# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: ConvertFrom-Property
# description: ConvertFrom-PropertyString can convert ini files, property files, and other flat key-value data strings into PSObjects
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# license: CC0
# function: ConvertFrom-PropertyString
# x-poshcode-id: 1915
# x-archived: 2010-06-21T02:47:34
Converts data from flat or single-level property files into PSObjects
Converts delimited string data into objects
.PARAMETER PropertyText
The text to be parsed
.PARAMETER Separator
The value separator string used between name=value pairs. Allows regular expressions.
Defaults to "=" and is usually either "=" or ":" or ";"
.PARAMETER Delimiter
The property separator string used between sets of name=value pairs. Allows regular expressions.
Defaults to "\n\s*\n?" and is usually either "`n" or "`n`n" or "\n\s*\n"
.PARAMETER RecordSeparator
The record separator string is used between records or sections in a text file.
Defaults to "\n\[(.+)\]\s*\n" for ini files, and is usually either "\n\s*\n" or "\n\[(.*)\]\s*\n"
To support named sections or records, make sure to use a regular expression here that has a capture group defined.
ConvertFrom-PropertyString config.ini
Reads in an ini file (which has key=value pairs), using the default settings
"@ |ConvertFrom-PropertyString -sep ":" -RecordSeparator "\r\n\s*\r\n" | Format-Table
Code StartDate Name ID Type
---- --------- ---- -- ----
SWENG3 1998-02-01 Baraka 3468 Developer
MGR1 2005-05-21 Jax 11234 Management
Reads records from a key:value property file with records separated by blank lines.
ConvertFrom-PropertyString data.txt -Separator ":"
Reads in a property file which has key:value pairs
Get-Content data.txt -Delimiter "`r`n`r`n" | ConvertFrom-PropertyString -Separator ";"
Reads in a property file with key;value pairs, and sections separated by blank lines, and converts it to objects
ConvertFrom-PropertyString data.txt -delimiter '\r\n\r\n' -Separator ";"
Reads in a property file with key;value pairs, and sections separated by blank lines, and converts it to objects
ConvertFrom-PropertyString data.txt -RecordSeparator "^;(.*?)\r*\n" -Separator ";"
Reads in a property file with key:value pairs, and sections with a header that starts with the comment character ';'
#function ConvertFrom-PropertyString {
[Parameter(Position=99, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="Data")]
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName="File")]
begin {
$Splitter = New-Object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex ([System.String]$RecordSeparator), ([System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]"Multiline,IgnoreCase,Compiled")
process {
Write-Verbose "ParameterSet: $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)"
$InputData = @{}
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "File") {
$MultipleRecords = $true
$RecordText = Get-Content $InputFile -Delimiter ([char]0)
if($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("RecordSeparator")) {
$MultipleRecords = $true
if($MultipleRecords) {
$Records = $splitter.Split( $RecordText ) | ? { $_ }
if($Splitter.GetGroupNumbers().Count -gt 1) {
while($Records) {
$key,$value,$Records = $Records
$InputData.$Key += @($value)
} else {
$InputData."" = $Records
} else {
$InputData."" = @($RecordText)
foreach($key in $InputData.Keys) {
foreach($record in $InputData.$key) {
Write-Verbose "Record: $record"
if($Key) { $output = @{"PSName"=$key} }
elseif($InputFile) { $output = @{"PSName"=((get-item $InputFile).PSChildName)} }
else{ $output = @{} }
foreach($line in $record -split $Delimiter) {
[string[]]$data = $line -split $Separator,2 | foreach { $_.Trim() } | where { $_ }
Write-Verbose "Line: $Line | Data: $($data -join '--')"
switch($data.Count) {
1 { $output.($Data[0]) = $null }
2 { $output.($Data[0]) = $Data[1] }
if($output.Count) {
New-Object PSObject -Property $output