PoshCode Archive  Artifact [00b5997441]

Artifact 00b59974418db9725995037d0a4355485f2ab972c5d771aa4c355f5e3b9fb4e4:

  • File Import-Group-Policies.ps1 — part of check-in [05cedc8a71] at 2018-06-10 13:20:33 on branch trunk — Import Bulk Group Policies by only specifying the import directory. All group policies will be imported to domain. Script is currently only able to be run from Server 2008 R2. (user: Adam Liquorish size: 2209)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Import Group Policies
# description: Import Bulk Group Policies by only specifying the import directory.  All group policies will be imported to domain.  Script is currently only able to be run from Server 2008 R2.
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Adam Liquorish
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 3109
# x-archived: 2012-06-22T17:16:02
# x-published: 2012-12-19T18:50:00
##Import group policies from a folder to a Domain Controller
##Author: Adam Liquorish
##*Currently will only run on Server 2008 R2
##*Script is based on the Microsoft Visual Basic Script for importing group policies.
##*Server doesnt need to be defined as PDC emulator will be contacted by default

######Define Parameters



    HelpMessage="Enter Path for input ie c:\Temp\output.html.")]


    [string]$outputpath=$(Read-Host -prompt "Path for input"),


    HelpMessage="Enter Domain")]


    [string]$computername=$(Read-Host -prompt "Domain Name")

######Import Modules
import-module grouppolicy
######End Import Modules

######Define Variables

#Commented out due to introduction of parameters

#zeroize variables








##Function to take gpo name from each xml

#Start Function

function GPOName ($b)


([xml](get-content $b)).GPO.Name


#End function

$a=get-childitem -recurse $path

$b=$a|where-object {$_.Name -eq "gpreport.xml"}

$c=foreach ($test in $b){GPOName($test.fullname)}


Foreach-object {

#Counter for Progress Bar



#Import GPO

Import-GPO -BackupGpoName $_ -TargetName $_ -path $path -CreateIfNeeded -Dom $domain

#Write Progress

Write-Progress -activity "Adding GPO's" -status "Added $i of $max" -PercentComplete (($i/$b.length)*100) -CurrentOperation $_}

Write-Host "Completed....Total Number of GPO's imported:"$b.length