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Wiki page [config] by mario on 2018-07-03 20:52:18.
D 2018-07-03T20:52:18.035
L config
N text/x-markdown
P d57c8850770954455be7a06642e391e5c73c0d35353a6128ba509809cba4ec83
U mario
W 3566
## # config:  {…}

The `config:` field is a list of entries describing feature- and
application-level settings.

    # config:
    #    { name: linky, type: bool, description: autolink urls }
    #    { name: xy.title, type: str, value: "blog title" }
    #    { name: perm, type: select, select: 3=USER|2=EX|1=SUP|0=KERN }

[PMD](wiki/Plugin+Meta+Data) is about uniform feature lookup. And
plugin handling goes hand in hand with configuration management.
However it requires a structured field to avoid bulky definitions, yet
support enough variation.

Usually `config:` contains multiple indented lines, each being a
<acronym title="JSON, but quotes optional">JSOL</acronym>-dictionary.

  *  The `name:` associates some variable/constant/expression to a setting.

  *  A few common `type:` names often cover 90% of configuration needs:

       * `bool`/`boolean` would render as checkbox often.

       * `str`/`string` for plain textual content.

       * `int`/`integer` verifies the value to be numeric.

       * `select`/`combo` defining a predefined list of defaults.

  * With `select: "aaa┃bbb┃ccc"` being the alternatives attribute for
    combobox options.

  * `description:` holds some elaboration on the key name.

  * And `value:` just sets a default.

## Storage and key `name:`

Notably this scheme just defines a list of available options. It does **not**
prescribe if they're stored in an `.ini`, `.json`, `xml` or code file, or a database
Applications might utilize different stores even, and dispatch depending on
the `name:` syntax

  * For example `name: ALL_UPPERCASE` might become a code constant,
  * While `name: sectioned.feature.option` indicated an INI setting,
  * Or `name: "$cfg.plugins[after][]"` even a literal code target.

So names can be somewhat free-form. I'd avoid including the `$` sigil
however, or spaces obviously. Mostly-alphunumeric and dotted keys are
certainly most versatile.

## `select:` type and alternatives

The syntax for `select:` is

 * preferrably `"alt|alt|alt"`
 * or with optional title `"1=title|2=alternative|3=…"`.
 * Though implementations may allow to use `,` comma and `|` dash.
 * Or `:` like `=` again.

## Other fields and types

Other per-config attributes migh encompass

 * `category:` and `class:` for decoration or grouping.
 * Or `arg:` and `param:` for defining commandline args rather than global application settings.

Other types might be

 * `text` for lengthy textarea-style strings),
 * `color` for a color picker,
 * `file` bringing up a file selection dialog
 * Or `table`/`csv`/`dict` for supporting more complex (Excel-style) setting lists.

## Regex tokenizer

You can get by with a somewhat simple regex extractor for this config
scheme. It's simply finding `{…}` pairs, then splitting key-value pairs,
and handling optional quoting.

  * Which allows syntax alternatives `[:=>]+` for key-value pairs.

  * Same as shortened/aliased type names add some user-friendliness.

Of course a stringent JSON-parser could be used. But that's obstructing
maintanability, and buys little performance-wise. (Plugin or option
management is rarely done during runtime; but confined to some admin
or installer UI.)

## Purpose

Once config options are easily parseable, it quickly pays off to implement
a centralized option/admin UI. And it sometimes can be combined with plugin
configuration itself. Which is why plugin meta data defines this simple

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