PoshCode Archive  Artifact [3b3ddc2806]

Artifact 3b3ddc2806e6ad269209ea2bebd5d9d9531743b1812e39277bc3eb781de9d63c:

  • File Report-movie-lib-stats.ps1 — part of check-in [475e7e50fc] at 2018-06-10 13:21:34 on branch trunk — This is a script that reports movie library statistics, it’s hard coded to work on my two lan computers so you will have to do some hacking if you want to get it to work. (user: James Gentile size: 5353)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Report movie lib. stats
# description: This is a script that reports movie library statistics, it’s hard coded to work on my two lan computers so you will have to do some hacking if you want to get it to work.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: James Gentile
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 3171
# x-archived: 2017-05-22T04:15:52
# x-published: 2012-01-17T13:09:00
function getmoviestat ($drives) { 

$drives=$drives | %{if ($_.systemname -eq $env:computername) {add-member -inputobject $_ -name BRs -membertype noteproperty -value ( gci -ea 0 "$($_.name)\media\BR movies\*" -include *.mkv,*.m2ts  ) -passthru } else {add-member -inputobject $_ -name BRs -membertype noteproperty -value ( invoke-command -session $s -scriptblock { param ($name) gci -ea 0 "$name\media\BR movies\*" -include *.mkv,*.m2ts } -argumentlist $_.name ) -passthru}}

$drives=$drives | %{if ($_.systemname -eq $env:computername) { add-member -inputobject $_ -name SDs -membertype noteproperty -value ( gci -ea 0 "$($_.name)\media\SD movies\*" -include *.mkv,*.avi  ) -passthru } else {add-member -inputobject $_ -name SDs -membertype noteproperty -value ( invoke-command -session $s -scriptblock { param ($name) gci -ea 0 "$name\media\SD movies\*" -include *.mkv,*.avi } -argumentlist $_.name) -passthru}}

$drives=$drives | %{ add-member -inputobject $_ -name MVs -membertype scriptproperty -value { $this.SDs + $this.BRs }  -passthru }

$drives=$drives | %{ add-member -inputobject $_ -name BRsize -membertype scriptproperty -value { $n=0;foreach($mv in $this.BRs){ $n+=$mv.length }; [math]::round($n/1gb,0)}  -passthru }

$drives=$drives | %{ add-member -inputobject $_ -name SDsize -membertype scriptproperty -value { $n=0;foreach($mv in $this.SDs){ $n+=$mv.length }; [math]::round($n/1gb,0)}  -passthru }

$drives=$drives | %{ add-member -inputobject $_ -name MVsize -membertype scriptproperty -value { $this.BRsize + $this.SDsize }  -passthru }


function totalstats ($drives,$systemname="All") {
    $drivesobject = new-object psobject -property @{
        capacity=  $drives | %{$s=0}{$s+=$_.capacity}{$s}
        freespace= $drives | %{$s=0}{$s+=$_.freespace}{$s}
        SDs=       $drives | %{$movs=@()}{if ($_.SDs.count -ne 0 -and $_.SDs -ne $null){$movs+=$_.SDs}}{$movs}
        BRs=       $drives | %{$movs=@()}{if ($_.BRs.count -ne 0 -and $_.BRs -ne $null){$movs+=$_.BRs}}{$movs}
        MVs=       $drives | %{$movs=@()}{if ($_.MVs.count -ne 0 -and $_.MVs -ne $null){$movs+=$_.MVs}}{$movs}
        SDsize=    $drives | %{$s=0}{$s+=$_.SDsize}{$s}
        BRsize=    $drives | %{$s=0}{$s+=$_.BRsize}{$s}
        MVSize=    $drives | %{$s=0}{$s+=$_.MVsize}{$s}
        return $drivesobject

function displaystats ($drives) {
$drives | ft -a systemname, name, @{Label="Size";Expression={[math]::round($_.capacity/1GB,0)}}, @{Label="Used"; Expression={[math]::round(($_.capacity-$_.freespace)/1GB,0)}},@{Label="free"; Expression={[math]::round($_.freespace/1GB,0)}}, @{Label="SDs";Expression={if ($_.SDs.count) {$_.SDs.count} else {0}}}, @{Label="BRs";Expression={ if ($_.BRs.count) {$_.BRs.count} else {0}}}, @{Label="Movs";Expression={ if ($_.MVs.count) {$_.MVs.count} else {0}}}, @{label="SD SZ";Expression={$_.SDsize}}, @{Label="BR SZ"; Expression={$_.BRsize}}, @{Label="Mov SZ"; Expression={$_.MVsize}}, @{Label="Other SZ"; Expression={[math]::round((($_.capacity/1GB)-($_.freespace/1GB))-$_.MVSize,0)}}, @{Label="<SDs>"; Expression={if ($_.SDs.count -ne 0 -and $_.SDs.count -ne $null) {[math]::round($_.SDsize/$_.SDs.count,0) } else {"?"}};align="right"}, @{Label="<BRs>"; Expression={if($_.BRsize -ne 0 -and $_.BRsize -ne $null){$global:BRave=[math]::round($_.BRsize/$_.BRs.count,0);$BRave } else {$global:BRave=0;"?"}};align="right"}, @{Label="<Movs>"; Expression={if ($_.MVsize -ne 0 -and $_.MVsize -ne $null) {[math]::round($_.MVsize/$_.MVs.count,0)} else {"?"}};align="right"}, @{Label="BR slots";Expression={ if ($BRAve -ne 0 -and $BRave -ne $null) {[math]::round($_.capacity/1GB/$BRAve)} else {"?"}}; Align="Right"},@{label="BRs Avail";Expression={if ($BRAve -eq 0 -or $BRave -eq $null) {"?"} else {[math]::round(($_.freespace/1gb)/$BRAve,0)}};Align="Right" }

$cn = "QuadBox"

if ($env:computername -eq $cn) {$cn = "SixShooter"}

$s = new-pssession -ea 0 -computername $cn -sessionOption (new-pssessionoption -noCompression)

$localdrives=@(gwmi -class win32_volume | ?{$_.filesystem -eq "ntfs"} | ?{$_.name -notlike "\\*"}|?{test-path "$($_.name)\media\BR movies"}|sort driveletter)

getmoviestat $localdrives


if ($s -ne $null) {$remotedrives=@(invoke-command -session $s -scriptblock {gwmi -class win32_volume | ?{$_.filesystem -eq "ntfs"} | ?{$_.name -notlike "\\*"}|?{test-path "$($_.name)\media\BR movies"}|sort driveletter}); getmoviestat $remotedrives }

$localall=totalstats $localdrives $localdrives[0].systemname
$remoteall=totalstats $remotedrives $remotedrives[0].systemname
$all=totalstats ($remotedrives+$localdrives)

displaystats ($localdrives+$localall+$remotedrives+$remoteall+$all)

if ($s -ne $null) {remove-pssession $S}

write-host "Press Any Key to continue..." -n; $host.ui.rawui.readkey() | out-null; write-host ""