PoshCode Archive  Artifact [1795acca73]

Artifact 1795acca73c7eac0f2ad5ba98270821f45ee8ae4fdeaac3417ce48473094602b:

  • File NPS-Server-Synchronize.ps1 — part of check-in [cf9479cd6c] at 2018-06-10 14:18:27 on branch trunk — This script can be run on a secondary Network Policy Server and will mirror the configuration from the specified Primary Server, simplifying the management of a redundant or distributed configuration. This script is designed to run as a Scheduled task. (user: KSimon size: 2957)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: NPS Server Synchronize
# description: This script can be run on a secondary Network Policy Server and will mirror the configuration from the specified Primary Server, simplifying the management of a redundant or distributed configuration. This script is designed to run as a Scheduled task.
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: KSimon
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 6616
# x-archived: 2016-11-24T06:56:59
# x-published: 2016-11-08T13:13:00
###Network Policy Server Synchronization Script
#This script copies the configuration from the NPS Master Server and imports it on this server.
#The Account that this script runs under must have Local Administrator rights to the NPS Master.
#This was designed to be run as a scheduled task on the NPS Secondary Servers on an hourly,daily, or as-needed basis.
#Last Modified 01 Dec 2009 by JGrote <jgrote AT enpointe NOSPAM-DOTCOM>

#NPSMaster - Your Primary Network Policy Server you want to copy the config from.
$NPSMaster = "Server1"
#NPSConfigTempFile - A temporary location to store the XML config. Use a UNC path so that the primary can save the XML file across the network. Be sure to set secure permissions on this folder, as the configuration including pre-shared keys is temporarily stored here during the import process.
$NPSConfigTempFile = "\\server2\C$\Temp\NPSConfigTemp\NPSConfig-$NPSMaster.xml"

#Create an NPS Sync Event Source if it doesn't already exist
if (!(get-eventlog -logname "System" -source "NPS-Sync")) {new-eventlog -logname "System" -source "NPS-Sync"}

#Write an error and exit the script if an exception is ever thrown
trap {write-eventlog -logname "System" -eventID 1 -source "NPS-Sync" -EntryType "Error" -Message "An Error occured during NPS Sync: $_. Script run from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)"; exit}

#Connect to NPS Master and export configuration
$configExportResult = invoke-command -ComputerName $NPSMaster -ArgumentList $NPSConfigTempFile -scriptBlock {param ($NPSConfigTempFile) netsh nps export filename = $NPSConfigTempFile exportPSK = yes}

#Verify that the import XML file was created. If it is not there, it will throw an exception caught by the trap above that will exit the script.
$NPSConfigTest = Get-Item $NPSConfigTempFile

#Clear existing configuration and import new NPS config
$configClearResult = netsh nps reset config
$configImportResult = netsh nps import filename = $NPSConfigTempFile

#Delete Temporary File
remove-item -path $NPSConfigTempFile

#Compose and Write Success Event
$successText = "Network Policy Server Configuration successfully synchronized from $NPSMaster.

Export Results: $configExportResult

Import Results: $configImportResult

Script was run from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)"

write-eventlog -logname "System" -eventID 1 -source "NPS-Sync" -EntryType "Information" -Message $successText