GUI editor to tame mod_security rules

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  modseccfg

Artifact [ccc45ad830]

Artifact ccc45ad8303c0c375a424f312ff69cb5cd38998f34811cd9feb81cfe01850366:

  • File html2mallard/man/ — part of check-in [ada19bd287] at 2021-03-26 12:13:35 on branch trunk — html2mallard update: support direct .md conversion, and http:// url params, doc updates. (user: mario size: 1536)

% html2mallard(1) from modseccfg | Version 0.3


**html2mallard** — rough help conversion tool


  **html2mallard** \[ *input.html* | ** | ** ] **>** **

  **html2mallard** *input.html* \[**-D**|**-d**|**\-\-debug**\] \| **xmllint** *\-* **\-\-recover**



Provides a rough conversion between mkdocs` generated HTML and
mallard/yelp files. Also accepts *\*.md* input files (converted
per markdown.markdown), or even remote \*.html files (per requests).

Whereas **mkdocs-mallard** reads a bunch of files from the *site_dir*
defined in *mkdocs.yml*, and writes them to *mallard_dir*.


Poor transformation approach, mostly salvaging some HTML structures
and reshuffling document body into mallard \<page> with allowed
inline markup.

 * XSLT might have been easier, but doesn't work on most HTML.
 * BS/lxml is way overkill for this task (hence zero such tools).
 * Noone's doing a markdown to ducktype/mallard converter either.

Generated pages often require some post-editing, such as removing duplicate
**\<title>s** or empty **\<section>s**, or adding a **\<desc>**.  Mallard
help also requires an **, ideally with a **\<section id="nav">**,
so other pages automatically link there.  (The itself should not
carry the **\<link type="guide" xref="index#nav"/>**, as that would be


****, **xmllint**(1)