PoshCode Archive  Artifact [2146bd4e6d]

Artifact 2146bd4e6d65681a9eb0fcae8d25230b2fd9e141c93c34b1587f27d1cd4f9ea6:

  • File Robocopy-Log-analyser.ps1 — part of check-in [6ffc26a8f4] at 2018-06-10 14:01:09 on branch trunk — A function to analyse Robocopy logs which are placed in a folder. (user: Bart Lievers size: 27421)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Robocopy Log analyser
# description: A function to analyse Robocopy logs which are placed in a folder.
# version: 165.24
# type: function
# author: Bart Lievers
# license: CC0
# function: Analyse-RC_Log
# x-poshcode-id: 5776
# x-derived-from-id: 5777
# x-archived: 2016-01-21T18:03:00
# x-published: 2016-03-08T20:52:00
# It returns a custom PS object containing three properties:
# – filename of the CSV file where the results are writen to.
# – RC like summary of all the RC Logs.
# – The results, same data as in the CSV file.
function Analyse-RC_Log {
        Robocopy log analyser
        analysing the robocopy logs that are generated with the /LOG option.
        It has two modes, anaylsing the summary of log files and analyse the full log.
        The report is saved as a CSV file.
        Returns an custom object containing a RC summary like property, a CSV property.
        During script process the Culture of the script is changed to en-US for date and number interpretation / calculations

        Script is based on Robocopy log analyser from http://www.chapmancentral.co.uk/cloudy/2013/02/23/parsing-robocopy-logs-in-powershell/
        >Analyse-RC_Log -SourcePath d:\RC_logdir -ExcelCSV -fp -unitsize GB
        Analyse log files in d:\RC_logdir, use a semicolon in the CSV file (conform MS Excel). Parse the complete log files and report al Bytes sizes as GB
        Give another example of how to use it
        File Parsing. Parse the complete file instead of the heather and footer
    .PARAMETER SourcePath
        Path where the Robocopy logs are saved.
        Use a semicolon as seperator
    .Parameter UnitSize
        Report al Byte sizes  in given unit size.
        File Name      : Analyse-RC_Log.ps1
        Author         : B. Lievers
        Prerequisite   : PowerShell V2 over Vista and upper.
        Copyright 2015 - Bart Lievers

	    [parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$false,HelpMessage='Source Path with no trailing slash')][string]$SourcePath,
        [Parameter(HelpMessage='Unit size, default is Bytes when parameter is not present')][ValidateSet("B","GB","KB","MB","TB")][string]$UnitSize
    begin {
        $OldCulture = [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture
            [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = $OldCulture
        [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = $culture
        Write-Verbose ("Changing Locale from "+$oldCulture.Name+" to "+$culture.Name)

        write-host "Robocopy log parser. $(if($fp){"Parsing file entries"} else {"Parsing summaries only, use -fp to parse file entries"})"
        $ElapsedTime = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
        $refreshrate=1 # progress counter refreshes this often when parsing files (in seconds)

        #region initialize header fields
        # These summary fields always appear in this order in a robocopy log
        $HeaderParams = @{
	        "04|Started" = "date";	
	        "01|Source" = "string";
	        "02|Dest" = "string";
	        "03|Options" = "string";
	        "07|Dirs" = "counts";
	        "08|Files" = "counts";
	        "09|Bytes" = "counts";
	        "10|Times" = "counts";
	        "05|Ended" = "date"
	        #"06|Duration" = "string"
        #-- summary fields for file tag statistics during file parsing, swich -fp
            "01|MISMATCH" = ""
            "02|EXTRA file" = ""
            "03|New File" = ""
            "04|lonely" = ""
            "05|Newer" = ""
            "06|Newer XN" = ""
            "07|Older" = ""
            "08|Older XO" = ""
            "09|Changed" = ""
            "10|Changed XC" = ""
            "11|Tweaked" = ""
            "12|Same IS" = ""
            "13|Same" = ""
            "14|attrib" = ""
            "15|named" = ""
            "16|large" = ""
            "17|small" = ""
            "18|too old" = ""
            "19|too new" = ""
            "20|New Dir"= ""
        #-- summary fields for directory tag statistics during file parsing, swich -fp
            "01|MISMATCH" = ""
            "02|Extra Dir" = ""
            "03|New Dir" = ""
            "04|lonely" = ""
            "05|named" = ""
            "06|junction" = ""
            "07|exist" = ""

        $ProcessCounts = @{
	        "Processed" = 0;
	        "Error" = 0;
	        "Incomplete" = 0

        #-- Default the CSV delim is a comma, when using CSV for Excel a semicolon is needed as delimmiter
        if ($ExcelCSV) { $Delim=";"} else {$Delim=","}
         #-- ASCII tab character

         #-- Get list of files to analyse
        $files=get-childitem $SourcePath
        #-- let's start writing, shall we ? 
        $writer=new-object System.IO.StreamWriter("$(get-location)\robocopy-$(get-date -format "dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss").csv")

        #region private functions
        function Get-Tail{
                Get tail of file
                >Get-Tail $reader 20
            .PARAMETER reader
                an IO stream file object
            .PARAMETER count
                Number of rows to collect
            Param (
                [int]$count = 10

	        $lineCount = 0
	        [long]$pos = $reader.BaseStream.Length - 1
	        while($pos -gt 0) {
		        # 0x0D (#13) = CR
		        # 0x0A (#10) = LF
		        if ($reader.BaseStream.ReadByte() -eq 10) {
			        if ($lineCount -ge $count) { break }
	        # tests for file shorter than requested tail
	        if ($lineCount -lt $count -or $pos -ge $reader.BaseStream.Length - 1) {
	        } else {
		        # $reader.BaseStream.Position = $pos+1
	        while(!$reader.EndOfStream) {
		        $lines += $reader.ReadLine()
	        return $lines
        function Get-Top {
                Get top of file
                >Get-Top $reader 20
            .PARAMETER reader
                an IO stream file object
            .PARAMETER count
                Number of rows to collect
                [int]$count = 10

	        $lineCount = 0
	        while(($linecount -lt $count) -and !$reader.EndOfStream) {
		        $lines += $reader.ReadLine()		
	        return $lines
        function Remove-Key{
                Return the name without the ID
                >Remove-Key -name "01|example"
            .PARAMETER name
                a string where the ID needs to be stripped
            Param ( $name 
	        if ( $name -match "|") {
		        return $name.split("|")[1]
	        } else {
		        return ( $name )
        function Get-Value{
                Get the value of a RC line
                >Get-Value -line " filecount : 35555" -variable "Filecount"
                Returns 35555
            .PARAMETER line
                A RC log string
            .PARAMETER variable
                The variable that needs to be extracted
	        if ($line -like "*$variable*" -and $line -like "* : *" ) {
		        $result = $line.substring( $line.IndexOf(":")+1 )
		        return $result 
	        } else {
		        return $null
        function UnBodge-Date{
                Convert Robocopy date to a usable format
                >UnBodge-Date -dt "Sat Feb 16 00:16:49 2013"
                Returns 16-02-2013 00:16:49 in Locale format
            .PARAMETER dt
	        # Fixes RoboCopy botched date-times in format Sat Feb 16 00:16:49 2013
	        if ( $dt -match ".{3} .{3} \d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} \d{4}" ) {
		        $dt=$dt.split(" ")
		        $dt -join " " | Out-Null
	        if ( $dt -as [DateTime] ) {
                return(get-date $dt -format "dd/MM/yyy HH:mm:ss")
	        } else {
		        return $null
        function Unpack-Params{
	            Unpacks file count bloc in the format
	             Dirs :      1827         0      1827         0         0         0
	            Files :      9791         0      9791         0         0         0
	            Bytes :  165.24 m         0  165.24 m         0         0         0
	            Times :   1:11:23   0:00:00                       0:00:00   1:11:23
	            Parameter name already removed
                >UnBodge-Date -dt "Sat Feb 16 00:16:49 2013"
                Returns 16-02-2013 00:16:49 in Locale format
            .PARAMETER params
	        if ( $params.length -ge 58 ) {
		        $params = $params.ToCharArray()
		        for ( $i = 0; $i -le 5; $i++ ) {
			        $result[$i]=$($params[$($i*10 + 1) .. $($i*10 + 9)] -join "").trim()
		        #$result=$result -join ","
                $result=$result -join $Delim
	        } else {
		        #$result = ",,,,,"
	        return $result
    } #-- end of Begin
    $sourcecount = 0
        $targetcount = 1

        #region construct the header line of the CSV
    foreach ( $HeaderParam in $HeaderParams.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name ) {
	    if ( $HeaderParam.value -eq "counts" ) {
            $tmp="~ Total"+$Delim+"~ Copied"+$Delim+"~ Skipped"+$Delim+"~ Mismatch"+$Delim+"~ Failed"+$Delim+"~ Extras"
            if ((Remove-Key $headerparam.name) -match "Bytes") {
                #-- if column header is a Bytes Column then match it to the unitsize
                if ($UnitSize -and $UnitSize -ne "B") {
                    #-- change the Bytes header according to the unitsize, Unitsize is GB ==> header is GBytes
		            $tmp=$tmp.replace("~",$UnitSize.Substring(0,1)+ "$(Remove-Key $headerparam.name)")
                } else {
                    $tmp=$tmp.replace("~","$(Remove-Key $headerparam.name)")
            } else {
		        $tmp=$tmp.replace("~","$(Remove-Key $headerparam.name)")
	    } else {
            $writer.write($Delim+"$(Remove-Key $HeaderParam.name)")
            $fields=$fields+$Delim+"$(Remove-Key $HeaderParam.name)"
        foreach ($fileTag in $filetags.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name ) {
        foreach ($DirTag in $Dirtags.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name ) {
            $writer.write($Delim+"DIR "+$DirTag.name.split("|")[1])
             $fields=$fields+$delim+"DIR "+$DirTag.name.split("|")[1]
     # EOL

        # Enumerate the files
        foreach ($file in $files) {  
            write-host "$filecount/$($files.count) $($file.name) ($($file.length) bytes)"
            #-- open the file
	        $Stream = $file.Open([System.IO.FileMode]::Open, 
	        $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($Stream) 
	        $HeaderFooter = Get-Top $reader 16
	        if ( $HeaderFooter -match "ROBOCOPY     ::     Robust File Copy for Windows" ) {
                #-- file has valid header
		        if ( $HeaderFooter -match "Files : " ) {
			        $HeaderFooter = $HeaderFooter -notmatch "Files : "
		        $Footer = Get-Tail $reader 16
                #check footer of file
		        $ErrorFooter = $Footer -match "ERROR \d \(0x000000\d\d\) Accessing Source Directory"
		        if ($ErrorFooter) {
			        write-host -foregroundcolor red "`t $ErrorFooter"
		        } elseif ( $footer -match "---------------" ) {
			        while ( !($Footer[$i] -like "*----------------------*") -or $i -lt 1 ) { $i-- }
		        } else {
			        #write-host -foregroundcolor yellow "`t Log file $file is missing the footer and may be incomplete"
                    write-warning "`t Log file $file is missing the footer and may be incomplete"
		        foreach ( $HeaderParam in $headerparams.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name ) {
			        $name = "$(Remove-Key $HeaderParam.Name)"
			        $tmp = Get-Value $($HeaderFooter -match "$name : ") $name
			        if ( $tmp -ne "" -and $tmp -ne $null ) {
				        switch ( $HeaderParam.value ) {
					        "date" { $results[$name]=UnBodge-Date $tmp.trim() }
					        "counts" { $results[$name]=Unpack-Params $tmp }
					        "string" { $results[$name] = """$($tmp.trim())""" }		
					        default { $results[$name] = $tmp.trim() }		
                    #-- convert bytes statistics to numbers
                    if ($name -eq "Bytes" -and ($results[$name] -ne $null)) {
                        $results[$name].split($Delim) | % {
                            #-- convert value to MBytes 
                            if ($Bytes -match "m|g|t|k") {
                                switch ($Bytes.split(" ")[1]) {                
                                    "m" {$conv=1MB*$Bytes.replace(" m","MB")/1MB}
                                    "k" {$conv=1KB*$Bytes.replace(" k","KB")/1KB}
                                    "g" {$conv=1GB*$Bytes.replace(" g","GB")/1GB}
                                    "t" {$conv=1TB*$Bytes.replace(" t","TB")/1TB}
                            } else { 
                                #-- copy original value, no unit sign detected
                                $conv = $Bytes
                            #-- convert size 
                            switch ($UnitSize) {
                                "MB" {$tmp+=($conv/1MB)}
                                "KB" {$tmp+=($conv/1KB)}
                                "GB" {$tmp+=($conv/1GB)}
                                "TB" {$tmp+=($conv/1TB)}
                                default {$tmp+=($conv)} #-- no conversion needed. Size is in Bytes
                        #-- rebuild string
                        $results[$name]=$tmp -join $delim                    
                    } #-- end of converting bytes statistics          
		        } #-- end of parsing headerparam fields

		        if ( $fp ) {
                    #-- parse the complete file
			        write-host "Parsing $($reader.BaseStream.Length) bytes" -NoNewLine
			        # Now go through the file line by line
                    $FileTags.GetEnumerator() | select name | %{ $FT_counters.add($_.name.split("|")[1],0)}
                    $DirTags.GetEnumerator() | select name | %{ $DT_counters.add($_.name.split("|")[1],0)}
			        $filesdone = $false
			        try {
				        do {
					        $line = $reader.ReadLine()
					        if (($line -eq "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -and $linenumber -gt 16)  ) { 
						        # line is end of job
					        } elseif ($linenumber -gt 16 -and $line -gt "" ) {
                                #-- split line according to TAB

						        if ( $buckets.count -gt 3 ) {
                                    #-- line contains file information
                                    #-- File tag counters
                                    if ($status -ceq "Newer") { $FT_counters["$status" +" XN"]++ }
                                    elseif ($status -ceq "Older") {  $FT_counters["$status" +" XO"]++ } 
                                    elseif ($status -ceq "Changed") {  $FT_counters["$status" +" XC"]++ }
                                    elseif ($status -ceq "same") {  $FT_counters["$status" +" IS"]++ }
                                    else {$FT_counters["$status"]++}

                                    #-- Get Timestamp from file
							        if ($sizedatetime.length -gt 19 ) {
								        $DateTime = $sizedatetime.substring($sizedatetime.length -19)
								        if ( $DateTime -as [DateTime] ){
									        if ( $DateTimeValue -gt $newest ) { $newest = $DateTimeValue }
									        if ( $DateTimeValue -lt $oldest ) { $oldest = $DateTimeValue }
						        } elseif ($buckets.count -eq 3) {
                                    #-- line contains directory information
                                    #-- Directory tag counters
                                    if ($status.length -gt 0){
                                    } else {

                            #-- progress indicator 
					        if ( $elapsedtime.elapsed.TotalSeconds -gt $tick ) {
						        if ( $line.Length -gt 48 ) {
						        $line="$([char]13)Parsing > $($linenumber) ($(($reader.BaseStream.Position/$reader.BaseStream.length).tostring("P1"))) - $line"
						        write-host $line.PadRight($LastLineLength) -NoNewLine
						        $LastLineLength = $line.length
				        } until ($filesdone -or $reader.endofstream)
			        finally {
			        write-host $line -NoNewLine

                #-- write results
                #-- write values
		        foreach ( $HeaderParam in $HeaderParams.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name ) {
			        $name = "$(Remove-Key $HeaderParam.Name)"
			        if ( $results[$name] ) {
			        } else {
				        if ( $ErrorFooter ) {
					        #-- placeholder
				        } elseif ( $HeaderParam.Value -eq "counts" ) {
                            #-- write summary counters
				        } else {
		        if ( $ErrorFooter ) {
			        $tmp = $($ErrorFooter -join "").substring(20)
		        } elseif ( $fp ) {
                    #-- write values from file parsing		
			        $writer.write($delim+"$LineCount"+$delim+"$($newest.ToString('dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss'))"+$delim+"$($oldest.ToString('dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss'))")		
                    #-- write File tag counters	
                    foreach ($fileTag in $filetags.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name ) {
                    #-- write directory tag counters
                    foreach ($DirTag in $DirTags.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name ) {
                #-- EOL
	        } else {
                #-- file is not a RoboCopy log file
		        #write-host -foregroundcolor darkgray "$($file.name) is not recognised as a RoboCopy log file"
                write-warning "$($file.name) is not recognised as a RoboCopy log file"
    } #- -end of Process

        #-- write and output results
        write-host "$filecount files scanned in $($elapsedtime.elapsed.tostring()), $($ProcessCounts["Processed"]) complete, $($ProcessCounts["Error"]) have errors, $($ProcessCounts["Incomplete"]) incomplete"
        write-host  "Results written to $($writer.basestream.name)"
        $writer.close() #-- yes, we are done writing
        #-- create output object, containing name of CSV file and Report object
        $Output=New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{ReportFileName=$CSVFile
                                                          Report=ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter $Delim -InputObject $table

        #-- summize, build a Robocopy like Summary
        $types | % {
            $row= "" | select  Type,Total,Copied,Skipped,Mismatch,FAILED,Extras
            if ($row.type -ilike "Times") { 
                #-- calculate times
                $Output.Report | %{
                    if ($_.ended.length -gt 0){
                        #-- only use data from complete RC logs
                        $row.total=$row.total+[timespan]$_."Times Total"
                        $row.Failed=$row.Failed+[timespan]$_."Times Failed"
                        $row.Copied=$row.Copied+[timespan]$_."Times Copied"
                        $row.Extras=$row.Extras+[timespan]$_."Times Extras"   
                    } else {
                        Write-Verbose ("RC log "+$_.file+" skipped for summary calculation. Log file is not complete.")
            } elseif ($row.type -ilike "Speed") {
                #-- Calculate speed
                $output.Report | %{
                        if ($_.ended.length -gt 0){
                            #-- only use data from complete RC logs
                            $Duration=$Duration+[timespan]$_."Times Copied"
                $row.Copied="{0:N1}" -F ((($output.report | Measure-Object -Property (("Bytes".replace("B",$SizeUnit))+" Copied") -Sum).sum) / $Duration.seconds)
            } else {
                #-calculate counters
                $row.Total="{0:N1}" -f ($output.report | Measure-Object -Property ($row.type+" Total") -Sum).sum
                $row.Copied="{0:N1}" -f($output.report | Measure-Object -Property ($row.type+" Copied") -Sum).sum
                $row.Skipped="{0:N1}" -f($output.report | Measure-Object -Property ($row.type+" Skipped") -Sum).sum
                $row.Mismatch="{0:N1}" -f($output.report | Measure-Object -Property ($row.type+" Mismatch") -Sum).sum
                $row.Failed="{0:N1}" -f($output.report | Measure-Object -Property ($row.type+" Failed") -Sum).sum
                $row.Extras="{0:N1}" -f($output.report | Measure-Object -Property ($row.type+" Extras") -Sum).sum
        [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = $OldCulture
        Write-Verbose ("Changed Locale back to "+$oldCulture.Name)
        return($output) #-- done, fini, finaly....
    } #-- end of End