# encoding: utf-8
# api: pagetranslate
##type: classes
# category: language
# title: via_* translation backends
# description: hooks up the translation services (google, mymemory, deepl, ...)
# version: 2.1
# state: stable
# depends: python:requests (>= 2.5), python:langdetect, python:translate, python:deep-translator
# config:
# { name: backend, type: str, value: "Google Translate", description: backend title }
# { name: api_key, type: str, value: "", description: API key }
# { name: email, type: str, value: "", description: MyMemory email }
# { name: cmd, type: str, description: cli program, value: "translate-cli -o {text}" }
# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring, missing-function-docstring, missing-class-docstring, line-too-long
# pylint: disable=useless-object-inheritance, import-outside-toplevel
# Different online service backends and http interfaces are now coalesced here.
# Each class handles sentence/blockwise transfer to one of the online machine
# translators to get text snippets transformed.
# The primary function is .translate(), with .linebreakwise() being used for
# table-cell snippets. Language from/to are passed through .__init__(params).
# translate-python or deep-translator are loaded on demand, as to not impose
# a dependency unless the according backends are actually used. Configuration
# now uses params["backend"] with some fuzzy title mapping in assign_service().
# modules
import re
import json
import time
import uuid
import html
import random
#import sys
#import os
import functools
import subprocess
import shlex
import logging as log
from traceback import format_exc
from httprequests import http, quote_plus, update_headers
class rx: # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods
#""" regex shorthands """
# Google Translate
gtrans = re.compile('class="(?:t0|result-container)">(.+?)</div>', re.S)
# content detection
empty = re.compile(r"^[\s\d,.:;Β§():-]+$")
letters = re.compile(r"\w\w+", re.UNICODE)
breakln = re.compile(r"\s?/\s?#\s?Β§\s?/\s?", re.UNICODE)
# spliterate, strip last space
lastspace = re.compile(r"\s$")
# OpenOffice content.xml
office_xml = re.compile(r'(<text:(?:span|p)\b[^>]+>)([\w\s,.]+[^<]*)(?=<)', re.S|re.UNICODE)
def split(length=1900):
""" split text at period, or space nearing max length """
return re.compile(
r"( .{1,%s} \. | .{1,%s} $ | .{1,%s} \s | .*$ )" % (round(length * 0.95), length, length),
re.S | re.X
# base class for all backends
class BackendUtils(object):
Main API is .translate() and .linebreakwise().
With .skip() now also invoked from main to ignore empty text portions.
match = r"ab$tract" # regex for assign_service()
requires_key = True # π documents api_key dependency
raises_error = False # π "forgiving" backends (Google) just return original text
is_tested = 1.0 # π actually probed for functionality
privacy = 0.0 # π rough privacy/sensitivity score
lang_detect = "-" # π service understands source="auto"?
max_len = 1900 # translate/spliterate segmenting
def __init__(self, **params):
""" Store and prepare some parameters (**params contains lang= and from=). """
self.params = params
self.log = log.getLogger(type(self).__name__)
# inject to http instance
if params.get("office"):
def fetch(self, text): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
""" Usually does the actual requests, etc. But .translate() is the primary entry point, and sometimes does all work. """
return text
def html_unescape(text):
""" decode HTML entities """
return html.unescape(text)
except Exception:
return text.replace("'", "'").replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">").replace(""", '"')
def skip(self, text):
""" Skip snippets that are empty-ish or too short for translating. """
if len(text) < 2:
return True
if rx.empty.match(text):
return True
if not rx.letters.search(text):
return True
return False
def source_lang(self, text, lang=None):
""" language detection (if from==auto, try to deduce it; required by some backends) """
lang = lang or self.params["from"]
if lang in ("auto", "", "select"):
import langdetect
lang = langdetect.detect(text)
except ImportError:
self.log.warning("`pip install langdetect` for best results\n%s", format_exc())
lang = "en"
return lang
def non_auto_lang(self, none=None):
""" return source lang, unless 'auto' """
if self.params["from"] in ("auto", "", "select"):
return none
return self.params["from"]
def translate(self, text):
Iterate over text segments (1900 char limit).
A lot of backends just override this rather than .fetch(), if no
text segmentation is necessary (max_len text size limits).
if self.skip(text):
return text
if len(text) >= self.max_len:
return " ".join(self.spliterate(text))
# else
return self.fetch(text)
def spliterate(self, text):
""" generator: segment text into chunks """
self.log.debug("spliterate/%s+", self.max_len)
for segment in rx.split(self.max_len).findall(text):
segment = rx.lastspace.sub("", segment)
if self.skip(segment):
if len(segment):
yield segment
yield self.fetch(segment)
def linebreakwise(self, text):
""" translate w/ preserving paragraph breaks (meant for table cell content) """
if not self.params.get("quick"):
# split on linebreaks and translate each individually
text = "\n\n".join(self.translate(text) for text in text.split("\n\n"))
# use temporary placeholder `/#Β§/`
text = self.translate(text.replace("\n\n", u"/#Β§/"))
text = re.sub(rx.breakln, "\n\n", text)
return text
def xml(self, xml):
""" translate <text:p> β¦ </text:p> snippets in Office docs """
return rx.office_xml.sub(
lambda m: m.group(1) + self.linebreakwise(m.group(2)),
def from_words(func):
""" decorator: translate word-wise (pons, linguee) """
def iterate(text):
# lookup all words first (minimize duplicates)
words = {
word: func(word) for word in list(set(
re.findall(r"(\w+)", text)
# then substitue occurences
text = re.sub(
lambda m: words.get(m[0], m[0]),
return text
return iterate
def silence(func):
""" decorator: dictionary backends return too many faults """
def catch_func(text):
return func(text)
except Exception:
return text
return catch_func
def lang_lookup(self, func, default=None):
""" decorator: implicit .source_lang() application from first text snippet/word """
def source_lang(text):
self.params["from"] = self.source_lang(text, lang=default)
return func(text)
return source_lang
def subclasses(base=None):
""" recurse subclasses """
collect = (base or BackendUtils).__subclasses__()
for cls in collect:
return list(set(collect))
def __str__(self):
""" Summary with type/params and overriden funcs. """
funcs = dict(list(
set(self.__class__.__dict__.items()) - set(BackendUtils.__dict__.items())
return "<translationbackends.%s lang=%s from=%s {%s}>" % (
self.__class__.__name__, self.params["lang"], self.params["from"],
" ".join(".%s" % func for func in funcs)
except Exception:
return str(self.__class__.__name__)
# Google Translate (default backend)
# Β· calls mobile page http://translate.google.com/m?hl=en&sl=auto&q=TRANSLATE
# Β· iterates over each 1900 characters
class GoogleWeb(BackendUtils):
""" broadest language support (130) """
match = r"^google$ | ^google [\s\-_]* (translate|web)$"
raises_error = False
requires_key = False
lang_detect = "auto"
is_tested = 1.0 # main backend, well tested
privacy = 0.1 # Google
max_len = 1900
# request text translation from google
def fetch(self, text):
dst_lang = self.params["lang"]
src_lang = self.params["from"] # "auto" works
# fetch translation page
url = "https://translate.google.com/m?tl=%s&hl=%s&sl=%s&q=%s" % (
dst_lang, dst_lang, src_lang, quote_plus(text.encode("utf-8"))
result = http.get(url).text
# extract content from text <div>
found = rx.gtrans.search(result)
if found:
text = found.group(1)
text = self.html_unescape(text)
self.log.warning("NO TRANSLATION RESULT EXTRACTED: %s", html)
self.log.debug("ORIG TEXT: %r", text)
return text
# available languages
def get_langs(self):
html = http.get("https://translate.google.com/").text
rewr_html = """
<div class="qSb8Pe" jsname="sgblj" data-language-code="hu" tabindex="0"><div class="l7O9Dc"><i class="material-icons-extended VfPpkd-kBDsod hsfpcd" aria-hidden="true" lang="">check</i><i class="material-icons-extended VfPpkd-kBDsod S3Dwie" aria-hidden="true" lang="">history</i></div><div class="Llmcnf" jsname="Lm8Uhb">Hungarian</div></div>
return re.findall(
r'''<option value="([\w-]+)">''',
# r'''\bdata-language-code="([\w-]+)"(?=[\s>])''',
# variant that uses the AJAX or API interface
class GoogleAjax(BackendUtils):
""" alternative/faster interface """
match = r"^google.*ajax"
raises_error = False
requires_key = False
lang_detect = "auto"
is_tested = 0.9 # main backend
privacy = 0.1 # Google
max_len = 1900
# request text translation from google
def fetch(self, text):
resp = http.get(
"client": "gtx",
"sl": self.params["from"],
"tl": self.params["lang"],
"dt": "t",
"q": text
if resp.status_code == 200:
resp = resp.json() # request result should be JSON, else client was probably blocked
#log.debug("'" + text + "' ==> " + repr(r))
text = "".join([s[0] for s in resp[0]]) # result is usually wrapped in three lists [[[u"translated text", u"original", None, None, 3, None, None, [[]] β one per sentence
self.log.debug("AJAX ERROR: %r", resp)
return text
# Cloud API variant
class GoogleCloud(BackendUtils):
""" commercial GTrans variant """
match = r"^google.*(cloud|api)"
requires_key = True
raises_error = True
lang_detect = "auto"
is_tested = 0.0 # can't be bothered to get a key
privacy = 0.3 # more private, but still Google
max_len = 1<<16 # probably unlimited
def translate(self, text):
resp = http.get(
"q": text,
"target": self.params["lang"],
"source": self.params["from"],
"key": self.params["api_key"],
return resp.json()["data"]["translations"][0]["translatedText"]
# DuckDuckGo translation box utilizes a privacy-filtered Microsoft
# translator instance.
# It merley requires looking up a session id, and is otherwise a
# rather trivial API.
class DuckDuckGo(BackendUtils):
""" 85 languages, MS Translte w/ privacy """
match = r"^duck | duckduck | duckgo | ^DDG"
requires_key = False
raises_error = True
lang_detect = "auto"
is_tested = 0.9 # regularly tested
privacy = 0.9 # reputation
max_len = 2000
def __init__(self, **params):
BackendUtils.__init__(self, **params)
# fetch likely search page
vqd = re.findall(
r""" (?: [;&] \s* vqd= ['"]? ) (\d[\w\-]+) """,
self.log.debug("session=%s", vqd)
self.sess = vqd[0]
self.linebreakwise = self.fetch # text/plain respects them already
def fetch(self, text):
# simple parameterization
query = "vqd=" + self.sess + "&query=translate"
query += "&to=" + self.params["lang"]
if self.params["from"] != "auto":
query += "&from=" + self.params["from"]
# get result
resp = http.post(
"https://duckduckgo.com/translation.js?" + query,
"Content-Type": "text/plain",
# else we got something
return resp.json()["translated"]
# PONS text translation
# This is a mix of web scraping and API usage. It's not an official API,
# so unlikely to last. Unlike the PonsTranslator in D-L, this one uses
# the full text translation interface, not the dictionary.
class PonsWeb(BackendUtils):
""" 35 languages, screen scraping+API """
match = r"^pons \s* (text|web|$)"
requires_key = False
raises_error = False # well, silent per default, only for API rejects
lang_detect = "auto"
is_tested = 0.5 # infrequent
privacy = 0.2 # GDPR, but unclear
max_len = 5000
init_url = "https://en.pons.com/text-translation"
api_url = "https://api.pons.com/text-translation-web/v4/translate?locale=en"
def __init__(self, **params):
BackendUtils.__init__(self, **params)
self.session = self.impression_id()
# fetch from v4 api
def fetch(self, text):
resp = http.post(
"impressionId": self.session,
"sourceLanguage": self.non_auto_lang(None),
"targetLanguage": self.params["lang"],
"text": text,
if resp.get("error"):
raise RuntimeError(resp)
if resp.get("text"):
#self.log.debug(f"'{text}' ==> {repr(resp)} // {src_lang}β{dst_lang}")
return resp["text"]
# else keep original
return text
# invoked once to get session identifier
def impression_id(self):
return re.findall(
r""" ["']?impressionId["']? \s*[:=]\s* ["'](\w+-[\w-]+-\w+)["'] """,
# Some instances work without api_key (but quickly "flood"-block).
# So libretranslate.com (for pay) is probably more robust.
# However, it's basically just ArgosTranslate, so the builtin version
# or CLI invocation might be simpler.
# Local instances also possible: https://github.com/LibreTranslate/LibreTranslate
class LibreTranslate(BackendUtils):
""" online instaces of Argos/OpenNMT """
match = r"^libre"
requires_key = True
raises_error = True
lang_detect = "langdetect"
is_tested = 0.7 # passing
privacy = 0.0 # no statement
api_url = "https://libretranslate.com/translate"
api_free = [ # https://github.com/LibreTranslate/LibreTranslate#mirrors
api_local = "http://localhost:5000/translate"
def __init__(self, **params):
BackendUtils.__init__(self, **params)
# alternate
if not params["api_key"]:
self.api_url = random.choice(self.api_free)
# local
local = re.findall(r"(https?://\S+)", params["backend"])
if local:
self.api_url = local[0]
def translate(self, text):
resp = http.post(
"q": text,
"source": self.source_lang(text),
"target": self.params["lang"],
"api_key": self.params.get("api_key", ""),
"format": "text",
# "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data",
if resp.status_code == 200:
return resp.json()["translatedText"]
# for once return error
raise ConnectionRefusedError(resp, resp.content)
# DeepL online translator
# Β· will easily yield HTTP 429 Too many requests,
# so probably not useful for multi-paragraph translation anyway (just text selections)
# Β· a convoluted json-rpc interface (but hints at context-sensitive language recognition)
# Β· mostly here for testing if DeepL yields better results for your text documents
class DeeplWeb(BackendUtils):
""" 15 langs, screen scraping access """
match = r"^deepl [\s_\-]* web"
requires_key = False
raises_error = True
lang_detect = "auto" # source_lang_user_selected
is_tested = 0.5 # infrequent checks
privacy = 0.1 # public api
max_len = 1000
def __init__(self, **params):
BackendUtils.__init__(self, **params)
self.lang = params["lang"].upper()
self.id_ = random.randrange(202002000, 959009000) # e.g. 702005000, arbitrary, part of jsonrpc req-resp association
self.sess = str(uuid.uuid4()) # e.g. 233beb7c-96bc-459c-ae20-157c0bebb2e4
self.dap_uid = "" # e.g. ef629644-3d1b-41a4-a2de-0626d23c99ee
# fetch homepage (redundant)
self.versions = dict(
http.get("https://www.deepl.com/translator").text # should fetch us the cookie / No, it doesn't
self.log.debug("versions=%s", self.versions)
# instanceId from clientStateβ¦
resp = http.post(
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "getClientState",
"params": {
"clientVars": {
"v": "20180814"
"id": self.get_id()
self.inst = resp.json()["clientVars"]["uid"] # no longer there
except Exception:
self.log.info("JSON extract failed: %s %r", resp, resp.content)
self.dap_uid = resp.cookies.get_dict().get("dapUid")
self.dap_sid = resp.cookies.get_dict().get("dapSid")
# aquire LMTBID cookie (not sure if needed)
cookie = http.post(
"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "WebAppPushStatistics", "id": self.get_id(),
"params": {
"value": {
"instanceId": self.dap_uid,
"sessionId": self.sess,
"userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:72.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/72.0",
"resolution": {"width": 1920, "height": 1080, "devicePixelRatio": 1, "viewportWidth": 1900, "viewportHeight": 916},
"data": {"referrer": ""}
self.log.info("%r", self.__dict__)
def get_id(self):
self.id_ += 1
return self.id_
def rpc(self, text):
return json.dumps({
"id": self.get_id(),
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "LMT_handle_jobs",
"params": {
"commonJobParams" : {
"browserType": 1,
"formality": None,
"mode": "translate",
#"regionalVariant": "en-GB",
"jobs": [
"kind": "default",
"preferred_num_beams": 4,
"raw_en_context_after": [],
"raw_en_context_before": [],
"raw_en_sentence": text,
#"sentences": [{"id": 0, "prefix": "", "text": text}]
"quality": "fast"
"lang": {
"user_preferred_langs": [
"source_lang_user_selected": "auto",
#"source_lang_computed": self.params["from"],
"target_lang": self.lang,
"priority": -1,
"timestamp": int(time.time()*1000),
def fetch(self, text):
# delay?
time.sleep(random.randrange(1, 15) / 10.0)
# request
resp = http.post(
headers={"Referer": "https://www.deepl.com/translator", "Content-Type": "application/json"}
# decode
resp = resp.json()
self.log.info("json = %r", resp)
if resp.get("result"):
return resp["result"]["translations"][0]["beams"][0]["postprocessed_sentence"]
# else return original
return text
# DeepL API
# So, there's a free API and the pro API now. This might make the _web scraping
# dancearound redundant. The free API is certainly more enticing for testing.
# In general, DeepL provides a more streamlined translation than GoogleWeb.
# It's mostly in here because the API is quite simple. (Rudimentarily tested)
class DeeplApi(DeeplWeb):
""" High quality AI translation, 15 langs"""
match = r"^deepl (free|translate|api|pro[\s/_-])*"
requires_key = True
raises_error = True
lang_detect = "auto"
is_tested = 0.1 # only free ever tested
privacy = 0.6 # GDPR, excluding free version
max_len = 50000
api_url = "https://api.deepl.com/v2/translate"
api_free = "https://api-free.deepl.com/v2/translate"
headers = {}
def __init__(self, **params):
DeeplWeb.__init__(self, **params)
self.headers = {
"Authorization": "DeepL-Auth-Key " + self.params["api_key"],
# confirmed: if key ends in :fx - https://www.deepl.com/docs-api/api-access/general-information/
if re.search(r":fx\s*$", self.params["api_key"], re.I):
self.api_url = self.api_free
def translate(self, text, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
# https://www.deepl.com/docs-api/translating-text/request/
params = {
"text": text,
"target_lang": self.params["lang"],
"source_lang": self.non_auto_lang(None), # from if not 'auto'
"split_sentences": "1",
"formality": "default",
self.log.debug("p=%s h=%s", params, self.headers)
resp = http.post(
if resp.status_code == 200:
resp = resp.json().get("translations")
if resp:
return resp[0]["text"]
if resp.status_code == 403:
resp.status = "Authorization/API key invalid"
if not hasattr(resp, "status"):
resp.status = "???"
raise ConnectionRefusedError(resp.status_code, resp.status, resp.headers)
return text
def linebreakwise(self, text):
return self.translate(text, preserve_formatting="1")
def xml(self, xml):
""" proper XML document handling here (no snippet segmenting) """
return self.translate(xml, tag_handling="xml", split_sentences="nonewlines", non_splitting_tags="text:span") #, outline_detection=0 ?
# deep-translator
# requires `pip install deep-translator`
# Β· more backends than pytranslate,
# though PONS+Linguee are just dictionaries
# β https://github.com/nidhaloff/deep-translator
class DeepTranslator(BackendUtils):
""" Diverse services, text + dictionary """
match = r"linguee | pons\sdict | QCRI | yandex | libre | ^D-?T: | \(D-?T\)"
requires_key = False # Well, sometimes
raises_error = True
lang_detect = "mixed"
is_tested = 0.5 # quality varies between D-T handlers
privacy = 0.0 # mixed backends
identify = [
"linguee", "pons", "qcri", "yandex", "deepl", "free",
"microsoft", "papago", "libre", "google"
def __init__(self, **params):
# config+argparse
BackendUtils.__init__(self, **params)
# map to backends / uniform decorators
pick = params.get("backend", "Pons")
self.backends = [
name for name in self.identify if re.search(name, pick, re.I)
self.log.info("backends = %s", self.backends)
# prepare args
self.args = {
"source": self.coarse_lang(params.get("from", "auto")),
"target": self.coarse_lang(params.get("lang", "en")),
"api_key": params["api_key"],
"use_free_api": "free" in self.backends,
if "papago" in self.backends:
self.args["client_id"], self.args["secret_key"] = params["api_key"].split(":") # api_key must contain `clientid:clientsecret`
# handler, wrap, assign
self.translate = self.wrap(self.assign_backend())
# import actual backend from deep_translator (somewhat aligned API now)
def assign_backend(self):
from deep_translator.engines import __engines__ # maps short names to classes
# instantiate
handler = __engines__.get(self.backends[0])
return handler(**self.args).translate
# apply decorators
def wrap(self, func):
flags = {
self.silence: {"linguee", "pons"},
self.from_words: {"linguee", "pons"},
self.lang_lookup: {"linguee", "pons", "libre"},
for wrap, when in flags.items():
if set(self.backends) & set(when):
log.debug("wrap %s with %s", func, wrap)
func = wrap(func)
return func
# shorten language co-DE to just two-letter moniker
def coarse_lang(lang):
if lang.find("-") > 0:
lang = re.sub(r"(?<!zh)-\w+", "", lang)
return lang
# Online version of deep-translator (potential workaround for Python2-compat)
class DeepTransApi(DeepTranslator):
""" Online interface API """
match = r"deep-?(trans|translator)-*(api|online) | ^DT[AO]:"
requires_key = False # Well, sometimes
raises_error = True
lang_detect = "mixed"
is_tested = 0.4 # though this one seems stable
privacy = 0.0 # mixed backends
api_url = "https://deep-translator-api.azurewebsites.net/%s/"
def assign_backend(self):
# just store backend here:
if self.backends:
self.backend = self.backends[0]
self.backend = "google"
# overrides self.translate==None
return self.translate_api
def translate_api(self, text):
# https://deep-translator-api.azurewebsites.net/docs
self.args["text"] = text
resp = http.post(
self.api_url % self.backend,
return resp.json()["translation"]
# MyMemory, only allows max 500 bytes input per API request. Requires langdetect
# because there's no "auto" detection.
# errs:
class MyMemory(BackendUtils):
""" Dictionary-based, 140 languages """
match = r"^mymemory | translated\.net"
requires_key = False
raises_error = True
lang_detect = "langdetect"
is_tested = 0.5 # infrequent
privacy = 0.0 # might even leave traces in accumulation
max_len = 5000
def fetch(self, text):
src_lang = self.source_lang(text)
dst_lang = self.params["lang"]
if dst_lang == src_lang:
self.log.info("Skipping "+src_lang+"|"+dst_lang)
return text
# doc: https://mymemory.translated.net/doc/spec.php
url = "https://api.mymemory.translated.net/get?q=%s&langpair=%s|%s&of=json&mt=1" % (
quote_plus(text.encode("utf-8")), src_lang, dst_lang
if self.params.get("email"):
url = url + "&de=" + self.params["email"]
# any exceptions are covered in main
j = http.get(url).json()
if j["responseStatus"] in ("200", 200):
text = j["responseData"]["translatedText"]
# or match[0]β¦
raise RuntimeError(j)
return text
# Invokes a commandline tool for translating texts.
# The "cmd" can be:
# `translate-cli -t {text}`
# Or
# `deep_translator -trans "google" -src "auto" -tg {lang} -txt {text}`
# No need to quote placeholders {}, {text} or {lang} in the command.
class CommandLine(BackendUtils):
""" Diverse backends """
match = r"^command | ^CLI | tool | program"
requires_key = False
raises_error = False
lang_detect = "mixed"
is_tested = 0.5 # infrequent
privacy = 0.0 # mixed
def __init__(self, **params):
BackendUtils.__init__(self, **params)
self.cmd = params.get("cmd", "translate-cli -o -f auto -t {lang} {text}")
# pipe text through external program
def translate(self, text):
cmd = [self.repl(arg, text, self.params) for arg in shlex.split(self.cmd)]
self.log.info("cmd = %r", cmd)
proc = subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True)
return proc.stdout.decode("utf-8")
except AttributeError:
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return proc.stdout.read().decode("utf-8")
# substitute placeholders: {}, {text} or $lang or %source% ToDo: β move to rx.?
def repl(arg, text, params):
repl = {
r"text|\}": text,
r"lang|target|to": params["lang"],
r"from|source": params["from"]
for key, value in repl.items():
if re.match(r"""^["']?[\{%$]""" + key + r"""[\}%$]?["']?$""", arg):
return value
return arg
# SYSTRAN Translate API
# Β· https://docs.systran.net/translateAPI/translation/
# Β· also requires an API key (trial subscriptions are working meanwhile)
# Β· SysTran contributed to/developed OpenNMT (hence ArgosTranslate)
class SysTran(BackendUtils):
""" professional service, 50 languages """
match = r"^systran"
requires_key = True
raises_error = True
lang_detect = "auto"
is_tested = 0.2 # actually tested now
privacy = 0.8 # GDPR compliant
max_len = 10000
api_url = "https://api-translate.systran.net/translation/text/translate"
def fetch(self, text):
resp = http.post(
"input": text,
"target": self.params["lang"],
"source": self.params["from"],
"Authorization": "Key " + self.params["api_key"]
data = resp.json() # if not JSON response, we probably ran into a HTTP/API error
if resp.status_code != 200:
raise Exception(data, resp.headers)
# nested result structure
return data["outputs"][0]["output"]
# ArgosTranslate
# Β· offline translation package (OpenNMT)
# Β· comes with a GUI to install readymade models
# Β· only works with distro-supplied libreoffice+python binding, not any /opt/β¦ setups
class ArgosNmt(BackendUtils):
""" Language combos hinge on trained models"""
match = r"^argos | NMT"
requires_key = False
raises_error = True
lang_detect = "langdetect"
is_tested = 0.7 # infrequent, but seems stable
privacy = 1.0 # local setup
def chpath(self):
pass # PYTHONPATH has no effect on numpy import errors, seems to work only with distro-bound python installs
def translate(self, text):
target = self.params["lang"]
source = self.source_lang(text)
if source == target:
raise ValueError("Can't have same source and target language")
pair = self.get_langpair(source, target)
return pair.translate(text)
#self.translate = pair.translate
def get_langpair(source, target):
import argostranslate.translate
model = {
m.code: m for m in argostranslate.translate.get_installed_languages()
return model[source].get_translation(model[target])
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Requested language model/pair ({}β{}) not found, use `argos-translate-gui` to download/install the combination".format(source, target))
# maps a pagetranslate.t.* object (in main module), according to configured backend (now a string)
def assign_service(params):
dropdown = params.get("backend", "Google")
for handler in BackendUtils.subclasses():
if re.search(handler.match, dropdown, re.I|re.X):
handler = GoogleWeb
return handler(**params)