PoshCode Archive  Artifact [3a877fa01f]

Artifact 3a877fa01f01c45977ea028ec10ccfa7808d21a569c5280d56bc2ef7a5188a24:

  • File Confirm-FreeSpace.ps1 — part of check-in [021434657c] at 2018-06-10 14:14:54 on branch trunk — Confirm-DiskExists function check if a disk exists and returns true or false, possibly with more details with -Verbose switch (user: Tsvika N size: 7478)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Confirm-FreeSpace
# description: Confirm-DiskExists function check if a disk exists and returns true or false, possibly with more details with -Verbose switch
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Tsvika N
# license: CC0
# function: Confirm-DiskExists
# x-poshcode-id: 6394
# x-archived: 2016-06-19T09:57:15
# x-published: 2016-06-17T10:04:00
# Confirm-FreeSpace function verifies that a disk has enough amount (in GB) of free space available. It also returns a boolean and supports -Verbose for details.
# Both functions can accept the WMI/CIM LogicalDisk objects through the pipeline. 
# Mind that the latter function uses the first, thus both must be loaded into memory even if you’re going to use just Confirm-FreeSpace
   Checks if a specific disk exists.

   Checks if a specific disk, e.g., C: exists on the machine.

    Disk letter (required), e.g., C:.

   True or False. When the -Verbose switch is used it shows more details.
   Confirm-DiskExists -DiskLetter C:
        This checks disk C: for minimum free space of 30GB

   Confirm-FreeSpace -DiskLetter C: -MinGB 30 -Verbose
        This checks disk C: for minimum free space of 30GB and writes the amount of free space

Function Confirm-DiskExists
        # Param1 help description
                   HelpMessage="Enter the drive letter followed by a colon, e.g., C:",
        [ValidateSet("A:", "B:", "C:", "D:", "E:", "F:", "G:", "H:", "I:", "J:", "K:", "L:", "M:", "N:", "O:", "P:", "Q:", "R:", "S:", "T:", "U:", "V:", "W:", "X:", "Y:", "Z")]
        [Alias("DeviceID","disk", "d")]

        $diskMeasure = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID = '$DiskLetter'" | Measure-Object
        $diskCount = $diskMeasure.Count
        if($diskCount -eq 1) { 
            Write-Verbose "Disk $DiskLetter exists"
            return $true 
            } else { 
            Write-Verbose "Disk $DiskLetter does not exist on this machine"
            return $false 

   Checks enough free disk space.

   Checks that a disk has an amount (in GB) of free space. 
      It returns True or False.

    Disk letter (required) and minimum free GB (if not specified it uses a default value of 10GB).

   True or False. When the -Verbose switch is used it shows the the free space details.
   Confirm-FreeSpace -DiskLetter C: -MinGB 30
        This checks disk C: for minimum free space of 30GB

   Confirm-FreeSpace -DiskLetter C: -MinGB 30 -Verbose
        This checks disk C: for minimum free space of 30GB and writes the amount of free space
   Confirm-FreeSpace -DiskLetter C:
   This specifies just the disk letter, using the fact that MinGB parameter has a default value of 10GB 
        This checks disk C: for minimum free space of 10GB

   Confirm-FreeSpace -DiskLetter E: -MinGB 500
        This checks disk E for minimum free space of 500GB

   Confirm-FreeSpace C: 10
   This uses the positional parameters, disk name first then the min. free space. 
        It will check disk C: for minimum free space of 10GB

   Confirm-FreeSpace -disk D: -min 20
   This uses the alias -disk for -DiskLetter and -min for -MinGB
        It will check disk D: for minimum free space of 20GB

   Confirm-FreeSpace -d D: -m 20
   This uses the alias -d for -DiskLetter and -m for -MinGB
        It will check disk D: for minimum free space of 20GB

   "C:", "D:", "E:" | Confirm-FreeSpacE -ErrorAction Stop
   This passes an array of 3 disks to the pipe line to the command. 
        It will process 3 checks, one for each disk, using the default value of 10GB for the MinGB parameter

   Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk | Confirm-FreeSpacE -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose
   This passes all the disks received from WMI command through the pipe line to the command. 
        For each disk it will do the check. The verbose output would look something like this:

        VERBOSE: Disk C: exists
        VERBOSE: Disk C: has 376 GB free
        VERBOSE: Disk D: exists
        VERBOSE: Disk D: has only 0 GB free. It is less than the the minimum of 10 GB
        VERBOSE: Disk X: exists
        VERBOSE: Disk X: has only 0 GB free. It is less than the the minimum of 10 GB
        VERBOSE: Disk Y: exists
        VERBOSE: Disk Y: has only 1 GB free. It is less than the the minimum of 10 GB

   Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk | Select-Object DeviceID, @{N="MinGB";E={ 30 }} | Confirm-FreeSpacE -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose
   This takes all the disks from WMI command, adds a custom property MinGB set to 30 and passes to this command through the pipeline. 
        For each disk it will do the check like in the above example, but with 30GB as the minimim value.
Function Confirm-FreeSpace
        # DiskLetter help description
                   HelpMessage="Enter just the drive letter followed by a colon, e.g., C:",
        [ValidateSet("A:", "B:", "C:", "D:", "E:", "F:", "G:", "H:", "I:", "J:", "K:", "L:", "M:", "N:", "O:", "P:", "Q:", "R:", "S:", "T:", "U:", "V:", "W:", "X:", "Y:", "Z")]
        [ValidateScript({ Confirm-DiskExists $_})]
        [Alias("DeviceID","disk", "d")] 

        # MinGB help description
                   HelpMessage="Enter an integer for the minimum amount of hard-disk free GB space",
        [Alias("min", "m")] 
        $MinGB = 10

        Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID = '$DiskLetter'" |
        Select-Object DeviceID, FreeSpace, 
        @{Name="FreeGB"; Expression={$_.FreeSpace/1GB -as [int]}} | 
        ForEach-Object { 
            if($_.FreeGB -lt $MinGB) {
                    Write-Verbose "Disk $DiskLetter has only $($_.FreeGB) GB free. It is less than the the minimum of $MinGB GB"
                    return $false
                } else {
                Write-Verbose "Disk $DiskLetter has $($_.FreeGB) GB free" 
                return $true