# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: HttpRest
# description: A few miscellaneous enhancements to HttpRest for pipelining urls, and the beginning of documentation …
# version: 1.4
# type: module
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# function: Get-Google
# x-poshcode-id: 2028
# x-derived-from-id: 2097
# x-archived: 2012-12-01T05:53:44
# x-published: 2012-07-28T13:08:00
# VERY OLD documentation on this post on HuddledMasses and I’m finally starting to update this to be an example of best practices … I guess ;)
#requires -version 2.0
## HttpRest module version 1.4
## Still only the initial stages of converting to a full v2 module
## Based on the REST api from MindTouch's Dream SDK
## You need mindtouch.dream.dll (mindtouch.core.dll, SgmlReaderDll.dll, log4net.dll) from the SDK
## Get MindTouch_Dream_1.6.0.zip or greater from http`://sourceforge.net/projects/dekiwiki/files/
## Unpack it, and you can find these dlls in the "dist" folder.
## Make sure to put them in the folder with this script module.
## For documentation of Dream: http`://wiki.developer.mindtouch.com/Dream
## Version History
## 1.0 2008-11-30 First Release
## 1.0.1 2009-01-05 Added Get-WebPageContent
## 1.0.2 2009-05-14 Bug fix for Invoke-Http credential issues
## 1.1.0 2009-05-14 First release of a PowerShell 2.0 (CTP3/Windows7) version....
## 1.1.1 2009-05-15 Added Get-WebPageText and Get-Webfile ... cleaned up options
## 1.2 2009-08-09 Added Hashtable parsing on Get-DreamMessage
## Fixed parsing on Get-DreamPlug so we don't get errors on PowerShell 2
## Added ParameterSet on Invoke-Http to pass in a plug directly (easier to debug)
## 1.3 2010-07-27 Added a few more aliases to make life easier
## 1.4 2010-07-28 Changed Get-WebPageContent and Get-WebPageText to support pipline input
## Started adding help ...
## Usage:
## function Get-Google {
## Invoke-Http GET http`://www.google.com/search @{q=$args} |
## Receive-Http Xml "//h3[@class='r']/a" | Select href, InnerText
## }
## #########################################################################
## function Get-WebFile($url,$cred) {
## Invoke-Http GET $url -auth $cred | Receive-Http File
## }
## #########################################################################
## function Send-Paste {
## PARAM($PastebinURI="http`://posh.jaykul.com/p/",[IO.FileInfo]$file)
## if($_){[IO.FileInfo]$file=$_}
## if($file.Exists) {
## $ofs="`n"
## $result = Invoke-Http POST $PastebinURI @{
## format="posh" # PowerShell
## expiry="d" # (d)ay or (m)onth or (f)orever
## poster=$([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name.Split("\")[-1])
## code2="$((gc $file) -replace "http`://","http``://")" # To get past the spam filter.
## paste="Send"
## } -Type FORM_URLENCODED -Wait
## $xml = $result.AsDocument().ToXml()
## write-output $xml.SelectSingleNode("//*[@class='highlight']/*").href
## } else { throw "File Not Found" }
## }}
throw "HttpRest is a module, and must be invoked by Import-Module"
Write-Debug "PSScriptRoot: '$PSScriptRoot'"
# This Module depends on MindTouch.Dream
$null = Add-Type -Path "$PSScriptRoot\mindtouch.dream.dll" -ErrorAction Stop
# MindTouch.Dream requires: mindtouch.dream.dll, mindtouch.core.dll, SgmlReaderDll.dll, and log4net.dll)
# This Module also depends on utility functions from System.Web
$null = Add-Type -Assembly System.Web -ErrorAction Stop
## Some utility functions are defined at the bottom
[uri]$global:url = ""
[System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$global:HttpRestCredential = $null
Function Get-DreamMessage {
#Write-Verbose "Content: $(if($Content){$Content.GetType()}else{"null"}) $($Content.Length) and Type: $(if($Type){$Type.GetType()}else{"null"})"
if(!$Content) {
Write-Verbose "No Content"
return [MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]::Ok()
if( $Content -is [System.Xml.XmlDocument]) {
Write-Verbose "Xml Content"
return [MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]::Ok( $Content )
if($Content -is [Hashtable]) {
$kvp = $Content.GetEnumerator() | %{ new-object "System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair[[String],[String]]" $_.Key, $_.Value }
Write-Verbose "Hashtable content: $($kvp | ft -auto | out-string -stream | %{ " $_ ".TrimEnd()} )"
return [MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]::Ok( $kvp )
if(Test-Path $Content -EA "SilentlyContinue") {
Write-Verbose "File Content"
return [MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]::FromFile((Convert-Path (Resolve-Path $Content)));
if($Type -is [String]) {
Write-Verbose "Specific Content: $([MindTouch.Dream.MimeType]::$Type)"
$Type = [MindTouch.Dream.MimeType]::$Type
if($Type -is [MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]) {
Write-Verbose "Specific Content: $([MindTouch.Dream.MimeType]::$Type)"
return [MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]::Ok( $Type, $Content )
} else {
Write-Verbose "Unspecified string content"
return [MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]::Ok( $([MindTouch.Dream.MimeType]::TEXT), $Content )
Function Get-DreamPlug {
PARAM ( $Url, [hashtable]$With, [hashtable]$Headers )
if($Url -is [array]) {
Write-Verbose "URL is an array of parts"
if($Url[0] -is [hashtable]) {
Write-Verbose "URL is an array of hashtable parts"
$plug = [MindTouch.Dream.Plug]::New($global:url)
foreach($param in $url.GetEnumerator()) {
if($param.Value) {
$plug = $plug.At($param.Key,"=$(Encode-Twice $param.Value)")
} else {
$plug = $plug.At($param.Key)
[URI]$uri = Join-Url $global:url $url
$plug = [MindTouch.Dream.Plug]::New($uri)
elseif($url -is [string])
Write-Verbose "String URL"
trap { continue }
[URI]$uri = $url
if(!$uri.IsAbsoluteUri) {
$uri = Join-Url $global:url $url
Write-Verbose "Relative URL, appending to $($global:url) to get: $uri"
$plug = [MindTouch.Dream.Plug]::New($uri)
else {
Write-Verbose "No URL, using default $($global:url)"
$plug = [MindTouch.Dream.Plug]::New($global:url)
if($with) {
foreach($w in $with.GetEnumerator()) {
if($w.Value) {
$plug = $plug.With($w.Key,$w.Value)
Write-Verbose "Added 'with' params: $plug"
if($headers) {
foreach($header in $Headers.GetEnumerator()) {
if($header.Value) {
$plug = $plug.WithHeader($header.Key,$header.Value)
Write-Verbose "Added 'with' params: $plug"
return $plug
Function Receive-Http {
# [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
# [ValidateSet("Xml", "File", "Text","Bytes")]
# [Alias("As")]
$Output = "Xml"
# [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]
# [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="Result")]
# [Alias("IO")]
# [MindTouch.Dream.Result``1[[MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]]]
# [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="Response")]
# [MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]
# $response
if($InputObject) {
Write-Output $inputObject | Receive-Http $Output $Path
} # else they'd better pass it in on the pipeline ...
$response = $null
if($_ -is [MindTouch.Dream.Result``1[[MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]]]) {
$response = $_.Wait()
} elseif($_ -is [MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]) {
$response = $_
} elseif($_) {
throw "We can only pipeline [MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage] objects, or [MindTouch.Dream.Result`1[DreamMessage]] objects"
if($response) {
Write-Debug $($response | Out-String)
if(!$response.IsSuccessful) {
Write-Error $($response | Out-String)
Write-Verbose $response.AsText()
throw "ERROR: '$($response.Status)' Response Status."
} else {
switch($Output) {
"File" {
## Joel's magic filename guesser ...
if(!$Path) {
[string]$fileName = ([regex]'(?i)filename=(.*)$').Match( $response.Headers["Content-Disposition"] ).Groups[1].Value
$Path = $fileName.trim("\/""'")
if($response.ResponseUri) {
$fileName = $response.ResponseUri.Segments[-1]
$Path = $fileName.trim("\/")
if(!([IO.FileInfo]$Path).Extension) {
$Path = $Path + "." + $response.ContentType.Split(";")[0].Split("/")[1]
if($Path) {
$File = Get-FileName $Path
} else {
$File = Get-FileName
$null = [StreamUtil]::CopyToFile( $response.AsStream(), $response.ContentLength, $File )
Get-ChildItem $File
"XDoc" {
if($Path) {
} else {
"Xml" {
if($Path) {
} else {
"Text" {
if($Path) {
$response.AsDocument()[$Path] | % { $_.AsInnerText }
} else {
"Bytes" {
Function Invoke-Http {
# Invoke an HTTP verb on a URI
# This is the core http rest cmdlet, which does most of the work and allows fetching web pages, files, etc.
## http`://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec9.html
## Nobody actually uses HEAD or OPTIONS, right?
## And nobody's even heard of TRACE or CONNECT ;)
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
[ValidateSet("POST", "GET", "PUT", "DELETE", "HEAD", "OPTIONS")] ## There are other verbs, but we need a list to make sure you don't screw up
[string]$Verb = "GET"
[Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$false, ParameterSetName="WithPlug")]
[Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="ByPath")]
[Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="ByPath")]
[Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="ByPath")]
$Type # Of Content
[switch]$Persistent ## Note this ALSO causes WaitForResponse
if(!$Plug){ #$PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq $ByPath) {
$Plug = Get-DreamPlug $Path $With $Headers
## Special Handling for FORM_URLENCODED
if($Type -like "Form*" -and !$Content) {
$dream = [MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]::Ok( $Plug.Uri )
$Plug = [MindTouch.Dream.Plug]::New( $Plug.Uri.SchemeHostPortPath )
Write-Verbose "RECREATED Plug: $($Plug.Uri.SchemeHostPortPath)"
} else {
$dream = Get-DreamMessage $Content $Type
Write-Verbose "Created Dream with Content: $($dream.AsText() |out-String)"
if(!$plug -or !$dream) {
throw "Can't come up with a request!"
if($Persistent -and $global:HttpRestCookies) {
$dream.Cookies.AddRange( $global:HttpRestCookies )
if($Cookies) {
$dream.Cookies.AddRange( $Cookies )
if($authenticate -or $credentials){
if($credentials -is [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]) {
Write-Verbose "AUTHENTICATING AS $($credentials.GetNetworkCredential().UserName)"
$plug = $plug.WithCredentials($credentials.GetNetworkCredential())
} elseif($credentials -is [System.Net.ICredentials]) {
Write-Verbose "AUTHENTICATING AS $($credentials.GetNetworkCredential().UserName)"
$plug = $plug.WithCredentials($credentials.GetNetworkCredential())
} else {
if($credentials) {
Write-Error "Credential must be a PSCredential or a System.Net.ICredentials"
$null = Get-HttpCredential # Make sure they have global credentials
Write-Verbose "AUTHENTICATING AS $($global:HttpRestCredential.UserName)"
$plug = $plug.WithCredentials($global:HttpRestCredential.GetNetworkCredential())
Write-Verbose $plug.Uri
Write-Debug "URI: $($Plug.Uri)"
Write-Debug "Verb: $($Verb.ToUpper())"
Write-Debug $($dream | gm | Out-String)
$result = $plug.InvokeAsync( $Verb.ToUpper(), $dream )
Write-Debug $($result | Out-String)
# if($DebugPreference -eq "Continue") {
# Write-Debug $($result.Wait() | Out-String)
# }
if($waitForResponse -or $Persistent) {
$result = $result.Wait()
$global:HttpRestCookies = $result.Cookies
write-output $result
trap [MindTouch.Dream.DreamResponseException] {
Write-Error @"
TRAPPED DreamResponseException
$($_.Exception.Response | Out-String)
$($_.Exception.Response.Headers | Out-String)
Function Get-WebPageContent {
# A wrapper for http get | rcv xml
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
invoke-http get $url $with -Authenticate:$Authenticate -Persist:$Persist | receive-http xml $xpath | select -expand outerxml
Function Get-WebPageText {
# A wrapper for http get | rcv text
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
invoke-http get $url $with -Authenticate:$Authenticate -Persist:$Persist | receive-http text $xpath
Function Get-WebFile {
# Download a file from a URI to the local computer
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
Invoke-Http GET $url $with -Authenticate:$Authenticate -Persist:$Persist | Receive-Http File $path
Function Set-HttpDefaultUrl {
# Set the base URI for making lots of calls to a single webservice without re-entering the full URL each time
PARAM ([uri]$baseUri=$(Read-Host "Please enter the base Uri for your RESTful web-service"))
$global:url = $baseUri
Function Set-HttpCredential {
# Set the default credentials for making lots of calls to a single webservice without re-entering credentials
param($Credential=$(Get-CredentialBetter -Title "Http Authentication Request - $($global:url.Host)" `
-Message "Your login for $($global:url.Host)" `
-Domain $($global:url.Host)) )
if($Credential -is [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]) {
$global:HttpRestCredential = $Credential
} elseif($Credential -is [System.Net.NetworkCredential]) {
$global:HttpRestCredential = new-object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $Credential.UserName, $(ConvertTo-SecureString $credential.Password)
Function Get-HttpCredential {
# Retrieves the default credentials for making lots of calls to a single webservice without re-entering credentials
if(!$global:url) { Set-HttpDefaultUrl }
if(!$global:HttpRestCredential) { Set-HttpCredential }
if(!$Secure) {
return $global:HttpRestCredential.GetNetworkCredential();
} else {
return $global:HttpRestCredential
Function ConvertTo-UrlDoubleEncode {
# Encode URLs twice for use with mindtouch APIs
return [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode( [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode( $text ) )
Function Join-Url {
# Like Join-Path, but for URIs
$ofs="/";$BaseUrl = ""
if($BaseUri -and $baseUri.AbsoluteUri) {
$BaseUrl = "$($baseUri.AbsoluteUri.Trim('/'))/"
return [URI]"$BaseUrl$([string]::join("/",@($path)).TrimStart('/'))"
Function ConvertTo-SecureString {
# Helper function which converts a string to a SecureString
$result = new-object System.Security.SecureString
foreach($c in $input.ToCharArray()) {
return $result
Function Get-FileName {
# Helper function to get a VALID filesystem path
param($fileName=$([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()), $path)
$fileName = $fileName.trim("\/""'")
## if the $Path has a file name, and it's folder exists:
if($Path -and !(Test-Path $Path -Type Container) -and (Test-Path (Split-Path $path) -Type Container)) {
## if the $Path is just a folder (and it exists)
} elseif($Path -and (Test-Path $path -Type Container)) {
$fileName = Split-Path $fileName -leaf
Join-Path $path $fileName
## If there's no valid $Path, and the $FileName has a folder...
} elseif((Split-Path $fileName) -and (Test-Path (Split-Path $fileName))) {
} else {
Join-Path (Get-Location -PSProvider "FileSystem") (Split-Path $fileName -Leaf)
Function Get-UtcTime {
Function Get-CredentialBetter {
## .Synopsis
## Gets a credential object based on a user name and password.
## .Description
## The Get-Credential function creates a credential object for a specified username and password, with an optional domain. You can use the credential object in security operations.
## The function accepts more parameters to customize the security prompt than the default Get-Credential cmdlet (including forcing the call through the console if you're in the native PowerShell.exe CMD console), but otherwise functions identically.
## .Parameter UserName
## A default user name for the credential prompt, or a pre-existing credential (would skip all prompting)
## .Parameter Title
## Allows you to override the default window title of the credential dialog/prompt
## You should use this to allow users to differentiate one credential prompt from another. In particular, if you're prompting for, say, Twitter credentials, you should put "Twitter" in the title somewhere. If you're prompting for domain credentials. Being specific not only helps users differentiate and know what credentials to provide, but also allows tools like KeePass to automatically determine it.
## .Parameter Message
## Allows you to override the text displayed inside the credential dialog/prompt.
## You can use this for things like presenting an explanation of what you need the credentials for.
## .Parameter Domain
## Specifies the default domain to use if the user doesn't provide one (by default, this is null)
## .Parameter GenericCredentials
## The Get-Credential cmdlet forces you to always return DOMAIN credentials (so even if the user provides just a plain user name, it prepends "\" to the user name). This switch allows you to override that behavior and allow generic credentials without any domain name or the leading "\".
## .Parameter Inline
## Forces the credential prompt to occur inline in the console/host using Read-Host -AsSecureString (not implemented properly in PowerShell ISE)
if( $UserName -is [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]) {
return $UserName
} elseif($UserName -ne $null) {
$UserName = $UserName.ToString()
if($Inline) {
if($Title) { Write-Host $Title }
if($Message) { Write-Host $Message }
if($Domain) {
if($UserName -and $UserName -notmatch "[@\\]") {
$UserName = "${Domain}\${UserName}"
if(!$UserName) {
$UserName = Read-Host "User"
if(($Domain -OR !$GenericCredentials) -and $UserName -notmatch "[@\\]") {
$UserName = "${Domain}\${UserName}"
return New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $UserName,$(Read-Host "Password for user $UserName" -AsSecureString)
if($GenericCredentials) { $Credential = "Generic" } else { $Credential = "Domain" }
## Now call the Host.UI method ... if they don't have one, we'll die, yay.
## BugBug? PowerShell.exe disregards the last parameter
$Host.UI.PromptForCredential($Title, $Message, $UserName, $Domain, $Credential,"Default")
New-Alias Encode-Twice ConvertTo-UrlDoubleEncode
new-alias gwpc Get-WebPageContent -EA "SilentlyContinue"
new-alias gwpt Get-WebPageText -EA "SilentlyContinue"
new-alias http Invoke-Http -EA "SilentlyContinue"
new-alias rcv Receive-Http -EA "SilentlyContinue"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-Http, Receive-Http, ConvertTo-UrlDoubleEncode, Get-WebPageContent, Get-WebPageText, Get-WebFile, Get-HttpCredential, Set-HttpCredential, Set-HttpDefaultUrl -Alias *
# SIG # Begin signature block
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