Artifact e84767fa890cb626777753c9c00d8597072076d53f30e66d8f1fdcb6b188359f:

Wiki page [version] by mario on 2018-07-04 19:28:33.
D 2018-07-04T19:28:33.470
L version
N text/x-markdown
P 6dfc8818efc37f2f8487256c64023938adc4cfd26e3f9e3a85ff9d53d1cd916b
U mario
W 614
## # version:

Each plugin may carry its own version number:

    # version: 0.5

Which makes sense as features progress independly of the main application.
It's the whole point of plugin systems to encapsulate functionality.

  * Often it suffices to use MINOR.MAJOR schemes.

  * For larger plugins the more common SEMVER versioning might make sense

  * Patch versions etc. however shouldn't be part of the `version:` field.

Instead one can use [state:](wiki/state), [priority:](wiki/other-fields) or [support:](wiki/other-fields) to expand
on the current code quality/completion.

Z e926a89d8813bca92ff207537a792778