# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Copy-ColoredHTML
# description: HTML functions from the PowerShell Pack.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: rcookiemonster
# license: CC0
# function: Write-ColorizedHTML
# x-poshcode-id: 5614
# x-archived: 2015-03-23T14:53:07
# x-published: 2015-11-29T01:28:00
function Write-ColorizedHTML {
Writes Windows PowerShell as colorized HTML
Outputs a Windows PowerShell script as colorized HTML.
The script is wrapped in <PRE> tags with <SPAN> tags defining color regions.
Write-ColoredHTML {Get-Process}
From the PowerShell Pack
# The Text to colorize
# The starting within the string to colorize
[Int]$Start = -1,
# the end within the string to colorize
[Int]$End = -1)
trap { break }
# Now parse the text and report any errors...
$parse_errs = $null
$tokens = [Management.Automation.PsParser]::Tokenize($text,
[ref] $parse_errs)
if ($parse_errs) {
$stringBuilder = New-Object Text.StringBuilder
$null = $stringBuilder.Append("<pre class='PowerShellColorizedScript'>")
# iterate over the tokens an set the colors appropriately...
$lastToken = $null
foreach ($t in $tokens)
if ($lastToken) {
$spaces = " " * ($t.Start - ($lastToken.Start + $lastToken.Length))
$null = $stringBuilder.Append($spaces)
if ($t.Type -eq "NewLine") {
$null = $stringBuilder.Append("
} else {
$chunk = $text.SubString($t.start, $t.length)
$color = $psise.Options.TokenColors[$t.Type]
$redChunk = "{0:x2}" -f $color.R
$greenChunk = "{0:x2}" -f $color.G
$blueChunk = "{0:x2}" -f $color.B
$colorChunk = "#$redChunk$greenChunk$blueChunk"
$null = $stringBuilder.Append("<span style='color:$colorChunk'>$chunk</span>")
$lastToken = $t
$null = $stringBuilder.Append("</pre>")
function Copy-ColoredHTML {
Copies the currently selected text in the current file as colorized HTML
Copies the currently selected text in the current file as colorized HTML
This allows for a user to paste colorized scripts into web pages or blogging
From the PowerShell Pack
if (-not $psise.CurrentFile)
Write-Error 'You must have an open script file'
$selectedRunspace = $psise.CurrentFile
$FullText = $selectedEditor.Text -replace '\r\n', "`n"
if (-not $selectedEditor.SelectedText)
$colorizedText = Write-ColorizedHTML $selectedEditor.Text
$colorizedText = Write-ColorizedHTML $selectedEditor.SelectedText