PoshCode Archive  Artifact [2995eafaa7]

Artifact 2995eafaa77d06b9f3e842b7e61d934450b25d790f2ad8a1bfb759c79af0b81c:

  • File VMware-sVmotion-throttle.ps1 — part of check-in [703bfba685] at 2018-06-10 13:47:27 on branch trunk — Wait function to pause a script loop until the number of sVmotions is below the specified number. For VMware, but easy to convert I would think. (user: monahancj size: 2416)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: VMware sVmotion throttle
# description: Wait function to pause a script loop until the number of sVmotions is below the specified number.  For VMware, but easy to convert I would think.
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: monahancj
# license: CC0
# function: Wait-mTaskvMotions
# x-poshcode-id: 4880
# x-archived: 2014-02-07T23:47:55
# x-published: 2014-02-04T16:54:00
		Will enter a wait/loop if there are running vMotion or svMotion tasks.
		Checks the tasks and counts the number running vMotion or svMotion tasks.
		If the number of active tasks is greater than the specified limit
		then the function sleeps and checks again. The intended is as a throttle
		in large (s)vMotion loops to prevent overloading the environment.  Is
		especially useful in throttling a script while an unrelated event happens, 
		such as putting a host or datastore into maintenance mode.
	.PARAMETER vMotionLimit
		The active tasks to test for.  If the number of active tasks is less than
		this the function will exit.  The default is 1, and must be an integer.
	.PARAMETER DelayMinutes
		How long to wait before checking the active tasks again.  The default 
		is 1, and must be an integer.
		Wait-mTaskvMotions -Verbose
		Wait-mTaskvMotions -vMotionLimit 4
		Wait-mTaskvMotions -vMotionLimit 2 -DelayMinutes 3 -Verbose
		Using -Verbose will output standard script started and finished messages, 
		and how long the function will sleep before it checks the active tasks again.

function Wait-mTaskvMotions {
	[int] $vMotionLimit=1,
	[int] $DelayMinutes=5

$NumvMotionTasks = (Get-Task | ? { ($_.PercentComplete -ne 100) -and ( ($_.Description -like '*DRS*') -or ($_.Description -like '*vMotion*') )} | Measure-Object).Count

While ( $NumvMotionTasks -ge $vMotionLimit ) {
  Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date)- Waiting $($DelayMinutes) minute(s) before checking again."
  Start-Sleep ($DelayMinutes * 60)
  $NumvMotionTasks = (Get-Task | ? { ($_.PercentComplete -ne 100) -and ( ($_.Description -like '*DRS*') -or ($_.Description -like '*vMotion*') )} | Measure-Object).Count
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date)- Proceeding."
} # end function