# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Join-Collections
# description: Performs an inner join on two collections of objects which share a common key value.
# version: 1.0
# type: script
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# function: Join-Collections
# x-poshcode-id: 1460
# x-derived-from-id: 1461
# x-archived: 2016-07-10T18:53:08
# x-published: 2010-11-04T12:58:00
#requires -version 2.0
## Version 1.0 First post http://poshcode.org/1459
## Version 1.1 Fixed column uniqueness bug
# Depends on ConvertFrom-HashTable http://poshcode.org/1118
# Performs a inner join on two collections of objects based on a common key column.
# Takes two sets of objects where there are multiple "rows" and where each set has a shared column where the values match, and generates new objects with all the values from each.
#.Parameter GroupOnColumn
# The name of the property to merge on. Items with the same value in this column will be combined.
#.Parameter FirstCollection
# The first set of data
#.Parameter FirstJoinColumn
# The name of the key id column in the first set
#.Parameter SecondCollection
# The second set of data
#.Parameter SecondJoinColumn
# The name of the matching key id column in the second set
# OPTIONAL. Defaults to the same as FirstJoinColum
# Import-CSV data.csv | Pivot-Objects SamAccountName Attribute Value
# Imports csv data containing multiple rows per-record such that a pair of columns named "Attribute" and "Value" are actually different in each row, and contain a name and value pair for attributes you want to add to the output objects.
# $FirstCollection = @"
# FirstName, LastName, MailingAddress, EmployeeID
# John, Doe, 123 First Ave, J8329029
# Susan Q., Public, 3025 South Street, K4367143
#"@.Split("`n") | ConvertFrom-Csv
# $SecondCollection = @"
# ID, Week, HrsWorked, PayRate, EmployeeID
# 12276, 12, 40, 55, J8329029
# 12277, 13, 40, 55, J8329029
# 12278, 14, 42, 55, J8329029
# 12279, 12, 35, 40, K4367143
# 12280, 13, 32, 40, K4367143
# 12281, 14, 48, 40, K4367143
#"@.Split("`n") | ConvertFrom-Csv
# Join-Collections $FirstCollection EmployeeID $SecondCollection | ft -auto
# Author: Joel Bennett
# function Join-Collections {
, [string]$FirstJoinColumn
, $SecondCollection
, [string]$SecondJoinColumn=$FirstJoinColumn
$properties1 = $FirstCollection[0] | gm -type Properties | Select -Expand Name
$properties2 = $SecondCollection[0] | gm -type Properties | Where { $Properties1 -notcontains $_.Name } | Select -Expand Name
foreach($first in $FirstCollection) {
foreach($second in $SecondCollection | Where{ $_."$SecondJoinColumn" -eq $first."$FirstJoinColumn" } ) {
[string]$join = $first | gm -type Properties | select -expand Definition | %{($_ -split " ",2)[1]}
$join += "`n"
$join += $second | gm -Name $Properties2 -type Properties | select -expand Definition | %{($_ -split " ",2)[1]}
ConvertFrom-StringData $join | ConvertFrom-Hashtable