RTD template
        '<footer>.+\\Z': "",    # mkdocs footer
        'Next\s<span\sclass="icon\sicon-circle-arrow-right"></span>.+\\Z': "",   # mkdocs RTD theme
    ("MATERIAL", "is_material"): {
        '\\A.+<div[^>]+role="main">': "",
        '<div\sclass="modal"\sid="mkdocs_search_modal".+\\Z': "",
    ("FOSSIL WIKI", "is_fossil"): {
        '\\A.+<main[^>]*>': "", # wiki header
        '<div\sclass="submenu">.+?</div>': "", # page header
        '<footer\sid=fossil-footer>.+\\Z': "", # fossil footer
        '<h2>Attachments:</h2><ul>.+\\Z': "", # page footer
    ("RTD.IO/SPHINX", "is_sphinx"): {
        "\\A.+?</nav>": "",   # might strip too much for any bottom-navigation templates
        '<footer>.+\\Z': "", 
        '<div\srole="navigation"\saria-label="breadcrumbs\snavigation">.+?</div>': "",  #
    ("YELPHTML", "is_yelphtml"): {
        "\\A.+?</header><article>": "",
    ("ENTITIES", "has_entities"): {
        "&rarrq;": "โ†’",
        "&nbsp;": "โฃ",
        "&mdash;": "โ€“",
        "&(?!lt|gt|amp)\w+;": lambda m: html.unescape(m[0]),

    # actual conversions
    ("CONVERSIONS", "convert"): {
        "<div\sclass=\"admonition\s(?:note|abstract|summary|tldr)\">(.+?)</div>": "<note style=\"tip\">\\1</note>",
        "<div\sclass=\"admonition\s(?:todo|seealso)\">(.+?)</div>": "<note style=\"advanced\">\\1</note>",
        "<div\sclass=\"admonition\s(?:danger|error|failure|fail|missing|bug)\">(.+?)</div>": "<note style=\"bug\">\\1</note>",
        "<div\sclass=\"admonition\s(?:info|todo)\">(.+?)</div>": "<note style=\"important\">\\1</note>",
        "<div\sclass=\"admonition\s(?:example|quote|cite)\">(.+?)</div>": "<note style=\"plain\">\\1</note>",
        "<div\sclass=\"admonition\s(?:question|help|faq)\">(.+?)</div>": "<note style=\"sidebar\">\\1</note>",
        "<div\sclass=\"admonition\s(?:notes|tip|hint|important)\">(.+?)</div>": "<note style=\"tip\">\\1</note>",
        "<div\sclass=\"admonition\s(?:warning|caution|attention)\">(.+?)</div>": "<note style=\"warning\">\\1</note>",
        "<div\sclass=\"admonition(?:\s\w+)?\">(.+?)</div>": "<note style=\"tip\">\\1</note>",
        "<p\sclass=\"admonition-title\">(.+?)</p>": "<subtitle>\\1</subtitle>",
        # headlines
        "(<h\d[^>]*>.+?(?<!\s))\s*(?=<h\d|<footer|</body|\Z)": "\n<section>\n\\1\n</section>\n",
        "<(?:h1|h2)[^>]*>(.+?)</(?:h1|h2)>": "<title>\\1</title>",
        "<(?:h3|h4)[^>]*>(.+?)</(?:h3|h4)>": "<subtitle>\\1</subtitle>",
        "<(?:h5|h6)[^>]*>(.+?)</(?:h5|h7)>": "<em>\\1</em>",
        "<strong>(.+?)</strong>": "<em style=\"strong\">\\1</em>",
        # lists
        "<ol[^>]*>(.+?)</ol>": "<steps>\\1</steps>",
        "<ul[^>]*>(.+?)</ul>": "<list>\\1</list>",
        "<li\\b[^>]*>(.+?)</li>": "<item><p>\\1</p></item>",
        "<dl[^>]*>(.+?)</dl>": "<terms>\\1</terms>",
        "<dt[^>]*>(.+?)</dt>": "<item><title>\\1</title>",
        "<dd[^>]*>(.+?)</dd>": "<p>\\1</p></item>",
        # fix nested list   \1         \2                 \3                      \4    
        "(<(?:item|steps|terms)>)<p> ([^<]+(?<!\s)) \s* <(list|steps|terms)> \s* (.+?) </\\3>":
            "\\1<p>\\2</p>\n <\\3>\n<item><p>\\4 </\\3>\n</item>",
        # links
        "<a\shref=\"([^\">]+)\.html\"[^>]*>(.+?)</a>": "<link type=\"seealso\" xref=\"\\1\">\\2</link>",
        "<a\shref=\"(\w+://[^\">]+)\"[^>]*>(.+?)</a>": "<link type=\"seealso\" href=\"\\1\">\\2</link>",
        "<a\shref=\"(\#[\w\-]+)\"[^>]*>(.+?)</a>": "<link xref=\"\\1\">\\2</link>",
        # media
        "<img[^>]+src=\"(.+?)\"[^>]*>": "<media type=\"image\" src=\"\\1\" mime=\"image/png\" />",
        # tables
        "</?tbody>": "",
        "<table[^>]*>": "<table shade=\"rows cols\" rules=\"rows cols\"><tbody>",
        "</table>": "</tbody></table>",
        "<tr[^>]*>": "<tr>",
        "<(td|th)\\b[^>]*>": "    <td><p>",
        "</(td|th)\\b[^>]*>": "</p></td>",

        # strip codehilite markup
        "<span\sclass=\"\w{1,2}\">(.+?)</span>": "<span>\\1</span>",
        "<span\sclass=\"([\w\-\s]+)\">(.+?)</span>": "<span style=\"\\1\">\\2</span>",
        "<code\sclass=\"([\w\-\s]+)\">(.+?)</code>": "<code><span style=\"\\1\">\\2</span></code>",
    ("HTML BEGONE", "is_html"): { 
        # strip any remaining non-mallard tags, except: |div|revision|thead
           \w+[^>]* >""": "",

    ("PRETTIFY", "is_html"): {
        # prettify sections
        "(<section>)(.+?)(</section>)": lambda m: f"{m[1]}\n{indent(m[2].strip(), prefix=' ')}\n{m[3]}",
        # strip lone </section>, empty spans
        "(<section>.+?</section>)|</section>": "\\1",
        "(<span[^>]*></span>)": "",
        "(<p[^>]*><p[^>]*>)(.+?)(</p></p>)": "<p>\\2</p>",

def convert(html, fn):
        Convert HTML to mallard page document.
        html : str
            HTML page source (`<html>...`)
        fn : str
            Original filename (`index.html`)
            Converted mallard xml .page source

    # prepare snippets for .format kwargs
    kw = {
        "id": re.sub("\W+", "_", re.sub("^.+/|\.\w+$", "", fn)).lower(),
        "desc": "",
        "title": "",
        "body": "",
        "links": "",
    for rx, name in extract.items():
        m =, html)
        if m and (not name in kw or not kw[name]):
            if name == "links":
                kw[name] = ["".join(row) for row in re.findall(rx, html)]
                kw[name] = re.sub("&\w+;|<.+?>", "",
    if kw["links"]:
        kw["links"] = indent("\n".join(f"<link type=\"guide\" xref=\"{id}\"/>" for id in kw["links"]), prefix="    ")
    if kw["id"] != "index":
        kw["links"] = """<link type="guide" xref="index#nav"/>\n""" + kw["links"]
    if not kw["title"]:
        kw["title"] = re.sub("^.+/|\.\w+$", "", fn).title()
    # simplify/convert html
    for (group, flag), patterns in rewrite.items():
        if not flag in kw: # possibly skip rule group
        elif debug:
            sys.stderr.write(f"group: {group}\n")
        for rx, repl in patterns.items():
            l = len(html)
            html = re.sub(rx, repl, html, 0, re.X|re.M|re.S|re.I)
            if debug and l != len(html):
                sys.stderr.write(f"rewrite: {len(html) - l} bytes, pattern: ~{rx}~\n")
    kw["body"] = html
    # return converted
    if kw["id"] == "index":
        kw["body"] = """<section id="nav">\n  <!--<title>Topics</title>-->\n</section>\n""" + kw["body"]
    return template.format(**kw)

# single file
def convert_file(fn):
    html = ""
    if re.match("https?://.+", fn):     # โ†’ html2mallard http://page.html
        import requests
        html = requests.get(fn).text
        fn = re.sub(".+/", "", fn)
    else:                               # โ†’ html2mallard "site/index.html"
        with open(fn, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            html =
    if"\.md$", fn):          # โ†’ html2mallard
        import markdown
        html = markdown.markdown(html)
    return convert(html, fn)

# process directory
def mkdocs():
    import yaml
    src = open("mkdocs.yml", "r")   # โ†’ ought to be in current directory
    cfg = yaml.load(src, Loader=yaml.Loader)
    srcdir = cfg["site_dir"]
    target = cfg["mallard_dir"]    # โ†’ required param in mkdocs.yml
    if not os.path.exists(target):
    for fn in glob(f"{srcdir}/*.html"):
        if debug:
            sys.stderr.write(f"--\nFILE: '{fn}' to {target}/*.page\n")
        page = convert_file(fn)
        fn = re.sub(".+/", "", fn)
        fn = re.sub("\.html", ".page", fn)
        with open(f"{target}/{fn}", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:

# entry_points
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
        print(convert_file(sys.argv[1])) # first argument as input file
        mkdocs() # iterate through site/*html

if __name__ == "__main__":