# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Get-ZipContent
# description: Original post at http://www.cyberforum.ru/post8426907.html
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: govnyakha
# license: CC0
# function: Get-ZipContent
# x-poshcode-id: 6128
# x-archived: 2016-03-19T02:53:33
# x-published: 2016-12-02T12:02:00
#requires -version 4
function Get-ZipContent {
Reads ZIP file data.
Function gets data with BinaryReader instead COM Shell.Application.
PS E:\downloads> Get-ZipContent SysinternalsSuite.zip | Format-Table -a
Crc32 Attributes Modified Method Path Packed Size
----- ---------- -------- ------ ---- ------ ----
0x0A1AC525 0 01.11.2006 14:06:36 {Deflate} AccessEnum.exe 48346 174968
0x5A4797E5 0 12.07.2007 6:26:48 {Deflate} AdExplorer.chm 42823 50379
0xAFDD017F 0 14.11.2012 11:22:40 {Deflate} ADExplorer.exe 203304 479832
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]
begin {
$PathName = Convert-Path $Pathname
$Methods = @{
Store = 0
Deflate = 8
BZIP2 = 12
LZMA = 14
process {
try {
$fs = [IO.File]::OpenRead($PathName)
$br = New-Object IO.BinaryReader($fs)
$fs.Position = $fs.Length - 22
# locate of start of central directory
$fs.Position += 16
$fs.Position = $br.ReadUInt32()
# read certral directories data
while ($true) {
if ($br.ReadUInt32() -ne 33639248) {break}
$fs.Position += 6 # skip next three fields
# compressed method and last modification datetime
$a, $b, $c = $br.ReadUInt16(), $br.ReadUInt16(), $br.ReadUInt16()
# crc32 and [un]compressed size(s)
$d, $e, $f = $br.ReadUInt32(), $br.ReadUInt32(), $br.ReadUInt32()
$g = $br.ReadUInt16() # file name length
$h = $br.ReadUInt16() # extra field length
$i = $br.ReadUInt16() # file comment length
$fs.Position += 4 # skip next two fields
$j = $br.ReadUInt32() # external file attributes
$fs.Position += 4 # skip next field
New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Path = -join $br.ReadChars($g)
Attributes = [IO.FileAttributes]$j
Crc32 = "0x$($d.ToString('X8'))"
Modified = New-Object DateTime(
(($c -shr 9) + 1980), (($c -shr 5) -band 0xf), ($c -band 0x1f),
($b -shr 11), (($b -shr 5) -band 0x3f), (($b -band 0x1f) * 2)
Size = $f
Packed = $e
Method = $Methods.Keys.Where({$Methods.Item($_) -eq $a})
$fs.Position += $h + $i
catch {
finally {
if ($br -ne $bull) {$br.Close()}
if ($fs -ne $null) {$fs.Close()}
end {}