PoshCode Archive  Artifact [0b9862ee47]

Artifact 0b9862ee47a388a3c88bbc3ce9e6f652f00d77ceb6e7888777aaf2a90b84cc12:

  • File Get-Sessions.ps1 — part of check-in [78976b8a35] at 2018-06-10 13:31:37 on branch trunk — Killing processes in disconnected terminal service sessions (user: unknown size: 3828)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: 
# description: Killing processes in disconnected terminal service sessions
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# license: CC0
# function: Get-Sessions
# x-poshcode-id: 3818
# x-archived: 2012-12-16T04:25:57
# This script supports being run with -WhatIf and -Confirm parameters.
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
param (
    # Regex of the states that should be included in the process killing field.
    [string]$IncludeStates = '^(Disc)$', # Only DISCONNECTED sessions by default.
    # Regex of the processes to kill
    [string]$KillProcesses = '^(OUTLOOK)$' # Only OUTLOOK by default.

function Get-Sessions
    # `qwinsta` is the same as `query session`

    # `query session`: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc785434(v=ws.10).aspx

    # Possible session states:
    Active. The session is connected and active.
    Conn.   The session is connected. No user is logged on.
    ConnQ.  The session is in the process of connecting. If this state
            continues, it indicates a problem with the connection.
    Shadow. The session is shadowing another session.
    Listen. The session is ready to accept a client connection.
    Disc.   The session is disconnected.
    Idle.   The session is initialized.
    Down.   The session is down, indicating the session failed to initialize correctly.
    Init.   The session is initializing.

    # Snippet from http://poshcode.org/3062
    # Parses the output of `qwinsta` into PowerShell objects.
    $c = query session 2>&1 | where {$_.gettype().equals([string]) }

    $starters = New-Object psobject -Property @{"SessionName" = 0; "Username" = 0; "ID" = 0; "State" = 0; "Type" = 0; "Device" = 0;};
    foreach($line in $c) {
         try {
             if($line.trim().substring(0, $line.trim().indexof(" ")) -eq "SESSIONNAME") {
                $starters.Username = $line.indexof("USERNAME");
                $starters.ID = $line.indexof("ID");
                $starters.State = $line.indexof("STATE");
                $starters.Type = $line.indexof("TYPE");
                $starters.Device = $line.indexof("DEVICE");
            New-Object psobject -Property @{
                "SessionName" = $line.trim().substring(0, $line.trim().indexof(" ")).trim(">")
                ;"Username" = $line.Substring($starters.Username, $line.IndexOf(" ", $starters.Username) - $starters.Username)
                ;"ID" = $line.Substring($line.IndexOf(" ", $starters.Username), $starters.ID - $line.IndexOf(" ", $starters.Username) + 2).trim()
                ;"State" = $line.Substring($starters.State, $line.IndexOf(" ", $starters.State)-$starters.State).trim()
                ;"Type" = $line.Substring($starters.Type, $starters.Device - $starters.Type).trim()
                ;"Device" = $line.Substring($starters.Device).trim()
        } catch {
            throw $_;
            #$e = $_;
            #Write-Error -Exception $e.Exception -Message $e.PSMessageDetails;

# Get a list of all terminal sessions that are in the state we care about.
$IncludedSessions = Get-Sessions `
                        | Where { $_.State -match $IncludeStates } `
                        | Select -ExpandProperty ID

# Get a list of all processes in one of those terminal sessions
# that match a process we want to kill.
$SessionProcesses = $IncludedSessions `
    | % { $id = $_;
          Get-Process `
            | Where { $_.SessionID -eq $id -and $_.Name -match $KillProcesses } }

if ($SessionProcesses -ne $null) {
    $SessionProcesses | Stop-Process