PoshCode Archive  Artifact [08b8951591]

Artifact 08b89515916da76ef3544bb3b9b4245742b2829b856d24166ed4442e3cc03d70:

  • File Check-Server-Health.ps1 — part of check-in [e4407c2195] at 2018-06-10 14:20:23 on branch trunk — ping-computer is not a standard Powershell command… replace line 54 with if (test-connection $srv -count 1).protocolAddress (user: Brian English size: 9785)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Check Server Health
# description: ping-computer is not a standard Powershell command…  replace line 54 with if (test-connection $srv -count 1).protocolAddress
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Brian English
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 6748
# x-archived: 2017-05-30T04:29:55
# x-published: 2017-02-23T13:06:00
# Created by Brian English 
#   Brian.English@charlottefl.com
#   eddiephoenix@gmail.com
# for Charlotte County Government
# No warranty suggested or implied
# Purpose: Check Server Service Health
# Notes:   For checking Vmware to work you must have the VMWare ToolKit for windows installed
#          For checking Citrix to work you must have the MPSSDK intalled
#          For checking DNS to work you must have dcdiag in your path
#input params
#other variables
$FreePercent = 5
$date = date

#turn off error handling

$inAry = @($input)
if($inAry.count -gt 0)
{$server = $inary}

function checkSystem()
{ $status = "`nChecking Server Systems"    
  for($i = 0; $i -lt @($Server).count; $i++ ) 
  { $srv = @($Server)[$i]
    $checkVMWare = $false
    $checkDNS = $false
    $checkDHCP = $false
    $checkShares = $false
    $checkExc = $false
    $checkCitrix = $false
    $checkIIS = $false
    write-progress "Checking Server Systems: $srv "-> -perc ($i * (100/@($Server).count))
    $status += "`n***$srv***"
    $errcnt = 0
    @@if((test-connection "$srv" -count 1).protocoladdress -ne "")
      if((gwmi -computername $srv win32_computersystem).dnshostname -ne $srv -or (gwmi -computername $srv win32_computersystem).name -ne $srv)
      { $status += "`n`t! ServerName does not match"
        $errcnt += 1
      foreach($drive in(gwmi win32_logicaldisk -computername $srv | where{$_.Drivetype -like "3"}))
      { if((($drive.freespace/1gb)/($drive.size/1gb) * 100 ) -lt $FreePercent)
        { $status += "`n`t! Drive: " + $drive.deviceid + " Free Space: " + ($drive.freespace/ 1GB) + "GB"
          $priority = "high"
          $errcnt += 1
      foreach($svc in(gwmi win32_service -computername $srv | where{$_.StartMode -like "Auto" -and $_.name -ne "SysmonLog"}))
      { if($svc.state -ne "Running")
        { $status += "`n`t! Service: " + $svc.DisplayName + " is " + $svc.state
          $errcnt += 1 
        if($svc.name -eq "vpxd" -and $svc.state -eq "Running")
        {$checkVMWare = $true}
        if($svc.name -eq "DNS" -and $svc.state -eq "Running")
        {$checkDNS = $true}
        if($svc.name -eq "DHCPServer" -and $svc.state -eq "Running")
        {$checkDHCP = $true}
        if($svc.name -eq "lanmanserver" -and $svc.state -eq "Running")
        {$checkShares = $true}
        if($svc.name -eq "MSExchangeIS" -and $svc.state -eq "Running")
        {$checkExc = $true}
        if($svc.name -eq "cpsvc" -and $svc.state -eq "Running")
        {$checkCitrix = $true}
        if($svc.name -eq "IISADMIN" -and $svc.state -eq "Running")
        {$checkIIS = $true}
      { $vi = get-esx $srv
        $status += "`nHosts"    
        foreach($vmh in get-vmhost)
        { if($vmh.state -ne "Connected")
          { $status += "`n`t! Host: " + $vmh.Name + "; State: " + $vmh.state  }
        $status += "`nVMs"
        $vms = (get-vm -server $vi)      
        $greenvms = 0
        $status += "`n`tTotal VMs: " + $vms.count
        $status += "`n`tVMs powered Off: " + ($vms | where{$_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOff"}).count
        $status += "`n`tVMs powered On: " + ($vms | where{$_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn"}).count
        foreach($vm in ($vms | where{$_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn"}))
        { $vmv = get-view $vm.id
          if($vmv.Overallstatus -ne "green" -or $vmv.configstatus -ne "green") # -or $vmv.guestheartbeatstatus -ne "green")
          { $status += "`n`t`t" + $vm.name + " Overall: " + $vmv.overallStatus
            $status += "`n`t`t" + $vm.name + " Config: " + $vmv.configStatus
            $status += "`n`t`t" + $vm.name + " Heartbeat: " + $vmv.GuestHeartbeatStatus
            foreach($alrm in $vmv.triggeredAlarmState)
            { $av = get-view $alrm.alarm
              $status += "`n`t`t " + $vm.name + " Triggered: " + $av.info.Name
            $priority = "high"
          {$greenvms += 1}              
        $status += "`n`tGreen VMs: " + $greenvms + "`n"
      { foreach($ln in (dcdiag /test:DNS /s:$srv /v))
        { if( $ln -like "*warning:*" -or $ln -like "*error:*") 
          {$status += "`n`t" + $ln.trim()}
        foreach($ln in (dcdiag /test:CheckSecurityError /s:$srv /v))
        { if($ln -like "*warning:*" -or $ln -like "*error:*") 
          {$status += "`n`t" + $ln.trim()}
        #add code to check DHCP data
      { foreach($share in (gwmi win32_share -computername $srv | where {$_.status -ne "OK"}))
        { $status += "`n`t! Share: " + $share.Name + " is " + $share.status
          $errcnt += 1
      { foreach($exc in (gwmi ExchangeConnectorState -namespace "root\cimv2\applications\exchange" -computername $srv | where {$_.IsUp -ne $true}))
        { $status += "`n`t! Exchange Connector: " + $exc.Name + " is DOWN"
          $errcnt += 1
        foreach($exc in (gwmi ExchangeQueue -namespace "root\cimv2\applications\exchange" -computername $srv | where {$_.NumberOfMessages -gt 1}))
        { $status += "`n`t! Exchange Queue: " + $exc.QueueName + " has " + $exc.NumberofMessages
          $errcnt += 1
        foreach($exc in (gwmi Exchange_Logon -namespace "root\microsoftexchangev2" -computername $srv | where {$_.Latency -gt 60000}))
        { $status += "`n`t! Exchange Logons: " + $exc.MailboxDisplayName + " in Store " + $exc.StoreName + " has a latency of " + $exc.Latency
          $errcnt += 1
      { $mfserver = New-Object -com "MetaframeCom.MetaFrameServer"
        $status += "`n`t Sesion Count " + $mfserver.SessionCount
          "0" { $status += "`n`t! Not Allowing Connections"
                $errcnt += 1
          "1" {}
      { $pathToTest = "\\$srv\c$\windows\system32\inetsrv\metabase.xml"
        if(test-path $pathToTest)
        { $mb=[xml](get-content $pathToTest)
          $WebSites = $mb.configuration.MBProperty.IIsWebServer 
          $WebVDirs = $mb.configuration.MBProperty.IIsWebVirtualDir
          If(!($mb.configuration.MBProperty.IIsWebService.Custom | where {$_.name -eq "ServerComment"}).value) 
          { $WebServerName = "[UNKNOWN]"  } 
          { $WebServerName = ($mb.configuration.MBProperty.IIsWebService.Custom | where {$_.name -eq "ServerComment"}).value }
          If($WebServerName -ne $srv) 
          { $status += "`n`t! WebServer Name Mismatch $WebServerName, $srv"  
            $errcnt += 1
          ForEach ($Site in $WebSites) 
          { if($Site.ServerComment -notlike "Allows*")
            { $sitePath = "$srv" + ($site.location -replace "/LM","")
              $siteState = ([ADSI]("IIS://$sitepath")).serverstate
              if($siteState -ne "2")
              { switch($sitestate)
                { "1" {$siteState = "starting"}
                  "2" {$siteState = "started"}
                  "3" {$siteState = "stopping"}
                  "4" {$siteState = "stopped"}
                  "5" {$siteState = "pausing"}
                  "6" {$siteState = "paused"}
                  "7" {$siteState = "continuing"}
                $status += "`n`t! " + $Site.ServerComment + " is not running: state " + $sitestate
                $errcnt += 1
        { $status += "`n`t! Unable to verify IIS Metabase"
          $errcnt += 1
    { $status += "`n`t! Server Unreachable"
      $errcnt += 1
    { $status += "`n`t Errors Occured: "
      foreach($err in $error)
      { $status += "`n`t`!" + $err }
    elseif($errCnt -eq 0)
    {$status += "`n***$srv*** Healthy" }
    {$status += "`n***$srv*** Unhealthy"}
    $status = ""

#Execute script

#reset error handling