PoshCode Archive  Artifact [256d38237d]

Artifact 256d38237df3d0a3efbf76720f220437a5d1ac5999524bdd73d46a8445bb7201:

  • File Check-OpenSSL.ps1 — part of check-in [d9bd0b4a70] at 2018-06-10 13:57:13 on branch trunk — Generate your own CA and sign your own certificates (user: unknown size: 65854)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: 
# description: Generate your own CA and sign your own certificates
# version: 5.2
# type: script
# license: CC0
# function: Check-OpenSSL
# x-poshcode-id: 5570
# x-archived: 2014-11-18T01:08:29
# http://vmwarenotes.blogspot.com/2014/10/certificator.html

# Define Default Values
[hashtable]$Global:hshDefaultValues = @{}
$Global:hshDefaultValues = @{
    OpenSSLVersion = "0.9.8"
    WinSCPVersion = 5.2
    RootFolderPath = "C:\Customers\A Test Company"
    Company = "My Company"
    FQDN = "company.co.za"
    Countrycode = "ZA"
    StateOrProvinceName = "Gauteng"
    LocalityCity = "Pretoria"
    NumberOfBits = 2048
    DaysToExpiry = 3650
    Passphrase = "qwer1234"
    vCenterHostname = "vCenter55"
    vCenterIPAddress = ""
    SSOPassword = "P@ssw0rd"
    RootPassword = "vmware"

# Test OpenSSL Installation
Function Check-OpenSSL
        [string]$OpenSSLVersion = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("OpenSSLVersion")

    $Global:strWorkingDirectoryPath = ""
    $Global:strOpenSSLExecutablePath = ""
    $urlInstallOpenSSL = "http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/search.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&docTypeID=DT_KB_1_1&externalId=2015387"

    Write-Host "Checking if you have OpenSSL 32-bit Installed..."
    $strOpenSSLRegKey = "HKLM:Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OpenSSL (32-bit)_is1\"
    $bolOpenSSLRegExist = Test-Path -Path $strOpenSSLRegKey
    If ($bolOpenSSLRegExist)
        $strOpenSSLInstallPath = Get-ItemProperty -Path $strOpenSSLRegKey -Name "Inno Setup: App Path"
        $strInstallLocation = $strOpenSSLInstallPath."Inno Setup: App Path"
        $Global:strWorkingDirectoryPath = "$strInstallLocation\bin\"
        $Global:strOpenSSLExecutablePath = "$strInstallLocation\bin\openssl.exe"
        Write-Host "`tOpenSSL will run from: $Global:strOpenSSLExecutablePath"
        $strOpenSSLVersion = & $strInstallLocation\bin\openssl.exe version

        If ($strOpenSSLVersion.Contains($OpenSSLVersion))
            Write-Host "`tOpenSSL is installed in $strInstallLocation and is the correct version of $strOpenSSLVersion" -ForegroundColor Green
            return @($strInstallLocation, "OpenSSL is installed in $strInstallLocation and is the correct version of $strOpenSSLVersion")
            Write-Host "`tOpenSSL is installed in $strInstallLocation but it needs to be version $OpenSSLVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Start-Process $urlInstallOpenSSL
            return $false, "OpenSSL is installed in $strInstallLocation but it needs to be version $OpenSSLVersion"
        Write-Host "`tYou will need to install OpenSSL before you can continue" -ForegroundColor Red
        Start-Process $urlInstallOpenSSL
        return $false, "You will need to install OpenSSL before you can continue"

# Test WinSCP Installation
Function Check-WinSCP
        [single]$WinSCPVersion = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("WinSCPVersion")

    Write-Host "Checking if you have WinSCP Installed..."
    $Global:strWinSCPExecutablePath = ""
    $strWinSCPRegKey = "HKLM:Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\winscp3_is1\"
    $bolWinSCPRegExist = Test-Path -Path $strWinSCPRegKey
    If ($bolWinSCPRegExist)
        $strWinSCPInstallPath = Get-ItemProperty -Path $strWinSCPRegKey -Name "Inno Setup: App Path"
        $strInstallLocation = $strWinSCPInstallPath."Inno Setup: App Path"
        $Global:strWinSCPExecutablePath = "$strInstallLocation\WinSCP.exe"
        Write-Host "`tWinSCP will run from: $Global:strWinSCPExecutablePath"

        $strWinSCPDisplayVersion = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $strWinSCPRegKey -Name "DisplayVersion").DisplayVersion
        $objRequiredVersion = New-Object -TypeName System.Version -ArgumentList $WinSCPVersion
        $objInstalledVersion = New-Object -TypeName System.Version -ArgumentList $strWinSCPDisplayVersion
        $strColour = ""
        $strMessage = ""

        If ($objInstalledVersion -ge $objRequiredVersion)
            $strColour = "Green"
            $strMessage = "WinSCP is installed in $strInstallLocation and is the correct version of $objInstalledVersion"
            Write-Host "   "$strMessage -ForegroundColor Green 
            #Version 5.2 and higher allows the use of -hostkey=* to accept the SSL thumbprint of an unknown server. We need this.
            #The alternative is to connect to the destination at least once an accept the thumbprint before running the script.
            $strColour = "Orange"
            $strMessage = "WinSCP is installed in $strInstallLocation, but should be version $objRequiredVersion or higher"
            Write-Host "   "$strMessage -ForegroundColor Orange
        return @($strInstallLocation, $strMessage, $strColour)
        Write-Host "`tYou will need to install WinSCP before you can continue" -ForegroundColor Red
        return @($false, "If you need to upload the certificates after they are created, you will need to install WinSCP before you can continue", "Red")

# Test PowerCLI Installation
Function Test-PowerCLI
	$objVVC = $null
	$objVVC = Get-PSSnapin -Name VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
	If ($objVVC -eq "VMware.VimAutomation.Core")
	    $urlInstallPowerCLI = "https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/details?downloadGroup=PCLI550&productId=352"
	    Start-Process $urlInstallPowerCLI
        return $false
	    Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core
        return $true

# Check if the specified folder has the correct sub-folders
Function Check-CertStore # The returned path is important for other functions
    Param (
        [string]$RootFolderPath = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("RootFolderPath")

    [int]$count = 0
    Write-Host "Checking if the necessary folders exist for the certificates"
    If (Test-Path "$RootFolderPath\ssl")
        If (Test-Path $RootFolderPath\ssl\ca){$count++}
        If (Test-Path $RootFolderPath\ssl\vpxd){$count++}
        If (Test-Path $RootFolderPath\ssl\inventoryservice){$count++}
        If (Test-Path $RootFolderPath\ssl\autodeploy){$count++}
        If (Test-Path $RootFolderPath\ssl\logbrowser){$count++}
        return $true,$count
        return $false,$count

# Create the certificate store
Function Create-CertStore
    Param (
        [string]$RootFolderPath = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("RootFolderPath"),

    [int]$count = 0
    If (-Not (Test-Path $RootFolderPath\ssl))
        Write-Host "`tCreating $RootFolderPath\ssl"
        New-Item $RootFolderPath\ssl -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
    If ($CAonly)
        If (-Not (Test-Path $RootFolderPath\ssl\ca))
            Write-Host "`tCreating $RootFolderPath\ssl\ca"
            Write-Host "`tCreating the necessary files for you CA"
            New-Item $RootFolderPath\ssl\ca -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
            New-Item $RootFolderPath\ssl\ca\certs -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
            New-Item $RootFolderPath\ssl\ca\newcerts -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
            New-Item $RootFolderPath\ssl\ca\crl -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
            New-Item $RootFolderPath\ssl\ca\.rnd -ItemType File | Out-Null
            New-Item $RootFolderPath\ssl\ca\index.txt -ItemType File | Out-Null
            New-Item $RootFolderPath\ssl\ca\index.txt.attr -ItemType File | Out-Null
            New-Item $RootFolderPath\ssl\ca\serial -ItemType File | Out-Null
            Set-Content -Path $RootFolderPath\ssl\ca\serial -Value "1000" | Out-Null
            New-Item $RootFolderPath\ssl\ca\crlnumber -ItemType File | Out-Null
            New-Item $RootFolderPath\ssl\ca\crl.pem -ItemType File | Out-Null
        return "$RootFolderPath\ssl\$Folder"
        If (-Not (Test-Path "$RootFolderPath\ssl\$Folder"))
            Write-Host "`tCreating $RootFolderPath\ssl\$Folder"
            New-Item "$RootFolderPath\ssl\$Folder" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
        return "$RootFolderPath\ssl\$Folder"

# Create the Config Files
Function Create-OpenSSLConfigFile
    Param (
        [string]$CertStorePath, #This is the path that is returned from Create-CertStore
        [int]$NumberOfBits = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("NumberOfBits"),
        [string]$KeyPass = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("Passphrase"),
        [string]$hostname = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("vCenterHostname"),
        [string]$IPaddress = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("vCenterIPAddress"),
        [string]$FQDN = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("FQDN"),
        [string]$commonName = "$hostname.$FQDN",
        [string]$CountryCode = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("Countrycode"),
        [string]$StateOrProvinceName = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("StateOrProvinceName"),
        [string]$LocalityCity = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("LocalityCity"),
        [string]$organizationName = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("Company"),
        [string]$CAStorePath = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("RootFolderPath")+"\ssl\ca"

    Write-Host "`tCreating the custom config file"
    $PathToKeyFile = "$CertStorePath\$KeyFileName"
    $subjectAltName = "IP:$IPaddress, DNS:$hostname.$FQDN, DNS:$hostname"
    $CAdir = ($CAStorePath).Replace("\","\\")

    $RequestFile = @"
RANDFILE		= $CAdir\\.rnd

[ req ]
default_md = sha256 #was sha512
default_bits = $NumberOfBits
default_keyfile = $PathToKeyFile
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
encrypt_key = no
prompt = no
string_mask = nombstr
req_extensions = v3_req
input_password = $KeyPass
output_password = $KeyPass

[ v3_req ]
basicConstraints = CA:false
keyUsage = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment
extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth, clientAuth
subjectAltName = $subjectAltName

[ req_distinguished_name ]
countryName = $CountryCode
stateOrProvinceName = $StateOrProvinceName
localityName = $LocalityCity
0.organizationName = $organizationName
organizationalUnitName = $organizationalUnitName
commonName = $commonName

[ ca ]
default_ca	= CA_default		# The default ca section

[ CA_default ]
dir		= $CAdir		# Where everything is kept
certs		= $CAdir\\certs		# Where the issued certs are kept
crl_dir		= $CAdir\\crl		# Where the issued crl are kept
database	= $CAdir\\index.txt	# database index file.
unique_subject	= no			# Set to 'no' to allow creation of certificates with same subject.
new_certs_dir	= $CAdir\\newcerts		# default place for new certs.
certificate	= $CAdir\\ca.crt 	# The CA certificate
serial		= $CAdir\\serial 		# The current serial number
crlnumber	= $CAdir\\crlnumber	# the current crl number must be commented out to leave a V1 CRL
crl		= $CAdir\\crl.pem 		# The current CRL
private_key	= $CAdir\\ca.key# The private key
RANDFILE	= $CAdir\\.rand	# private random number file
copy_extensions = copy

x509_extensions	= usr_cert		# The extentions to add to the cert
name_opt 	= ca_default		# Subject Name options
cert_opt 	= ca_default		# Certificate field options
default_days	= 3650			# how long to certify for
default_crl_days= 30			# how long before next CRL
default_md	= sha256			# which md to use.
preserve	= no			# keep passed DN ordering
policy		= policy_match

[ policy_match ]
countryName		= match
stateOrProvinceName	= optional
organizationName	= match
organizationalUnitName	= optional
commonName		= supplied
emailAddress		= optional

[ req_attributes ]
challengePassword		= A challenge password
challengePassword_min		= 4
challengePassword_max		= 20

unstructuredName		= An optional company name

[ usr_cert ]
nsComment			= "Certificator by Andre Combrinck"

[ v3_ca ]
basicConstraints = CA:true
#keyUsage = digitalSignature, Certificate Signing, Off-line CRL Signing, CRL Signing
    Set-Content -Path "$CertStorePath\$ConfigFileName" -Value $RequestFile 

# Test if the key is in PKCS1 format
Function Test-PKCS1Key
    Param (

    Write-Host "`tChecking if the key is in PKCS1 format"
    If ((Get-Content $PathToKeyFile | select -First 1).Contains('BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY'))
        Write-Host "`t`t$PathToKeyFile is in PKCS1 format" -ForegroundColor Green
        return $true
        Write-Host "`t`t$PathToKeyFile is not in PKCS1 format" -ForegroundColor Red
        return $false

# Create the Certificate Signing Requests
Function New-CertificateSigningRequest
    Param (
        [string]$CertStorePath, #This is the path that is returned from Create-CertStore

    $strPathToKeyFile = "$CertStorePath\$KeyFileName"
    $strPathToCSRFile = "$CertStorePath\$CSRFileName"
    $strPathToConfigFile = "$CertStorePath\$ConfigFileName"

    Write-Host "`tCreating the certificate signing request"
    Start-Process $Global:strOpenSSLExecutablePath -ArgumentList " req -new -nodes -out `"$strPathToCSRFile`" -keyout `"$strPathToKeyFile`" -config `"$strPathToConfigFile`"" -WorkingDirectory $Global:strWorkingDirectoryPath -Wait

    If (Test-PKCS1Key -PathToKeyFile $strPathToKeyFile)
        Start-Process $Global:strOpenSSLExecutablePath -ArgumentList " req -text -noout -in `"$strPathToCSRFile`""  -WorkingDirectory $Global:strWorkingDirectoryPath -Wait

# Test if the certificate is in PEM format
Function Test-PEMCertificate
    Param (

    Write-Host "`tChecking if the certificate is in PEM format..."

    If ((Get-Content "$PathToCRTFile" | select -First 1).Contains('BEGIN CERTIFICATE'))
        Write-Host "`t`t$PathToCRTFile is in PEM format" -ForegroundColor Green
        return $true
        Write-Host "`t`t$PathToCRTFile is not in PEM format" -ForegroundColor Red
        return $false

# Create the ROOT CA for company
Function Create-CAwithKey
     Param (
        [string]$RootFolderPath, #This is the path that is returned from Create-CertStore
        [string]$Hostname, #Common name field from the form
        [string]$FQDN = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("FQDN"),
        [string]$CountryCode = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("CountryCode"),
        [string]$StateOrProvinceName = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("StateOrProvinceName"),
        [string]$LocalityCity = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("LocalityCity"),
        [string]$Passphrase = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("Passphrase"),
        [int]$NumberOfBits = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("DaysToExpiry"),
        [int]$NumOfDays = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("DaysToExpiry")

    $strCertStorePath = (Create-CertStore -RootFolderPath $RootFolderPath -CAonly -Folder "ca")
    $strKeyFileName = "ca.key"
    $strConfigFileName = "ca.cfg"
    $strCRTFileName = "ca.crt"
    $strPathToKeyFile = "$strCertStorePath\$strKeyFileName"
    $PathToCRTFile = "$strCertStorePath\$strCRTFileName"
    $strPathToConfigFile = "$strCertStorePath\$strConfigFileName"

    Create-OpenSSLConfigFile `
        -CAStorePath $strCertStorePath `
        -CertStorePath $strCertStorePath `
        -NumberOfBits $NumberOfBits `
        -KeyFileName $strKeyFileName `
        -hostname $Hostname `
        -commonName $Hostname `
        -IPaddress "" `
        -FQDN $FQDN `
        -CountryCode $CountryCode `
        -StateOrProvinceName $StateOrProvinceName `
        -LocalityCity $LocalityCity `
        -organizationName $OrganizationName `
        -organizationalUnitName "Certification Authorities" `
        -ConfigFileName $strConfigFileName

    Start-Process $Global:strOpenSSLExecutablePath -ArgumentList " genrsa -out `"$strPathToKeyFile`" $NumberOfBits" -WorkingDirectory $Global:strWorkingDirectoryPath -Wait #

    If (Test-PKCS1Key -PathToKeyFile $strPathToKeyFile)
        Write-Host "Creating the CA's certificate and key"
        Start-Process $Global:strOpenSSLExecutablePath -ArgumentList " req -new -x509 -extensions v3_ca -days $NumOfDays -key `"$strPathToKeyFile`" -out `"$PathToCRTFile`" -config `"$strPathToConfigFile`" -outform PEM" -WorkingDirectory $Global:strWorkingDirectoryPath
        Write-Host "The CA certificate and key could not be created" -ForegroundColor Red

# Signing the Certificate Signing Requests
Function Sign-CertificateSigningRequests
    Param (
        [string]$CertStorePath, #This is the path that is returned from Create-CertStore
        [string]$ConfigFileName, #= "vpxd.cfg",
        [string]$CSRFileName, #= "vpxd.csr",
        [string]$PathToCAKeyFile = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("RootFolderPath")+"\ca\ca.key",
        [string]$PathToCACRTFile = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("RootFolderPath")+"\ca\ca.crt"

        $strPathToCSRFile = "$CertStorePath\$CSRFileName"
        $strPathToConfigFile = "$CertStorePath\$ConfigFileName"
        $strPathToCRTFile = "$CertStorePath\$CRTFileName"

        Start-Process $Global:strOpenSSLExecutablePath " ca -batch -extensions v3_req -config `"$strPathToConfigFile`" -out `"$strPathToCRTFile`" -infiles `"$strPathToCSRFile`"" -WorkingDirectory $Global:strWorkingDirectoryPath -Wait | Out-Null
        Start-Process $Global:strOpenSSLExecutablePath " x509 -in `"$strPathToCRTFile`" -out `"$strPathToCRTFile`" -outform PEM" -WorkingDirectory $Global:strWorkingDirectoryPath -Wait | Out-Null
        If (Test-PEMCertificate -PathToCRTFile $strPathToCRTFile)
            return $strPathToCRTFile 

# Creating a certificate chain in PEM format
Function Chain-Certificates
    Param (

    Write-Host "`tCreating a certificate chain"
    $CAChain += Get-Content $PathToServerCRTFile
    $CAChain += Get-Content $PathToCACRTFile
    Set-Content -Path "$CertStorePath\chain.pem" -Value $CAChain
    return "chain.pem"

# Create Certificates in PFX
Function Create-PFXCertificate
    Param (
    $strPathToPFXFile = "$RootFolderPath\ssl\$ServerName\$PFXFileName"
    $strPathToKeyFile = "$RootFolderPath\ssl\$ServerName\$KeyFileName"
    $strPathToChainFile = "$RootFolderPath\ssl\$ServerName\$ChainFileName"
    $strPathToPEMFile = "$RootFolderPath\ssl\$ServerName\$PEMFileName"

    Write-Host "`tCreating the PFX File $strPathToPFXFile"
    Start-Process $Global:strOpenSSLExecutablePath " pkcs12 -in `"$strPathToPFXFile`" -nodes -out `"$PEMFileName`"" -WorkingDirectory $Global:strWorkingDirectoryPath -Wait | Out-Null
    Write-Host "To create a PEM file for vCOPS, copy and paste the text below to the command prompt using no password`r`n$Global:strOpenSSLExecutablePath pkcs12 -in `"$strPathToPFXFile`" -nodes -out `"$strPathToPEMFile`"" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
    Start-Process $Global:strOpenSSLExecutablePath " pkcs12 -export -out `"$strPathToPFXFile`" -in `"$strPathToChainFile`" -inkey `"$strPathToKeyFile`" -name `"$ServerName created with Andre's Certificator`" -passout pass:$Passphrase" -WorkingDirectory $Global:strWorkingDirectoryPath -Wait | Out-Null
    return $strPathToPFXFile

# Create vCenter Appliance 5.5 Certificates
Function New-VCSA55Certificates
    Param (

    # "Static Varialbles" ;-)                                                     #
    # These variables are built in, but for VMware purposes should not be changed #
        $strCAKeyPass = "testpassword"                                            #
        [int]$NumberOfBits = 2048                                                 #
        $strKeyFileName = "rui.key"                                               #

    @("vpxd","inventoryservice","autodeploy","logbrowser") | foreach {
        Write-Host "Creating $_ files"
        $strCertStorePath = (Create-CertStore -RootFolderPath $RootFolderPath -Folder $_)
        $strConfigFileName = "$_.cfg"
        $strCSRFileName = "$_.csr"
        Switch -exact ($_)
                $strOrganizationalUnitName = "VMware vSphere Autodeploy Service Certificate"
                $strOrganizationalUnitName = "VMware LogBrowser Service Certificate"
                $strOrganizationalUnitName = "VMware Inventory Service Certificate"
                $strOrganizationalUnitName = "VMware vCenter Service Certificate"
        Create-OpenSSLConfigFile `
            -CertStorePath $strCertStorePath `
            -ConfigFileName "$strConfigFileName" `
            -KeyFileName "$strKeyFileName" `
            -NumberOfBits $NumberOfBits `
            -KeyPass $strCAKeyPass `
            -hostname $hostname `
            -IPaddress $IPaddress `
            -FQDN $FQDN `
            -CountryCode $CountryCode `
            -StateOrProvinceName $StateOrProvinceName `
            -LocalityCity $LocalityCity `
            -organizationName $organizationName `
            -organizationalUnitName $strOrganizationalUnitName `
            -CAStorePath $CAStorePath
        New-CertificateSigningRequest `
            -CertStorePath $strCertStorePath `
            -ConfigFileName $strConfigFileName `
            -KeyFileName $strKeyFileName `
            -CSRFileName $strCSRFileName
        $strPathToCRTFile = Sign-CertificateSigningRequests `
            -CertStorePath $strCertStorePath `
            -ConfigFileName $strConfigFileName `
            -CSRFileName $strCSRFileName `
            -CRTFileName "rui.crt" `
            -PathToCAKeyFile $PathToCAKeyFile `
            -PathToCACRTFile $PathToCACRTFile
        Chain-Certificates `
            -PathToCACRTFile $PathToCACRTFile `
            -PathToServerCRTFile $strPathToCRTFile `
            -CertStorePath $strCertStorePath

# Prompt for ESXi Hosts and IPs
Function Form-ESXiHostsAndIPsHash
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing")
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") 

    [hashtable]$Global:hshHostAndIP = $null
    $Global:hshHostAndIP = @{}
    $objWShell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell
    $Global:listHostAndIP = @()

    # Form
    $objESXiHostsAndIPsHashForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form 

        [int]$formHeight = 420
        [int]$formWidth = 240
        [int]$lblWidth = 80
        [int]$lblHeight = 20
        [int]$tbWidth = 120
        [int]$tbHeight = 20
        [int]$gap = 4

        $objESXiHostsAndIPsHashForm.Text = "Certificator"
        $objESXiHostsAndIPsHashForm.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($formWidth,$formHeight) 
        $objESXiHostsAndIPsHashForm.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"

        $objESXiHostsAndIPsHashForm.KeyPreview = $True
            If ($_.KeyCode -eq "Escape")

        # Introduction
        $lblIntroduction = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label

            $lblIntroduction.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,10)
            $lblIntroduction.Width = $formWidth - 20
            $lblIntroduction.Height = 30 
            $lblIntroduction.Text = "Enter the Hostname and IP address then click Add to populate the list" 


        # Hostname
        $lblhostname = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
        $tbhostname = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

            $lblhostname.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($lblWidth,$lblHeight)
            $lblhostname.Top = $lblIntroduction.Bottom + $gap
            $lblhostname.Left = $lblIntroduction.Left
            $lblhostname.Text = "Hostname"

            $tbhostname.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($tbWidth,$tbHeight)
            $tbhostname.Top = $lblhostname.Top
            $tbhostname.Left = $lblhostname.Right + 10
            $tbhostname.Text = ""


        # IP Address
        $lblIPaddress = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
        $tbIPaddress = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

            $lblIPaddress.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($lblWidth,$lblHeight)
            $lblIPaddress.Top = $lblhostname.Bottom + $gap
            $lblIPaddress.Left = $lblIntroduction.Left
            $lblIPaddress.Text = "IP Address"

            $tbIPaddress.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($tbWidth,$tbHeight)
            $tbIPaddress.Top = $lblIPaddress.Top
            $tbIPaddress.Left = $lblIPaddress.Right + 10
            $tbIPaddress.Text = ""


        # Add Button
        $btnAdd = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button

            $btnAdd.Top = $lblIPaddress.Bottom + 10
            $btnAdd.Left = $lblIntroduction.Left
            $btnAdd.Width = 200
            $btnAdd.Height = 20
            $btnAdd.Text = "Add"

                If ($Global:hshHostAndIP.Contains($tbhostname.Text))
                    $strPopupMessage = "Entry already exists.`r`nYou already added " + $tbhostname.Text + " to the list.`r`nPlease enter a unique value. "
                    $lbHostsAndIPs.Text += $tbhostname.Text + "," + $tbIPaddress.Text +"`r`n"


        # Hosts and IPs list 
        $lbHostsAndIPs = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label

            $lbHostsAndIPs.Top = $btnAdd.Bottom + 10
            $lbHostsAndIPs.Left = $lblIntroduction.Left
            $lbHostsAndIPs.Width = 200
            $lbHostsAndIPs.Height = 200
            $lbHostsAndIPs.Text = ""


        # Done Button
        $btnDone = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button

            $btnDone.Top = $lbHostsAndIPs.Bottom + 10
            $btnDone.Left = $lblIntroduction.Left
            $btnDone.Width = 200
            $btnDone.Height = 40
            $btnDone.Text = "Done"



    [void] $objESXiHostsAndIPsHashForm.ShowDialog()

# Create ESXi 5.5 Certificates
Function New-ESXi55Certificates
    Param (

    # "Static Varialbles" ;-)                                                     #
    # These variables are built in, but for VMware purposes should not be changed #
        $strCAKeyPass = "testpassword"                                            #
        [int]$NumberOfBits = 2048                                                 #
        $strKeyFileName = "rui.key"                                               #
        $strCSRFileName = 'rui.csr'                                               #

    $Global:hshHostAndIP.GetEnumerator() | foreach {
        Write-Host "Creating "$_.Name" files"
        $strCertStorePath = (Create-CertStore -RootFolderPath $RootFolderPath -Folder $_.Name)
        $strConfigFileName = $_.Name +'.cfg'
        $strKeyFileName = "rui.key"
        $strCSRFileName = $_.Name +'.csr'
        $strIPAddress = $Global:hshHostAndIP.Get_Item($_.Name)
        $strCommonName = ""
        Create-OpenSSLConfigFile `
            -CAStorePath $CAStorePath `
            -CertStorePath $strCertStorePath `
            -NumberOfBits $NumberOfBits `
            -KeyFileName "$strKeyFileName" `
            -KeyPass $strCAKeyPass `
            -hostname $_.Name `
            -IPaddress $strIPAddress `
            -FQDN $FQDN `
            -CountryCode $CountryCode `
            -StateOrProvinceName $StateOrProvinceName `
            -LocalityCity $LocalityCity `
            -organizationName $OrganizationName `
            -organizationalUnitName "ESXi Hosts" `
            -ConfigFileName "$strConfigFileName"
        New-CertificateSigningRequest `
            -CertStorePath $strCertStorePath `
            -ConfigFileName $strConfigFileName `
            -KeyFileName $strKeyFileName `
            -CSRFileName $strCSRFileName
        $strPathToCRTFile = Sign-CertificateSigningRequests `
            -CertStorePath $strCertStorePath `
            -ConfigFileName $strConfigFileName `
            -CSRFileName $strCSRFileName `
            -CRTFileName "rui.crt" `
            -PathToCAKeyFile $PathToCAKeyFile `
            -PathToCACRTFile $PathToCACRTFile
        Chain-Certificates `
            -PathToCACRTFile $PathToCACRTFile `
            -PathToServerCRTFile $strPathToCRTFile `
            -CertStorePath $strCertStorePath

# Create a Custom Server Certificate
Function New-ServerCertificate
    Param (

    Write-Host "Creating $ServerName files"
    $strCertStorePath = (Create-CertStore -RootFolderPath $RootFolderPath -Folder $ServerName)
    $strConfigFileName = $ServerName +'.cfg'
    $strKeyFileName = $ServerName + '.key'
    $strCSRFileName = $ServerName +'.csr'
    $strIPAddress = $ServerIP
    $strCommonName = $ServerName + "." + $FQDN
    Create-OpenSSLConfigFile `
        -CAStorePath $CAStorePath `
        -CertStorePath $strCertStorePath `
        -NumberOfBits $NumberOfBits `
        -KeyFileName "$strKeyFileName" `
        -KeyPass $strCAKeyPass `
        -hostname $ServerName `
        -IPaddress $strIPAddress `
        -FQDN $FQDN `
        -CountryCode $CountryCode `
        -StateOrProvinceName $StateOrProvinceName `
        -LocalityCity $LocalityCity `
        -organizationName $OrganizationName `
        -organizationalUnitName "Web Servers" `
        -ConfigFileName "$strConfigFileName"
    New-CertificateSigningRequest `
        -CertStorePath $strCertStorePath `
        -ConfigFileName $strConfigFileName `
        -KeyFileName $strKeyFileName `
        -CSRFileName $strCSRFileName
    $strPathToCRTFile = Sign-CertificateSigningRequests `
        -CertStorePath $strCertStorePath `
        -ConfigFileName $strConfigFileName `
        -CSRFileName $strCSRFileName `
        -CRTFileName "$ServerName.crt"`
        -PathToCAKeyFile $PathToCAKeyFile `
        -PathToCACRTFile $PathToCACRTFile
    $strChainFileName = Chain-Certificates `
        -PathToCACRTFile $PathToCACRTFile `
        -PathToServerCRTFile $strPathToCRTFile `
        -CertStorePath $strCertStorePath
    $Global:tbPFXFile.Text = Create-PFXCertificate `
        -RootFolderPath $RootFolderPath `
        -ServerName $ServerName `
        -PFXFileName "$ServerName.pfx" `
        -ChainFileName $strChainFileName `
        -KeyFileName "$ServerName.key" `
        -PEMFileName "$ServerName.pem" `
        -Passphrase $Passphrase

# Upload VCSA files with WinSCP
Function Upload-vCenterCertificates

    $strIPandPort = $LookupServiceIP+':7444'
    @("ca","vpxd","inventoryservice","autodeploy","logbrowser") | foreach {
        $strUploadCommand = `
 /console /command "open root:$rootPassword@$LookupServiceIP -hostkey=*" "call mkdir /ssl" "put ""$RootFolderPath\ssl\$_"" /ssl/" "exit"
        Start-Process $Global:strWinSCPExecutablePath -ArgumentList $strUploadCommand -Wait
        $strCertCommands = `
  /console /command "open root:$rootPassword@$LookupServiceIP -hostkey=*" "call service vmware-stsd stop" "call service vmware-vpxd stop" "cd /ssl/vpxd/" "call /usr/sbin/vpxd_servicecfg certificate change chain.pem rui.key" "call service vmware-stsd start" "call cd /etc/vmware-sso/register-hooks.d" "call ./02-inventoryservice --mode uninstall --ls-server https://$strIPandPort/lookupservice/sdk" "call cd /ssl/inventoryservice" "call openssl pkcs12 -export -out rui.pfx -in chain.pem -inkey rui.key -name rui -passout pass:testpassword" "call cp rui.key /usr/lib/vmware-vpx/inventoryservice/ssl" "call cp rui.crt /usr/lib/vmware-vpx/inventoryservice/ssl" "call cp rui.pfx /usr/lib/vmware-vpx/inventoryservice/ssl" "call cd /usr/lib/vmware-vpx/inventoryservice/ssl/" "call chmod 400 rui.key rui.pfx" "call chmod 644 rui.crt" "call cd /etc/vmware-sso/register-hooks.d" "call ./02-inventoryservice --mode install --ls-server https://$strIPandPort/lookupservice/sdk --user administrator@vsphere.local --password $SSOAdminPassword" "call rm /var/vmware/vpxd/inventoryservice_registered" "call service vmware-inventoryservice stop" "call service vmware-vpxd stop" "call service vmware-inventoryservice start" "call service vmware-vpxd start" "call cd /etc/vmware-sso/register-hooks.d" "call ./09-vmware-logbrowser --mode uninstall --ls-server https://$strIPandPort/lookupservice/sdk" "call cd /ssl/logbrowser" "call openssl pkcs12 -export -in rui.crt -inkey rui.key -name rui -passout pass:testpassword -out rui.pfx" "call cp rui.key /usr/lib/vmware-logbrowser/conf" "call cp rui.crt /usr/lib/vmware-logbrowser/conf" "call cp rui.pfx /usr/lib/vmware-logbrowser/conf" "call cd /usr/lib/vmware-logbrowser/conf" "call chmod 400 rui.key rui.pfx" "call chmod 644 rui.crt" "call cd /etc/vmware-sso/register-hooks.d" "call ./09-vmware-logbrowser --mode install --ls-server https://$strIPandPort/lookupservice/sdk --user administrator@vsphere.local --password $SSOAdminPassword" "call service vmware-logbrowser stop" "call service vmware-logbrowser start" "call cp /ssl/autodeploy/rui.crt /etc/vmware-rbd/ssl/waiter.crt" "call cp /ssl/autodeploy/rui.key /etc/vmware-rbd/ssl/waiter.key" "call cd /etc/vmware-rbd/ssl/" "call chmod 644 waiter.crt" "call chmod 400 waiter.key" "call chown deploy:deploy waiter.crt waiter.key" "call service vmware-rbd-watchdog stop" "call rm /var/vmware/vpxd/autodeploy_registered" "call service vmware-vpxd restart" "exit"
    Start-Process $Global:strWinSCPExecutablePath -ArgumentList $strCertCommands -Wait

# Upload ESXi 5.5 Certificates with WinSCP
Function Upload-HostCertificates
	    $Global:hshHostAndIP.GetEnumerator() | foreach
            $strIPAddress = $Global:hshHostAndIP.Get_Item($_.Name)
            $strCertStorePath = "$RootFolderPath\ssl\$_.Name"
#Put host into maintenance mode
#Enable SSH
        $strUploadCommand = `
"/console /command "open root:$rootPassword@$strIPAddress -hostkey=*" "call cd  /etc/vmware/ssl" "call mkdir backup" "call mv *.* ./backup" "call rm rui.crt" "call rm rui.key" "put ""$strCertStorePath"" /etc/vmware/ssl" "exit"
#Restart management agents on the host
#Disable SSH
#Take host out of maintenance mode

    Start-Process $Global:strWinSCPExecutablePath -ArgumentList $strUploadCommand -Wait

# Import the default values from file
Function Get-CertificatorDefaults
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing")
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") 

    # Form
    $objDefaultsList = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form 

        $objDefaultsList.KeyPreview = $True

        [int]$gap = 4
        $objDefaultsList.Text = "Certificator"
        $objDefaultsList.AutoSize = $True
        $objDefaultsList.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"

        # Introduction
        $lblIntroduction = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label

            $lblIntroduction.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,10)
            $lblIntroduction.Height = 50
            $lblIntroduction.Width = 300
            $lblIntroduction.Text = "Previously saved default files were found.`r`nSelect the file you want to use and click OK.`r`nClick Cancel to use the script defaults." 


        # Files and associated companies
        $hdrFileName = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader
        $hdrCompany = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader
        $lstDefaultsFiles = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ListView
        $btnCancel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
        $btnOK = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button 

            $hdrFileName.Text = "File Name"
            $hdrFileName.TextAlign = [System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment]::Left

            $hdrCompany.Text = "Company"
            $hdrCompany.TextAlign = [System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment]::Center

            $lstDefaultsFiles.Top = $lblIntroduction.Bottom + $gap
            $lstDefaultsFiles.Left = $lblIntroduction.Left
            $lstDefaultsFiles.Height = 200
            $lstDefaultsFiles.Width = 200
            $lstDefaultsFiles.GridLines = $true
            $lstDefaultsFiles.Columns.Add($hdrFileName.Text, -2)
            $lstDefaultsFiles.Columns.Add($hdrCompany.Text, -2)
            $lstDefaultsFiles.View = [System.Windows.Forms.View]::Details
            $lstDefaultsFiles.FullRowSelect = $True

            Get-ChildItem $env:APPDATA\Certificator | foreach {
				$arrFileName = $_.ToString().Split(".")
                $lvItem = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem($_.Name)

            $btnOK.Height = 20
            $btnOK.Width = ($lstDefaultsFiles.Width/2)-5
            $btnOK.Top = $lstDefaultsFiles.Bottom + $gap
            $btnOK.Left = $lblIntroduction.Left
            $btnOK.Text = "OK"

            $btnCancel.Height = $btnOK.Height
            $btnCancel.Width = $btnOK.Width
            $btnCancel.Top = $btnOK.Top
            $btnCancel.Left = $btnOK.Right + 10
            $btnCancel.Text = "Cancel"

                $lstDefaultsFiles.SelectedItems | foreach {
                    $strSelectedFile = $_.Text
                    $Global:hshDefaultValues = Import-Clixml "$env:APPDATA\Certificator\$strSelectedFile"



        If ($_.KeyCode -eq "Escape")

    [void] $objDefaultsList.ShowDialog()

# Display a form to get the Certificate Info
Function Form-CertificateInfo
    Param (

    # Create objects
    $objShell = New-Object -ComObject shell.application
    $arrOpenSSLCheckResult = @()

    [int]$formHeight = 650
    [int]$formWidth = 510
    [int]$tbHeight = 20
    [int]$tbWidth = 260
    [int]$lblHeight = 31
    [int]$lblWidth = 150
    [int]$gap = 4

    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing") 
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") 

    # Create Form and Controls
    $objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form 

        $objForm.Text = "Certificator"
        $objForm.AutoSize = $True
        $objForm.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"

        # Introduction
        $lblIntroduction = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label

            $lblIntroduction.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,10)
            $lblIntroduction.Width = $objForm.Width-300
            $lblIntroduction.Height = 30 
            $lblIntroduction.Text = "" 


        # Company Name
        $lblCompanyName = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
        $tbCompanyName_ws = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox 

            $lblCompanyName.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($lblWidth,$lblHeight)
            $lblCompanyName.Top = $lblIntroduction.Bottom + 10
            $lblCompanyName.Left = $lblIntroduction.Left
            $lblCompanyName.Text = "Company Name"

            $tbCompanyName_ws.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($tbWidth,$tbHeight) 
            $tbCompanyName_ws.Top = $lblCompanyName.Top
            $tbCompanyName_ws.Left = $lblCompanyName.Right + 10
            $tbCompanyName_ws.Text = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("Company")


        # Root Folder
        $btnRootFolderBrowse = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
        $tbRootFolder = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox 
        $lblCertificateStoreCheck = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label

            $btnRootFolderBrowse.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($lblWidth,$lblHeight)
            $btnRootFolderBrowse.Top = $lblCompanyName.Bottom + $gap
            $btnRootFolderBrowse.Left = $lblIntroduction.Left
            $btnRootFolderBrowse.Text = "Root Folder"#`r`n(Parent for the ssl folder)"

            $tbRootFolder.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($tbWidth,$tbHeight)
            $tbRootFolder.Top = $btnRootFolderBrowse.Top + 5
            $tbRootFolder.Left = $btnRootFolderBrowse.Right + 10
            $tbRootFolder.Text = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("RootFolderPath")

            $lblCertificateStoreCheck.Width = $objForm.Width
            $lblCertificateStoreCheck.Height = $lblHeight 
            $lblCertificateStoreCheck.Top = $btnRootFolderBrowse.Bottom + 1
            $lblCertificateStoreCheck.Left = $lblIntroduction.Left

            $btnRootFolderBrowse.Add_Click({$tbRootFolder.Text = ($objShell.BrowseForFolder(0,"Please select the folder where the certificate store should be created:",0,$strDefaultBrowseFolderPath).self.Path)
            $arrCertStoreCheckResult = @(Check-CertStore -RootFolderPath $tbRootFolder.Text)
            If (-Not $arrCertStoreCheckResult[0])
                $lblCertificateStoreCheck.ForeColor = "Red"
                $lblCertificateStoreCheck.Text = "An ssl folder and the relevant subfolders don't exist in the specified location `r`nand will be created."
            ElseIf ($arrCertStoreCheckResult[0] -and $arrCertStoreCheckResult[1] -lt 5)
                $lblCertificateStoreCheck.ForeColor = "Orange"
                $lblCertificateStoreCheck.Text = "An ssl folder exists in the specified location, but some or all of the subfolders `r`nneed to be created."
            ElseIf ($arrCertStoreCheckResult[0] -and $arrCertStoreCheckResult[1] -eq 5)
                $lblCertificateStoreCheck.ForeColor = "Green"
                $lblCertificateStoreCheck.Text = "An ssl folder and all of the required subfolders exist."
            Else {$lblCertificateStoreCheck.Text = "The result is undetermined";Write-Host "Undetermined"}


        # Hostname
        $lblhostname = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
        $tbhostname = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

            $lblhostname.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($lblWidth,$lblHeight)
            $lblhostname.Top = $lblCertificateStoreCheck.Bottom + $gap
            $lblhostname.Left = $lblIntroduction.Left

            $tbhostname.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($tbWidth,$tbHeight)
            $tbhostname.Top = $lblhostname.Top
            $tbhostname.Left = $lblhostname.Right + 10

            If ($Source -eq "btnNewCA")
                $lblhostname.Text = "Common Name"
                $tbhostname.Text = $tbCompanyName_ws.Text + ' Root CA'
            ElseIf ($Source -eq "btnVCSACerts" -or $Source -eq "btnESXiCerts" -or $Source -eq "btnDefaults")
                $lblhostname.Text = "vCenter Hostname"
                $tbhostname.Text = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("vCenterHostname")
                $lblhostname.Text = "Hostname"
                $tbhostname.Text = "WEB01"


        If (-Not ($Source -eq "btnNewCA"))
            If (-not ($Source -eq "btnESXiCerts"))

                # IP Address
                $lblIPaddress = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
                $tbIPaddress = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

                    $lblIPaddress.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($lblWidth,$lblHeight)
                    $lblIPaddress.Top = $lblhostname.Bottom + $gap
                    $lblIPaddress.Left = $lblIntroduction.Left
                    If ($Source -eq "btnVCSACerts")
                        $lblIPaddress.Text = "vCenter IP Address"
                        $tbIPaddress.Text = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("vCenterIPAddress")
                        $lblIPaddress.Text = "IP Address"
                        $tbIPaddress.Text = ""

                    $tbIPaddress.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($tbWidth,$tbHeight)
                    $tbIPaddress.Top = $lblIPaddress.Top
                    $tbIPaddress.Left = $lblIPaddress.Right + 10



                # Hostnames and IP addresses
                $btnManHostAndIP = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
                $btnAutoHostAndIP = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button 
                $hdrHostName = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader
                $hdrIPAddress = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader
                $lstHostAndIP = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ListView

                    $btnManHostAndIP.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($lblWidth,$lblHeight)
                    $btnManHostAndIP.Top = $lblhostname.Bottom + $gap
                    $btnManHostAndIP.Left = $lblIntroduction.Left
                    $btnManHostAndIP.Text = "Specify Hostname and IP"

                    $btnAutoHostAndIP.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($lblWidth,$lblHeight) 
                    $btnAutoHostAndIP.Top = $btnManHostAndIP.Bottom + $gap
                    $btnAutoHostAndIP.Left = $lblIntroduction.Left
                    $btnAutoHostAndIP.Text = "Get Hostname and IP from vCenter"

                    $hdrHostName.Text = "Host Name"
                    $hdrHostName.TextAlign = [System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment]::Left

                    $hdrIPAddress.Text = "IP Address"
                    $hdrIPAddress.TextAlign = [System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment]::Center

                    $lstHostAndIP.Height = $btnAutoHostAndIP.Bottom - $btnManHostAndIP.Top + $gap
                    $lstHostAndIP.Width = $tbWidth
                    $lstHostAndIP.Top = $btnManHostAndIP.Top
                    $lstHostAndIP.Left = $btnManHostAndIP.Right + 10
                    $lstHostAndIP.GridLines = $true

                    $lstHostAndIP.Columns.Add($hdrHostName.Text, -2)
                    $lstHostAndIP.Columns.Add($hdrIPAddress.Text, -2)
                    $lstHostAndIP.View = [System.Windows.Forms.View]::Details

                        $i = 1
                        $Global:hshHostAndIP.GetEnumerator() | foreach {
                            $lvItem = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem($_.Key)

                        If (Test-PowerCLI)
                            $strvCenterServer = $tbhostname.Text + '.' + $tbFQDN.Text
                            #Connect-VIServer -Server $tbIPAddress.Text -Credential (Get-Credential -Credential root)
                            [hashtable]$Global:hshHostAndIP = $null
                            $Global:hshHostAndIP = @{}
                            Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMKernel | foreach {
				                $arrHostName = $_.VMHost.Name.ToString().Split(".")
                                $Global:hshHostAndIP.GetEnumerator() | foreach {
                                $lvItem = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem($_.Key)


            # FQDN
            $lblFQDN = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
            $tbFQDN = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

                $lblFQDN.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($lblWidth,$lblHeight)
                $lblFQDN.Left = $lblIntroduction.Left
                If ($Source -eq "btnESXiCerts")
                    $lblFQDN.Top = $lstHostAndIP.Bottom + $gap
                    $lblFQDN.Top = $lblIPaddress.Bottom + $gap
                $lblFQDN.Text = "Company FQDN"

                $tbFQDN.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($tbWidth,$tbHeight)
                $tbFQDN.Top = $lblFQDN.Top
                $tbFQDN.Left = $lblFQDN.Right + 10
                $tbFQDN.Text = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("FQDN")


        # Country
        $lblCountryCode = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
        $tbCountryCode = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

            $lblCountryCode.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($lblWidth,$lblHeight)
            If ($Source -eq "btnNewCA")
                $lblCountryCode.Top = $lblhostname.Bottom + $gap
                $lblCountryCode.Top = $lblFQDN.Bottom + $gap
            $lblCountryCode.Left = $lblIntroduction.Left
            $lblCountryCode.Text = "Country Code`r`n(Two letter code)"

            $tbCountryCode.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($tbWidth,$tbHeight)
            $tbCountryCode.Top = $lblCountryCode.Top
            $tbCountryCode.Left = $lblCountryCode.Right + 10
            $tbCountryCode.Text = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("CountryCode")


        # State or Province
        $lblStateOrProvinceName = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
        $tbStateOrProvinceName = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

            $lblStateOrProvinceName.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($lblWidth,$lblHeight)
            $lblStateOrProvinceName.Top = $lblCountryCode.Bottom + $gap
            $lblStateOrProvinceName.Left = $lblIntroduction.Left
            $lblStateOrProvinceName.Text = "Province"

            $tbStateOrProvinceName.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($tbWidth,$tbHeight)
            $tbStateOrProvinceName.Top = $lblStateOrProvinceName.Top
            $tbStateOrProvinceName.Left = $lblStateOrProvinceName.Right + 10
            $tbStateOrProvinceName.Text = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("StateOrProvinceName")


        # Locality or City
        $lblLocalityCity = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
        $tbLocalityCity = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

            $lblLocalityCity.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($lblWidth,$lblHeight)
            $lblLocalityCity.Top = $lblStateOrProvinceName.Bottom + $gap
            $lblLocalityCity.Left = $lblIntroduction.Left
            $lblLocalityCity.Text = "Locality/City"

            $tbLocalityCity.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($tbWidth,$tbHeight)
            $tbLocalityCity.Top = $lblLocalityCity.Top
            $tbLocalityCity.Left = $lblLocalityCity.Right + 10
            $tbLocalityCity.Text = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("LocalityCity")


        # Number of Bits
        If ($Source -eq "btnNewCA" -or $Source -eq "btnCustomCert" -or $Source -eq "btnDefaults")
            $lblNumberOfBits = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
            $tbNumberOfBits = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

                $lblNumberOfBits.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($lblWidth,$lblHeight)
                $lblNumberOfBits.Top = $lblLocalityCity.Bottom + $gap
                $lblNumberOfBits.Left = $lblIntroduction.Left
                $lblNumberOfBits.Text = "Number of Bits"

                $tbNumberOfBits.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($tbWidth,$tbHeight)
                $tbNumberOfBits.Top = $lblNumberOfBits.Top
                $tbNumberOfBits.Left = $lblNumberOfBits.Right + 10
                $tbNumberOfBits.Text = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("NumberOfBits")


        # Signing CA Directory
        If ($Source -eq "btnVCSACerts" -or $Source -eq "btnCustomCert" -or $Source -eq "btnESXiCerts" -or $Source -eq "btnDefaults")
            $btnSigningCAdirBrowse = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
            $tbSigningCAdir = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox 

                $btnSigningCAdirBrowse.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($lblWidth,$lblHeight)
                If ($Source -eq "btnCustomCert" -or $Source -eq "btnDefaults")
                    $btnSigningCAdirBrowse.Top = $lblNumberOfBits.Bottom + $gap
                ElseIf ($Source -eq "btnESXiCerts"  -or $Source -eq "btnVCSACerts")
                    $btnSigningCAdirBrowse.Top = $lblLocalityCity.Bottom + $gap
                $btnSigningCAdirBrowse.Left = $lblIntroduction.Left
                $btnSigningCAdirBrowse.Text = "Signing CA Root Directory"

                $tbSigningCAdir.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($tbWidth,$tbHeight)
                $tbSigningCAdir.Top = $btnSigningCAdirBrowse.Top + 5
                $tbSigningCAdir.Left = $btnSigningCAdirBrowse.Right + 10
                $tbSigningCAdir.Text = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("SigningCARoot")

                    $tbSigningCAdir.Text = ($objShell.BrowseForFolder(0,"Please select the folder where the Certification Authority files are stored:",0,$strDefaultBrowseFolderPath).self.Path)


            # Signing CA Certificate
            $btnSigningCAcrtBrowse = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
            $tbSigningCAcrt = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox 
            $dlgSigningCAcrt = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog

                $btnSigningCAcrtBrowse.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($lblWidth,$lblHeight)
                If ($Source -eq "btnNewCA")
                    $btnSigningCAcrtBrowse.Top = $lblNumberOfBits.Bottom + $gap
                    $btnSigningCAcrtBrowse.Top = $btnSigningCAdirBrowse.Bottom + $gap
                $btnSigningCAcrtBrowse.Left = $lblIntroduction.Left
                $btnSigningCAcrtBrowse.Text = "Signing CA .crt file"

                $tbSigningCAcrt.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($tbWidth,$tbHeight) 
                $tbSigningCAcrt.Top = $btnSigningCAcrtBrowse.Top + 5
                $tbSigningCAcrt.Left = $btnSigningCAcrtBrowse.Right + 10 
                $tbSigningCAcrt.Text = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("SigningCACRT")

                $dlgSigningCAcrt.Title = "Specify the Certificate file for the Certification Authority" ;
                $dlgSigningCAcrt.InitialDirectory = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("RootFolderPath")
                $dlgSigningCAcrt.Filter = "Certificate files (*.crt)|*.crt|All files (*.*)|*.*"

                    If ($dlgSigningCAcrt.ShowDialog() -eq "OK")
                        $tbSigningCAcrt.Text = $dlgSigningCAcrt.FileName


        If ($Source -eq "btnVCSACerts" -or $Source -eq "btnCustomCert" -or $Source -eq "btnESXiCerts" -or $Source -eq "btnDefaults")
            # Signing CA Key
            $btnSigningCAkeyBrowse = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
            $tbSigningCAkey = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox 
            $dlgSigningCAkey = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog

                $btnSigningCAkeyBrowse.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($lblWidth,$lblHeight)
                $btnSigningCAkeyBrowse.Top = $btnSigningCAcrtBrowse.Bottom + $gap
                $btnSigningCAkeyBrowse.Left = $lblIntroduction.Left
                $btnSigningCAkeyBrowse.Text = "Signing CA .key file"

                $tbSigningCAkey.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($tbWidth,$tbHeight)
                $tbSigningCAkey.Top = $btnSigningCAkeyBrowse.Top + 5
                $tbSigningCAkey.Left = $btnSigningCAkeyBrowse.Right + 10
                $tbSigningCAkey.Text = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("SigningCAKey")

                $dlgSigningCAkey.Title = "Specify the Key file for the Certification Authority" ;
                $dlgSigningCAkey.InitialDirectory = $Global:hshDefaultValues.Item("RootFolderPath")
                $dlgSigningCAkey.Filter = "Key files (*.key)|*.key|All files (*.*)|*.*"

                    If ($dlgSigningCAkey.ShowDialog() -eq "OK")
                        $tbSigningCAkey.Text = $dlgSigningCAkey.FileName


        If ($Sour