# encoding: utf-8
# api: python
##type: extract
# category: config
# title: Plugin configuration
# description: Read meta data, pyz/package contents, module locating
# version: 0.7.8
# state: stable
# classifiers: documentation
# license: PD
# priority: core
# docs: https://fossil.include-once.org/pluginspec/
# url: http://fossil.include-once.org/streamtuner2/wiki/plugin+meta+data
# config: -
# format: off
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# console-scripts: flit-pluginconf=pluginconf.flit:main
# Provides plugin lookup and meta data extraction utility functions.
# It's used to abstract module+option management in applications.
# For consolidating internal use and external/tool accessibility.
# The key:value format is language-agnostic. It's basically YAML in
# a topmost script comment. For Python only # hash comments though.
# Uses common field names, a documentation block, and an obvious
# `config: { .. }` spec for options and defaults.
# It neither imposes a specific module/plugin API, nor config storage,
# and doesn't fixate module loading. It's really just meant to look
# up meta infos.
# This approach avoids in-code values/inspection, externalized meta
# descriptors, and any hodgepodge or premature module loading just to
# uncover module description fields.
# plugin_meta()
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Is the primary function to extract a meta dictionary from files.
# It either reads from a given module= name, a literal fn=, or just
# src= code, and as fallback inspects the last stack frame= else.
# module_list()
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Returns basenames of available/installed plugins. It uses the
# plugin_base=[] list for module relation. Which needs to be set up
# beforehand, or injected.
# add_plugin_defaults()
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Populates a config_options{} and plugin_states{} list. Used for
# initial setup, or when adding new plugins, etc. Both dicts might
# also be ConfigParser stores, or implement magic __set__ handling
# to act on state changes.
# get_data()
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Is mostly an alias for pkgutil.get_data(). It abstracts the main
# base path, allows PYZ usage, and adds some convenience flags.‾
# It's somewhat off-scope for plugin management, but used internally.
# argparse_map()
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Converts a list of config: options with arg: attribute for use as
# argparser parameters.
# Generally this scheme concerns itself more with plugin basenames.
# That is: module scripts in a package like `ext.plg1` and `ext.plg2`.
# It can be initialized by injecting the plugin-package basename into
# plugin_base = []. The associated paths will be used for module
# lookup via pkgutil.iter_modules().
# And a central module can be extended with new lookup locations best
# by attaching new locations itself via module.__path__ + ["./local"]
# for example.
# Plugin loading thus becomes as simple as __import__("ext.local").
# The attached plugin_state config dictionary in most cases can just
# list module basenames, if there's only one set to manage.
""" Plugin meta extraction and module lookup"""
import sys
import os
import re
import functools
import pkgutil
import inspect
from gzip import decompress as gzip_decode # Py3 only
except ImportError:
from compat2and3 import gzip_decode # st2 stub
except ImportError:
import zlib
def gzip_decode(bytestr):
""" haphazard workaround """
return zlib.decompress(bytestr, 16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS)
import zipfile
import argparse
__all__ = [
"get_data", "module_list", "plugin_meta", "add_plugin_defaults"
# Injectables
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
""" injectable callback function for logging """
log_ERR = lambda *x: None
File lookup relation for get_data(), should name a top-level package.
(Equivalent PluginBase(package=…))
module_base = "config"
Package/module names for module_list() and plugin_meta() lookups.
All associated paths will be scanned for module/plugin basenames.
(Equivalent to `searchpath` in PluginBase)
plugin_base = ["channels"]
""" normalize config type: names to `str`, `text`, `bool`, `int`, `select`, `dict` """
config_opt_type_map = {
"longstr": "text",
"string": "str",
"boolean": "bool",
"checkbox": "bool",
"integer": "int",
"number": "int",
"choice": "select",
"options": "select",
"table": "dict",
"array": "dict"
# Compatiblity
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
def renamed_arguments(renamed):
""" map old argument names """
def wrapped(func):
def execute(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **{
renamed.get(key, key): value
for key, value in kwargs.items()
functools.update_wrapper(execute, func)
return execute
return wrapped
# Resource retrieval
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
@renamed_arguments({"fn": "filename", "gz": "gzip"})
def get_data(filename, decode=False, gzip=False, file_base=None):
Fetches file content from install path or from within PYZ
archive. This is just an alias and convenience wrapper for
Utilizes the module_base / plugin_base as top-level reference.
:arg str fn: filename in pyz or bundle
:arg bool decode: text file decoding utf-8
:arg bool gz: automatic gzdecode
:arg str file_base: alternative base module reference
data = pkgutil.get_data(file_base or module_base, filename)
if gzip:
data = gzip_decode(data)
if decode:
return data.decode("utf-8", errors='ignore')
return str(data)
# log_ERR("get_data() didn't find:", fn, "in", file_base)
# Plugin name lookup
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
def module_list(extra_paths=None):
Search through ./plugins/ (and other configured plugin_base
names → paths) and get module basenames.
:arg list extra_paths: in addition to plugin_base list
# Convert plugin_base package names into paths for iter_modules
paths = []
for module_or_path in plugin_base:
if sys.modules.get(module_or_path):
paths += sys.modules[module_or_path].__path__
elif os.path.exists(module_or_path):
# Should list plugins within zips as well as local paths
dirs = pkgutil.iter_modules(paths + (extra_paths or []))
return [name for loader, name, ispkg in dirs]
# Plugin => meta dict
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
def all_plugin_meta():
This is a trivial wrapper to assemble a complete dictionary
of available/installed plugins. It associates each plugin name
with a its meta{} fields.
return {
name: plugin_meta(module=name) for name in module_list()
# Plugin meta data extraction
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
@renamed_arguments({"fn": "filename"})
def plugin_meta(filename=None, src=None, module=None, frame=1, **kwargs):
Extract plugin meta data block from different sources:
:arg str filename: read literal files, or .pyz contents
:arg str src: from already uncovered script code
:arg str module: lookup per pkgutil, from plugin_base or top-level modules
:arg int frame: extract comment header of caller (default)
:arg list extra_base: additional search directories
:arg ist max_length: maximum size to read from files
# Try via pkgutil first,
# find any plugins.* modules, or main packages
if module:
filename = module
for base in plugin_base + kwargs.get("extra_base", []):
src = get_data(filename=filename+".py", decode=True, file_base=base)
if src:
continue # plugin_meta_extract() will print a notice later
# Real filename/path
elif filename and os.path.exists(filename):
src = open(filename).read(kwargs.get("max_length", 6144))
# Else get source directly from caller
elif not src and not filename:
module = inspect.getmodule(sys._getframe(frame+1)) # decorator+1
filename = inspect.getsourcefile(module)
src = inspect.getcomments(module)
# Assume it's a filename matches …/base.zip/…/int.py
elif filename:
int_fn = ""
while len(filename) and not os.path.exists(filename): # pylint: disable=len-as-condition
filename, add = os.path.split(filename)
int_fn = add + "/" + int_fn
if len(filename) >= 3 and int_fn and zipfile.is_zipfile(filename):
src = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, "r").read(int_fn.strip("/"))
# Extract source comment into meta dict
if not src:
src = ""
if not isinstance(src, str):
src = src.decode("utf-8", errors='replace')
return plugin_meta_extract(src, filename)
# Comment and field extraction logic
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
@renamed_arguments({"fn": "filename"})
def plugin_meta_extract(src="", filename=None, literal=False):
Finds the first comment block. Splits key:value header
fields from comment. Turns everything into an dict, with
some stub fields if absent.
:arg str src: from existing source code
:arg int filename: set filename attribute
:arg bool literla: just split comment from doc
# Defaults
meta = {
"id": os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename or ""))[0],
"fn": filename,
"api": "python",
"type": "module",
"category": None,
"priority": None,
"version": "0",
"title": filename,
"description": "no description",
"config": [],
"doc": ""
# Extract coherent comment block
src = src.replace("\r", "")
if not literal:
src = rx.comment.search(src)
if not src:
log_ERR("Couldn't read source meta information:", filename)
return meta
src = src.group(0)
src = rx.hash.sub("", src).strip()
# Split comment block
if src.find("\n\n") > 0:
src, meta["doc"] = src.split("\n\n", 1)
# Turn key:value lines into dictionary
for field in rx.keyval.findall(src):
meta[field[0].replace("-", "_")] = field[1].strip()
meta["config"] = plugin_meta_config(meta.get("config") or "")
return meta
# Unpack config: structures
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
def plugin_meta_config(src):
Further breaks up the meta['config'] descriptor.
Creates an array from JSON/YAML option lists.
:arg str src: unprocessed config: field
Stubs out name, value, type, description if absent.
# config:
{ name: 'var1', type: text, value: "default, ..." }
{ name=option2, type=boolean, $value=1, etc. }
config = []
for entry in rx.config.findall(src):
entry = entry[0] or entry[1]
opt = {
"type": None,
"name": None,
"description": "",
"value": None
for field in rx.options.findall(entry):
opt[field[0]] = (field[1] or field[2] or field[3] or "").strip()
# normalize type
opt["type"] = config_opt_type_map.get(opt["type"], opt["type"] or "str")
# preparse select:
if opt.get("select"):
opt["select"] = config_opt_parse_select(opt.get("select", ""))
return config
# split up `select: 1=on|2=more|3=title` or `select: foo|bar|lists`
def config_opt_parse_select(select):
""" unpack 1|2|3 or title=lists """
if re.search("([=:])", select):
return dict(rx.select_dict.findall(select))
return {val: val for val in rx.select_list.findall(select)}
# Comment extraction regexps
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
class rx:
Pretty crude comment splitting approach. But works
well enough already. Technically a YAML parser would
do better; but is likely overkill.
comment = re.compile(r"""(^ {0,4}#.*\n)+""", re.M)
hash = re.compile(r"""(^ {0,4}#{1,2} {0,3}\r*)""", re.M)
keyval = re.compile(r"""
^([\w-]+):(.*$(?:\n(?![\w-]+:).+$)*) # plain key:value lines
""", re.M | re.X)
config = re.compile(r"""
\{ ((?: [^\{\}]+ | \{[^\}]*\} )+) \} # JSOL/YAML scheme {...} dicts
| \< (.+?) \> # old <input> HTML style
""", re.X)
options = re.compile(r"""
["':$]? (\w*) ["']? # key or ":key" or '$key'
\s* [:=] \s* # "=" or ":"
(?: " ([^"]*) "
| ' ([^']*) ' # "quoted" or 'singl' values
| ([^,]*) # or unquoted literals
""", re.X)
select_dict = re.compile(r"(\w+)\s*[=:>]+\s*([^=,|:]+)")
select_list = re.compile(r"\s*([^,|;]+)\s*")
# ArgumentParser options conversion
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
def argparse_map(opt):
As variation of in-application config: options, this method converts
cmdline argument specifiers.
# config:
{ arg: -i, name: input[], type: str, description: input files }
Which allows to collect argumentparser options from different plugins.
The only difference to normal config entries is the `arg:` attribute.
· It adds array arguments with a [] name suffix, or a `*` type suffix.
Else even a `?` or `+` and numeric counts after the type flag.
· Understands the types `str`, `int` and `bool`.
· Entries may carry a `hidden: 1` or `required: 1` attribute.
· And `help:` is an alias to `description:`
And `default:` an alias for `value:`
· While `type: select` utilizes the `select: a|b|c` format as usual.
ArgParsers const=, metavar= flag, or type=file are not aliased here.
Basically returns a dictionary that can be fed per **kwargs directly
to an ArgumentParsers add_argument(). Iterate over each plugins
meta['config'][] options to convert them.
if not ("arg" in opt and opt["name"] and opt["type"]):
return {}
# Extract --flag names
args = opt["arg"].split() + re.findall(r"-+\w+", opt["name"])
# Prepare mapping options
typing = re.findall(r"bool|str|\[\]|const|false|true", opt["type"])
naming = re.findall(r"\[\]", opt["name"])
name = re.findall(r"(?<!-)\b\w+", opt["name"])
nargs = re.findall(r"\b\d+\b|[\?\*\+]", opt["type"]) or [None]
is_arr = "[]" in (naming + typing) and nargs == [None]
is_bool = "bool" in typing
false_b = "false" in typing or opt["value"] in ("0", "false")
# print("\nname=", name, "is_arr=", is_arr, "is_bool=", is_bool,
# "bool_d=", false_b, "naming=", naming, "typing=", typing)
# Populate combination as far as ArgumentParser permits
# pylint: disable=bad-whitespace, bad-continuation
kwargs = dict(
args = args,
dest = name[0] if not name[0] in args else None,
action = is_arr and "append"
or is_bool and false_b and "store_false"
or is_bool and "store_true" or "store",
nargs = nargs[0],
default = opt.get("default") or opt["value"],
type = None if is_bool else ("int" in typing and int
or "bool" in typing and bool or str),
choices = opt["select"].split("|") if "select" in opt else None,
required = "required" in opt or None,
help = opt["description"] if not "hidden" in opt
else argparse.SUPPRESS
return {k: w for k, w in kwargs.items() if w is not None}
# Add plugin defaults to conf.* store
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
def add_plugin_defaults(conf_options, conf_plugins, meta, module=""):
Utility function which collect defaults from plugin meta data to
a config store. Which in the case of streamtuner2 is really just a
dictionary `conf{}` and a plugin list in `conf.plugins{}`.
:arg dict conf_options: storage for amassed options
:arg dict conf_plugins: enable status based on plugin state/priority:
:arg dict meta: input plugin meta data (invoke once per plugin)
:arg str module: module name of meta: block
# Option defaults, if not yet defined
for opt in meta.get("config", []):
if "name" not in opt or "value" not in opt:
_value = opt.get("value", "")
_name = opt.get("name")
_type = opt.get("type")
if _name in conf_options:
# typemap
if _type == "bool":
val = _value.lower() in ("1", "true", "yes", "on")
elif _type == "int":
val = int(_value)
elif _type in ("table", "list"):
val = [
re.split(r"\s*[,;]\s*", s.strip())
for s in re.split(r"\s*[|]\s*", _value)
elif _type == "dict":
val = dict([
re.split(r"\s*(?:=>+|==*|-+>|:=+)\s*", s.strip(), 1)
for s in re.split(r"\s*[|;,]\s*", _value)
val = str(_value)
conf_options[_name] = val
# Initial plugin activation status
if module and module not in conf_plugins:
conf_plugins[module] = meta.get("priority") in (
"core", "builtin", "always", "default", "standard"