# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: SDM GPAE
# description: Adding Group Policy Preferences printer with SDM GPAE (Group Policy Automation Engine) including Item-Level targeting
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Bobsys
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 4571
# x-archived: 2013-11-04T00:45:53
# x-published: 2013-10-30T22:38:00
# The script is using a csv file in the following format
# Domain,GPOName,PrinterName,PrinterPath,Order,GroupName
# domain.local,TestGP,TestPrinter1,\\server1\printer1,1,group1
# domain.local,TestGP,TestPrinter2,\\server1\printer2,2,group2
# domain.local,TestGP,TestPrinter3,\\server1\printer3,3,group3
# Importing the SDM module into Powershell
Import-Module SDM-GroupPolicy
# Read the csv file
$PrinterList=Import-CSV C:\scripts\printers.csv
foreach ($entry in $PrinterList)
#Set the variables
# Opening the Group Policy object
$gpo = Get-SDMgpobject -gpoName "gpo://$Domain/$GPONAME" -openByName
# Open the Printer hive within the GP
$container = $gpo.GetObject("User Configuration/Preferences/Control Panel Settings/Printers/Shared Printer")
# Creating the printers
$printer = $container.Settings.AddNew("$PrinterName")
$printer.Put("Share path","$PrinterPath")
# Setup the order of the printers
# If you don't want to use item-level Targeting you use the following command
# $printer.Save()
# Ignore this part if you don't want item-level targeting
# Creating the Item-Level targeting
$iilt = $gpo.CreateILTargetingList()
$itm = $iilt.CreateIILTargeting([GPOSDK.Providers.ILTargetingType]"FilterGroup")
# Set the group for filtering, the printer setting will apply to this group
$itm.Put("UserInGroup", $true)
# Saving the filter
$printer.put("Item-level targeting", $iilt)
# Save the GP