# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: USB Script backup
# description: Backup any recently changed PowerShell scripts to a USB drive.
# version: 2.0
# type: script
# author: Archdeacon
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 3150
# x-derived-from-id: 3155
# x-archived: 2012-02-01T12:12:07
# x-published: 2012-01-06T21:14:00
Backup-ToUSB.ps1 (Version 2.0, 6 Jan 2012)
The author may be contacted via www.SeaStarDevelopment.Bravehost.com
This script will backup recently changed *.ps1,*.psm1,*.psd1 files from any
selected folder (default is $pwd) to any number of inserted USB devices, on
which an archive folder 'PSarchive' will be created if it does not already
As a USB hard disk is a Type 3 device (similar to the system disk), use the
-Unit D switch (drive letter 'D' for example) to distinguish such a unit and
add it to the list of selected devices.
.\Backup-ToUsb -v
This will just archive ps1 files and show the name of each file processed.
function backup {
Invoke-Expression ".\Backup-ToUsb.ps1 -Unit D $args"
Add this function to $profile and it will add the USB Hard Disk 'D' as the
standard backup device.
.\Backup-ToUSB.ps1 -type psm1 -v
Select *.psm1 files to be archived. 'Verbose' will display the name of each
file processed. Use '-type ps*' to archive all types in one operation.
param ([String]$types = 'ps1',
[String]$unit = $null,
[String]$folder = $pwd,
if ($verbose) {
$verbosePreference = 'Continue'
if ($debug) {
$debugPreference = 'Continue'
$drive = '-<BLANK>-'
if ($types -notmatch '^ps1|psd1|psm1|ps\*$') { #Adjust to suit.
Write-Warning "Invalid filetype ($types): ps1, psm1, psd1 only."
exit 1
if (!(Test-path $folder -pathType Container )) {
Write-Warning "$folder is not a directory - resubmit."
exit 3
$filter = 'DriveType = 2'
if ($unit -match '^[d-z]$') { #Allow any single letter drive unit here.
$filter = "DriveType = 2 OR (DriveType = 3 AND DeviceID = '" + "$unit" + ":')"
function copyFile ([string]$value) {
Copy-Item -Path $value -Destination $newFolder -Force
Write-Verbose "--> Archiving file: $value"
Get-WMIObject Win32_LogicalDisk -filter $filter |
Select-Object VolumeName, DriveType, FreeSpace, DeviceID |
Where-Object {$_.VolumeName -ne $null} |
foreach {
$vol = $_.VolumeName
$drive = $_.DeviceID + '\'
$type = $_.DriveType
[int]$free = $_.FreeSpace / 1MB
Write-Verbose "Scanning USB devices - Drive = [$drive] Name = $vol, Free = $free Mb"
if (!(Test-Path $drive)) {
Write-Warning "Error on drive $drive - restart."
exit 4
[int]$SCRIPT:files = 0 #Reset counter for each new drive.
$newFolder = $drive + "PSarchive" #Check if folder exists.
if (!(Test-Path $newFolder)) {
New-Item -path ($drive) -name PSarchive -type directory | Out-Null
(Get-ChildItem $folder -filter "*.$types") |
foreach {
$checkFile = $drive + 'PSArchive\' + $_
if (Test-path $checkFile) {
$lwtHdd = $_.LastWriteTime #HDD time last written.
$lwtUsb = (Get-Item $checkFile).LastWriteTime #USB time.
if ($lwtHdd -gt $lwtUsb) {
Write-Debug "(HDD) $lwtHdd (USB) $LwtUsb $_"
copyFile $_
else { #New file, so archive it anyway.
copyFile $_
$print = "Backup to USB drive [{0}] (Volume = {2}) completed; {1} files copied." -f $drive, $files, $vol
Write-Host "--> $print"
if ($drive -eq '-<BLANK>-') {
Write-Warning "No USB drive detected - Insert a device and resubmit."