PoshCode Archive  Artifact [2406c5a33c]

Artifact 2406c5a33c931ffe7264b81126dda63ced22c25a44bdc6cd8518c4cb2feb7430:

  • File Trace-Route.ps1 — part of check-in [f12809edd9] at 2018-06-10 13:18:49 on branch trunk — Posting on behalf of James Brundage of http://blog.start-automating.com/. Here’s his quote from email: (user: halr9000 size: 3308)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Trace-Route
# description: Posting on behalf of James Brundage of http://blog.start-automating.com/. Here’s his quote from email:
# version: 0.25
# type: function
# author: halr9000
# license: CC0
# function: Trace-Route
# x-poshcode-id: 3015
# x-archived: 2014-11-07T09:30:09
# x-published: 2011-10-19T14:25:00
# “I mentioned I wrote a Trace Route wrapper that shows an example of wrapping a command that returns over a period of time.”
# Look to his blog for further detail on this technique soon.
function Trace-Route
   # The URL to trace
   # The timeout for the request, in milliseconds
   [Timespan]$Timeout = "0:0:0.25",
   # The maximum number of hops for the trace route
   [Int]$MaximumHops = 32

   process {
       Invoke-Expression "tracert -w $($timeOut.TotalMilliseconds) -h $MaximumHops $url" |
           Where-Object {
               if ($_ -match "[.+]") {
                   try {
                       $destination = [IpAddress]$_.Split("[]",[StringSplitOptions]"RemoveEmptyEntries")[-1]
                   } catch {
                       return $false
           } |
           Where-Object {
               if ($_ -like "*Request timed out.*") {
                   throw "Request timed Out"
               return $true
           } |
           Foreach-Object {
               if ($_ -like "*ms*" ) {
                   $chunks = $_ -split "  " | Where-Object { $_ }
                   $destAndip = $chunks[-1]
                   $dest, $ip = $destAndip.Replace("[", "").Replace("]","") -split " "

                   if (-not $ip) {
                       $ip = $dest
                       $dest = ""

                   $ip = @($ip)[0].Trim() -as [IPAddress]

                   if ($chunks[1] -eq '*' -and $chunks[2] -eq '*' -and $chunks[3] -eq '*') {
                       Write-Error "Request Timed Out"
                   $trace = New-Object Object
                   $time1 = try { [Timespan]::FromMilliseconds($chunks[1].Replace("<","").Replace(" ms", ""))} catch {}
                   $time2 = try { [Timespan]::FromMilliseconds($chunks[1].Replace("<","").Replace(" ms", ""))} catch {}
                   $time3 = try { [Timespan]::FromMilliseconds($chunks[1].Replace("<","").Replace(" ms", ""))} catch {}
                   $trace |
                       Add-Member NoteProperty HopNumber ($chunks[0].Trim() -as [uint32]) -PassThru |
                       Add-Member NoteProperty Time1 $time1 -PassThru |
                       Add-Member NoteProperty Time2 $time2 -PassThru |
                       Add-Member NoteProperty Time3 $time3 -PassThru |
                       Add-Member NoteProperty Ip $ip -PassThru |
                       Add-Member NoteProperty Host $dest -PassThru |
                       Add-Member NoteProperty DestinationUrl $url -PassThru |
                       Add-Member NoteProperty DestinationIP $destination -PassThru
