PoshCode Archive  Artifact [24ee31b98b]

Artifact 24ee31b98b0a8d57fb0926f7f17e6df9ae13b57d2f3428043f1f916a16a24299:

  • File Get-VMHostNetworks.ps1 — part of check-in [e00f37f44b] at 2018-06-10 13:14:45 on branch trunk — After connecting to your VI server, we get a list of virtual switches on the datacenter and from that we pull out the VHostID that matches the server we passed in at the command-line. Using the VHostID we return a list of networks objects on that server. (user: Jeff Patton size: 3345)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Get-VMHostNetworks
# description: After connecting to your VI server, we get a list of virtual switches on the datacenter and from that we pull out the VHostID that matches the server we passed in at the command-line. Using the VHostID we return a list of networks objects on that server.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Jeff Patton
# license: CC0
# function: Get-VMHostNetworks
# x-poshcode-id: 2718
# x-archived: 2013-09-23T23:32:55
# x-published: 2013-06-08T08:52:00
Function Get-VMHostNetworks
            Return a list of networks from a given host
            After connecting to your VI server, we get a list of virtual switches on the datacenter and from
            that we pull out the VHostID that matches the server we passed in at the command-line. Using the
            VHostID we return a list of networks objects on that server.
        .PARAMETER VMHost
            The name of the VMWare Host Server to pull networks from
        .PARAMETER VIServer
            The name of your VSPhere Server
            Get-VMHostNetworks -VMHost v1.copmany.com -VIServer vc.company.com
            Name                      Key                            VLanId PortBinding NumPorts
            ----                      ---                            ------ ----------- --------
            Management Network        key-vim.host.PortGroup-Mana... 0
            DMZ Network               key-vim.host.PortGroup-DMZ ... 100
            Admin Network             key-vim.host.PortGroup-Admi... 101

            This shows the output from the command using all parameters.
            This script requires the VMware vSphere PowerCLI to be downloaded and installed, please see
            the second link for the download.
            If ($DefaultVIServers -eq $null)
                Connect-VIServer -Server $VIServer |Out-Null
            $VSwitches = Get-VirtualSwitch
            Return $Error[0]

        foreach ($Vswitch in $VSwitches)
            If ($VSwitch.VMHost.Name -like "$($VMhost)*")
                $VHostID = $VSwitch.VMHost.Id

        $VMNetworks = Get-VirtualPortGroup |Where-Object {$_.VMhostID -eq $VhostID}

        Return $VMNetworks