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                <h3 id="logex">logex</h3>
<p><code>logex</code> is a little command line tool around <a href="logopen.html"><code>logopen()</code></a>.
It basically allows fetching individual fields from a log, and/or
restructuring it into a specific format (e.g. tab or comma-delimited).</p>
<div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span><code><span class="err">logex access.log @request_uri @datetime @user_agent</span>

<p>Where the first param is always the log file, and then an arbitrary
number of field names - either individually or as part of a string
<div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span><code><span class="err">logex access.log --tab &quot;uri,date,status&quot; user_agent</span>

<p>(Would delimit the first three per comma, the last with a tab.)</p>
<h2 id="flags">Flags</h2>
<td>output each row as JSON</td>
<td>join all fields with comma</td>
<td>tab-separated output</td>
<td>fix any datetime fields</td>
<td>just output regex for log</td>
<td>debug_rx in case the regex fails</td>
<h2 id="pefixes">Pefixes</h2>
<p>The argument list allows field name prefixes.  Which are only relevant to
container-fields (expanded key:value pairs for some application formats), in
case they're holding lists.</p>
<td>will just show the first entry</td>
<td>space-separated list</td>
<td>comma-separated list</td>
<td>plus-joined list</td>
<td>as json array</td>
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