# encoding: utf-8
# api: modseccfg
# version: 0.4
# type: data
# category: log
# title: log advise
# description: Some simple pattern detection for common log entries
# license: Apache-2.0
# Basically just some keyword lookups to explain the logs.
# Now that's fun, because herein we pattern-match the mod_security
# logs for potential problems.
# Doesn't really make sense yet. Requires way more advisory links
# like for the PCRE backtracking or other common issues.
from modseccfg import utils, vhosts
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import re, random, textwrap, os
patterns = {
"PCRE limits": """Backtracking limits for regex patterns can usually be
raised. 500000 (500K) is still reasonable for sites not under concrete
DoS threats. See [File]ā[SecEngine options] for SecPcreMatchLimit &
SecPcreMatchLimitRecursion 500000
"tx\.allowed_request_content_type": """Might need adaption if you use any
REST toolkit with uncommon MIME type uploads (e.g. a DAV or VCS).
See [Fil]eā[CoreRuleSet options] to change this variable for allowed POST payloads.""",
"TX:anomaly_score": """Anomaly scoring mode is enabled.
'TX:anomaly_score' denotes a transaction variable, used as counter for
threat indicators. (Concrete causes should be noted in previous log entries.)
"TX:outgoing_points": """Comodo rules: total score for suspicious output.""",
"(?i)CRITICAL": """Highest severity level. Though that doesn't mean it's
a reliable match.""",
"Operator GE": """'Greater or equal' comparison, of one tx:variable with
a number probably. (Causes should be listed in previous log entries.)""",
"TX:inbound_anomaly_score": """Anomaly scoring mode; counter for issues
with incoming request data (rather than leaked code/sql/xss etc.) """,
"Matched Phrase": """Static string match. Definitions usually reside in
a text file (*.data) alongside the rules
"libinjection.+Matched Data: \S+ found within": """libinjection frequently
trips over two-letter strings. In such cases it might be useful to exempt
a parameter instead of disabling the whole rule.
Use e.g. `SecRuleUpdateTargetById 123456 "!ARGS:param"` per [Modify]ā[Target].
'status "429"': """HTTP error 429 == Too many requests. Error code often
substititung for 400/Forbidden to deter bots.""",
"wlwmanifest.xml": """Windows Live Writer remnant. For some reason an
exploit vector on Wordpress (as usual).""",
"/\.env": """Password crawlers love to look for .env files. Blame GitHub.""",
"Found another rule with the same id": """Usually indicates that a rule
file got included twice. Check `apache2ctl -t -D DUMP_INCLUDES` to see if
there's an Include(Optional) ../* loop.
"another rule with the same id": """And also, don't try to redefine rules.
"SecRuleRemove" does not really remove, but disable an existing rule.
To fully override a condition, it needs to be redeclared with a new id:num.
Send a bug report if it was caused by modseccfg.
"SecCollectionTimeout is not yet supported": """mod_security v3 problem.
"Execution phases can only be specified by chain starter rules": """
phase:123 can only be noted in the first rule, not in chained SecRule conditions
"Previous Block Reason": """One of harvester, spammer, search engine IP,
high risk countries, or clients that previously violated rules. The %{ip.reput_block_reason}
and %{ip.reput_block_flag} variables are global collections (dbm file in SecDataDir)
"""-x-m-add-""": """
logdata:'Matched Data: %{TX.0} found within %{MATCHED_VAR_NAME}: %{MATCHED_VAR}',\
logdata:'Restricted header detected: %{MATCHED_VAR}',\
logdata:'Matched Data: XSS data found within %{MATCHED_VAR_NAME}: %{MATCHED_VAR}',\
logdata:'Matched Data: Suspicious payload found within %{MATCHED_VAR_NAME}: %{MATCHED_VAR}',\
logdata:'Matched Data: Suspicious JS global variable found within %{MATCHED_VAR_NAME}: %{MATCHED_VAR}',\
logdata:'Matched Data: Suspicious payload found within %{MATCHED_VAR_NAME}: %{MATCHED_VAR}',\
logdata:'Matched Data: %{TX.0} found within %{MATCHED_VAR_NAME}: %{MATCHED_VAR}',\
logdata:'Previous Block Reason: %{ip.reput_block_reason}',\
logdata:'Matched Data: %{TX.0} found within %{MATCHED_VAR_NAME}: %{MATCHED_VAR}',\
# "url://" or "[menu]ā[event]"
rx_url = "https?://\S+|file:///\S+|\[\w+\]ā\[.+?\]"
# restrict text width
def wrap(text, width=76):
text = re.sub("\s+", " ", text)
return "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(text, width))
# callback for window events
def show_url(event, main, data):
if re.match("\w+://", event):
os.system(f"xdg-open '{event}' &")
# very hacky: invoke referenced menu function
m = re.search("ā\[(.+?)\]", event)
if m:
data["menu"] = m.group(1)
main.event(m.group(1), data)
# extract urls from text
def split_text_links(text):
links = re.findall(rx_url, text)
if links:
text = re.sub("\w+://\S+", "", text)
return text, links
# scan patterns, show window
def show(mainwindow, data):
if not data.get("log"):
log = data["log"]
# look if anything matched
found = {}
for rx, text in patterns.items():
m = re.search(rx, log[0], re.I)
if m:
found[m.group(0)] = text
if not found:
return mainwindow.status("No known log entry.")
# prepare output
layout = [[sg.T("Detected log messages", font=("Sans",16,"bold"), pad=(0,5,0,15), text_color="darkgray")]]
for title, text in found.items():
text, links = split_text_links(text)
layout.append([sg.T(wrap(title, 64), font=("Ubuntu",12,"bold italic"), pad=(0,10))])
layout.append([sg.T(wrap(text), pad=(10,2))])
for url in links:
color = "red" if (url.find("]") > 0) else "blue"
layout.append([sg.T(url, k=url, pad=(10,0), font=("Noto Sans Display", 11), text_color=color, enable_events=1)])
layout = [[sg.Column(layout, scrollable=1, size=(700,430))], [sg.Button(" Close ")]]
# show + let main handle button
w = sg.Window(title="Log patterns", layout=layout, size=(700,500), resizable=1, font="Sans 12")
w, lambda ev,*d: show_url(ev, mainwindow, data) or w.close()
) # retain handle ā to main and current data