PoshCode Archive  Artifact [29c82bb14f]

Artifact 29c82bb14fb7c580a9d87602a29bd771e38bdd3b2b894e786e6d7d717e93d789:

  • File Speech-Recognition-2.ps1 — part of check-in [27f6d1c730] at 2018-06-10 12:56:37 on branch trunk — This version of the script supports using “*” to capture dictation. The result is that you can now write macros to look up words online, or pass parameters to a function (within the constraints of your voice recognition accuracy). (user: Joel Bennett size: 6036)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Speech Recognition 2
# description: This version of the script supports using “*” to capture dictation. The result is that you can now write macros to look up words online, or pass parameters to a function (within the constraints of your voice recognition accuracy).
# version: 0.1
# type: module
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# function: Update-SpeechCommands
# x-poshcode-id: 1195
# x-archived: 2011-11-20T07:41:20
# x-published: 2011-07-06T22:20:00
$null = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Speech")

## Create the two main objects we need for speech recognition and synthesis
if(!$Global:SpeechModuleListener){ ## For XP's sake, don't create them twice...
   $Global:SpeechModuleSpeaker = new-object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer
   $Global:SpeechModuleListener = new-object System.Speech.Recognition.SpeechRecognizer

$Script:SpeechModuleMacros = @{}
## Add a way to turn it off
$Script:SpeechModuleMacros.Add("Stop Listening", { $script:listen = $false; Suspend-Listening })
$Script:SpeechModuleComputerName = ${Env:ComputerName}

function Update-SpeechCommands {
#  Recreate the speech recognition grammar
#  This parses out the speech module macros,
#  and recreates the speech recognition grammar and semantic results,
#  and then updates the SpeechRecognizer with the new grammar,
#  and makes sure that the ObjectEvent is registered.
   $choices = new-object System.Speech.Recognition.Choices
   foreach($choice in $Script:SpeechModuleMacros.GetEnumerator()) {
      $g = New-Object System.Speech.Recognition.GrammarBuilder
      $phrases = @($choice.Key -split "\s*\*\s*")
      for($i=0;$i -lt $phrases.Count;$i++) {
         if($phrases[$i].Length -gt 0) {
            $g.Append( $phrases[$i] )
            if($i+1 -lt $phrases.Count) {
         } elseif($i -eq 0) {
      $choices.Add( (New-Object System.Speech.Recognition.SemanticResultValue $g, $choice.Value.ToString()).ToGrammarBuilder() )

   if($VerbosePreference -ne "SilentlyContinue") { $Script:SpeechModuleMacros.Keys |
      ForEach-Object { Write-Host "$Computer, $_" -Fore Cyan } }

   $builder = New-Object System.Speech.Recognition.GrammarBuilder "$Computer, "
   $builder.Append((New-Object System.Speech.Recognition.SemanticResultKey "Commands", $choices.ToGrammarBuilder()))
   $grammar = new-object System.Speech.Recognition.Grammar $builder
   $grammar.Name = "Power VoiceMacros"

   ## Take note of the events, but only once (make sure to remove the old one)
   Unregister-Event "SpeechModuleCommandRecognized" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
   $null = Register-ObjectEvent $grammar SpeechRecognized `
            -SourceIdentifier "SpeechModuleCommandRecognized" `
            -Action { $_ = $event.SourceEventArgs.Result.Text; iex $event.SourceEventArgs.Result.Semantics.Item("Commands").Value  }
   $Global:SpeechModuleListener.LoadGrammarAsync( $grammar )

function Add-SpeechCommands {
#  Add one or more commands to the speech-recognition macros, and update the recognition
#.Parameter CommandText
#  The string key for the command to remove
   ## Add the new macros
   $Script:SpeechModuleMacros += $VoiceMacros
   ## Update the default if they change it, so they only have to do that once.
   $Script:SpeechModuleComputerName = $Computer

function Remove-SpeechCommands {
#  Remove one or more command from the speech-recognition macros, and update the recognition
#.Parameter CommandText
#  The string key for the command to remove
   foreach($command in $CommandText) { $Script:SpeechModuleMacros.Remove($Command) }

function Clear-SpeechCommands {
#  Removes all commands from the speech-recognition macros, and update the recognition
#.Parameter CommandText
#  The string key for the command to remove
   $Script:SpeechModuleMacros = @{}
   ## Default value: A way to turn it off
   $Script:SpeechModuleMacros.Add("Stop Listening", { Suspend-Listening })

function Start-Listening {
#  Sets the SpeechRecognizer to Enabled
   $Global:SpeechModuleListener.Enabled = $true
   Say "Speech Macros are $($Global:SpeechModuleListener.State)"
   Write-Host "Speech Macros are $($Global:SpeechModuleListener.State)"
function Suspend-Listening {
#  Sets the SpeechRecognizer to Disabled
   $Global:SpeechModuleListener.Enabled = $false
   Say "Speech Macros are disabled"
   Write-Host "Speech Macros are disabled"

function Out-Speech {
#  Speaks the input object
#  Uses the default SpeechSynthesizer settings to speak the string representation of the InputObject
#.Parameter InputObject
#  The object to speak
#  NOTE: this should almost always be a pre-formatted string,
#        most objects don't render to very speakable text.
   Param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)][Alias("IO")]$InputObject )
   $null = $Global:SpeechModuleSpeaker.SpeakAsync(($InputObject|Out-String))

function Remove-SpeechXP {
#  Dispose of the SpeechModuleListener and SpeechModuleSpeaker
   $Global:SpeechModuleListener.Dispose(); $Global:SpeechModuleListener = $null
   $Global:SpeechModuleSpeaker.Dispose(); $Global:SpeechModuleSpeaker = $null

set-alias asc Add-SpeechCommands
set-alias rsc Remove-SpeechCommands
set-alias csc Clear-SpeechCommands
set-alias say Out-Speech
set-alias listen Start-Listener
Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias * -Variable SpeechModuleListener, SpeechModuleSpeaker