PoshCode Archive  Artifact [2595d66cbd]

Artifact 2595d66cbd18a1aac761673c7f96d0db3d49200ddcb970d2df26182c970b024e:

  • File SharePoint-UserID-grab.ps1 — part of check-in [aae15d9eda] at 2018-06-10 14:23:28 on branch trunk — Use the MOSS (Microsoft Office SharePoint Server) .NET Libraries to find SharePoint ID of known user. (user: Craig Pilkenton size: 2267)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: SharePoint UserID grab
# description: Use the MOSS (Microsoft Office SharePoint Server) .NET Libraries to find SharePoint ID of known user.
# version: 0.1
# author: Craig Pilkenton
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 740
# x-archived: 2008-12-21T05:41:19
# Overloaded with params so that if no user is passed in, a list of all users for that
# #	specific Site Collection will be returned.
# Can be used for injecting specific users into the CreatedBy & ModifiedBy column when 
# #	migrating data between Lists, sites, or farms.
## .\SharePoint_Users_Read.ps1 "http://some.urlname.com/" "User Information List" ""
## .\SharePoint_Users_Read.ps1 "http://some.urlname.com/" "User Information List" "user, someone"

[string] $rqurdstrPath = $(Throw "--SharePoint Core Path required."), #required parameter
[string] $rqurdstrListName = $(Throw "--SharePoint List Name required."), #required parameter
[string] $strTargetUser = "" #non-required user name for ID Return

Write-Host "Beginning Processing--`n"

## Global Variables ##
$strUserIDReturn = ""

write-host "rqurdstrPath: $rqurdstrPath "
write-host "rqurdstrListName: $rqurdstrListName "

## Load SharePoint .NET Libraries ##
$site = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($rqurdstrPath)
$userlist = $site.RootWeb.Lists[$rqurdstrListName]

write-host "site: $site "
write-host "userlist: $userlist`n"

# Print the ID and Title of each list item  #$userlist.Items | Format-List -property ID, Title
if($strTargetUser -eq "") {
	Write-Host "--Displaying all Portal Users"
	foreach($strItem in $userlist.Items) {
		[string]$strItem.ID + "--"+$strItem.Title
else {
	write-host "--Targeting specific user to return ID"	
	$intUserIDReturn = -1
	foreach($strItem in $userlist.Items) {
		if($strUserName -eq $strTargetUser) {
			$intUserIDReturn = $intUserID

## NOTE: don't forget to dispose your .NET objects! ##

## End Processing ##
Write-Host "`nEnd Processing--`n"