Artifact [e935ddd3e1]
Artifact e935ddd3e18cde3234be923cc48a3f0d739d97ea2b8970967fafb1a3bafb6924:
- File logfmt1/share/inilog.fmt — part of check-in [36388dbafb] at 2020-12-17 16:37:01 on branch trunk — logfmt1: Add update/nginx support (untested), fmt2md, #doc and #src comments in .fmt/json files, add logopen.names() to list named groups in regex, fix single backlash in rx_sub() (user: mario size: 442)
{ "#note": "this is an alias for the \u00bblogfmt\u00ab key=value serialization (as rediscovered by Go/Heroku peeps)", "class": "inilog", "record": "*", "fields": { "*": { "id": "*", "rx": ".+" } }, "container": { "*": { "rx": "(\\w+)=(?:(\\S+)|\"(.*?)\")", "id": "$1", "value": "$2$3", "class": "inilog" } } }