PoshCode Archive  Artifact [3384e60052]

Artifact 3384e60052031ffac2759390e9298bfa03817a9e5ea7b4858efe68f48b83bb69:

  • File Get-UnityLicense.ps1 — part of check-in [1656d0a71f] at 2018-06-10 14:23:37 on branch trunk — This function connects via HTTP to a Cisco Unity server and returns license information as a PSCustomObject. (user: Robbie Foust size: 2295)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Get-UnityLicense
# description: This function connects via HTTP to a Cisco Unity server and returns license information as a PSCustomObject.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Robbie Foust 
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 750
# x-archived: 2011-05-02T01:48:47
# x-published: 2011-12-26T16:51:00
# get-unitylicense.ps1
# Returns license information for a Cisco Unity environment
# Usage: get-unitylicense <server>
# Author: Robbie Foust (rfoust@duke.edu)

function global:get-unitylicense ([string]$server = $(throw "Please provide a server name!"))

	$webContent = new-object net.webclient
	$page = $webContent.DownloadString("http://$server/avxml/effectivelicense.asp")

	# remove leading whitespace
	$page = $page -replace "^.`n"
	$license = [xml]$page

	new-object psobject | add-member -memberType NoteProperty -name LicLanguagesMax -value $license.AvXmlLicData.Licenses.LicLanguagesMax -passthru |
		add-member -memberType NoteProperty -name LicMaxMsgRecLenIsLicensed -value $license.AvXmlLicData.Licenses.LicMaxMsgRecLenIsLicensed -passthru |
		add-member -memberType NoteProperty -name LicPoolingIsEnabled -value $license.AvXmlLicData.Licenses.LicPoolingIsEnabled -passthru |
		add-member -memberType NoteProperty -name LicSubscribersMax -value $license.AvXmlLicData.Licenses.LicSubscribersMax -passthru |
		add-member -memberType NoteProperty -name LicUMSubscribersMax -value $license.AvXmlLicData.Licenses.LicUMSubscribersMax -passthru |
		add-member -memberType NoteProperty -name LicVMISubscribersMax -value $license.AvXmlLicData.Licenses.LicVMISubscribersMax -passthru |
		add-member -memberType NoteProperty -name LicVoicePortsMax -value $license.AvXmlLicData.Licenses.LicVoicePortsMax -passthru |
		add-member -memberType NoteProperty -name AvLicUtilizationSecondaryServer -value $license.AvXmlLicData.Utilization.AvLicUtilizationSecondaryServer -passthru |
		add-member -memberType NoteProperty -name AvLicUtilizationSubscribers -value $license.AvXmlLicData.Utilization.AvLicUtilizationSubscribers -passthru |
		add-member -memberType NoteProperty -name AvLicUtilizationVMISubscribers -value $license.AvXmlLicData.Utilization.AvLicUtilizationVMISubscribers -passthru