# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Backup-all.ps1
# description: All Group Policy Objects modified in the specified timespan are backup up to the specified backup path.
# version: 1.2
# type: script
# author: Jan Egil Ring
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 6138
# x-archived: 2016-04-06T11:18:00
# x-published: 2016-12-16T11:05:00
# For more details, see the following blog-post:
# http://blog.powershell.no/2010/06/15/backing-up-group-policy-objects-using-windows-powershell
# NAME: Backup-ModifiedGPOs.ps1
# AUTHOR: Jan Egil Ring
# EMAIL: jan.egil.ring@powershell.no
# COMMENT: All Group Policy Objects modified in the specified timespan are backup up to the specified backup path.
# For more details, see the following blog-post:
# http://blog.powershell.no/2010/06/15/backing-up-group-policy-objects-using-windows-powershell
# You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce, and
# distribute this script file in any way you find useful, provided that
# you agree that the creator, owner above has no warranty, obligations,
# or liability for such use.
# 1.0 15.06.2010 - Initial release
# 1.1 17.11.2010 - Andy Helsby - Added check to create backup directory and report directory if it does not exist.
# - Added optional parameter to allow backups of gpo's modified in last X days (defaults to 1 otherwise)
# - Note if no group policies were modified in the previous X days, the script does throw an error about Name not being provided.
# 1.2 24.11.2010 - Added the -FirstRun switch parameter to backup all GPO`s. Added additional logic.
#Requires -Version 2.0
Import-Module grouppolicy
$BackupPath = "C:\GPO Backup"
$ReportPath = "C:\GPO Backup\Reports\"
if (!(Test-Path -path $BackupPath)) {New-Item $BackupPath -type directory}
if (!(Test-Path -path $ReportPath)) {New-Item $ReportPath -type directory}
if ($FirstRun) {
$Timespan = (Get-Date).AddDays(-5000)
else {
$Timespan = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)
$ModifiedGPOs = Get-GPO -all | Where-Object {$_.ModificationTime -gt $Timespan}
if ($ModifiedGPOs) {
Write-Host "The following "$ModifiedGPOs.count" GPOs were successfully backed up:" -ForegroundColor yellow
Foreach ($GPO in $ModifiedGPOs) {
$GPOBackup = Backup-GPO $GPO.DisplayName -Path $BackupPath
$Path = $ReportPath + $GPO.ModificationTime.Month + "-"+ $GPO.ModificationTime.Day + "-" + $GPO.ModificationTime.Year + "_" +
$GPO.Displayname + "_" + $GPOBackup.Id + ".html"
Get-GPOReport -Name $GPO.DisplayName -path $Path -ReportType HTML
Write-Host $GPO.DisplayName
else {
Write-Host "No GPO`s modified since $Timespan. If this is your initial backup, run the script with the -FirstRun switch parameter to backup all GPO`s" -ForegroundColor yellow