PoshCode Archive  Artifact [24b5ed9d5d]

Artifact 24b5ed9d5d49b1b315c8cac372239b6d19d60e5f63ff4cf252d99800e372a0dd:

  • File Set-Clipboard.ps1 — part of check-in [6d2914124f] at 2018-06-10 13:07:21 on branch trunk — From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes (user: Lee Holmes size: 1725)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Set-Clipboard.ps1
# description: From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Lee Holmes
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 2219
# x-archived: 2016-07-20T17:09:29
# x-published: 2011-09-09T21:42:00
## Set-Clipboard
## From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O'Reilly)
## by Lee Holmes (http://www.leeholmes.com/guide)



Sends the given input to the Windows clipboard.


dir | Set-Clipboard
This example sends the view of a directory listing to the clipboard


Set-Clipboard "Hello World"
This example sets the clipboard to the string, "Hello World".


    ## The input to send to the clipboard
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    [object[]] $InputObject

    Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
    $objectsToProcess = @()

    ## Collect everything sent to the script either through
    ## pipeline input, or direct input.
    $objectsToProcess += $inputObject

    ## Launch a new instance of PowerShell in STA mode.
    ## This lets us interact with the Windows clipboard.
    $objectsToProcess | PowerShell -NoProfile -STA -Command {
        Add-Type -Assembly PresentationCore

        ## Convert the input objects to a string representation
        $clipText = ($input | Out-String -Stream) -join "`r`n"

        ## And finally set the clipboard text