PoshCode Archive  Artifact [3e1e40ad7e]

Artifact 3e1e40ad7ea937b95369157636f0733c5f38257c7751cf861ba12c47ad2de6cf:

  • File New-XML-2.ps1 — part of check-in [b6763cd667] at 2018-06-10 12:56:43 on branch trunk — An update to my mini-DSL for generating XML documents. (user: Joel Bennett size: 9625)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: New-XML 2
# description: An update to my mini-DSL for generating XML documents.
# version: 3.0
# type: function
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# function: New-Xml
# x-poshcode-id: 1244
# x-archived: 2017-01-01T08:06:43
# x-published: 2010-07-29T15:04:00
# Added support for default namespaces
# Fixed a bug when running the script more than once (I was loading it as a module)
# Note that I used System.Linq.XML (and output an XDocument) instead of the old XmlDocument… This means you have to have .Net 3.5 (LINQ) installed. It also means that if you want to be able to use the output via PowerShell’s magic XML dot-notation, you have to cast it to XmlDocument, just write: [xml]$xml = New-XML ...  or you can cast it to string, or whatever.
#requires -version 2.0
#### NOTE: you can revert this to work in PowerShell 1.0 by just removing the [Parameter(...)] lines
####       BUT YOU WILL HAVE TO pass the $Version $Encoding $Standalone parameters EACH TIME
####       UNLESS you remove them, and switch back to a hardcoded XDeclaration ... or something.
#### I still have to add documentation comments to these, but in the meantime ...
### please see the samples at the bottom to understand how to use them :)
$xlr8r = [type]::gettype("System.Management.Automation.TypeAccelerators")
$xlinq = [Reflection.Assembly]::Load("System.Xml.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089")
$xlinq.GetTypes() | ? { $_.IsPublic -and !$_.IsSerializable -and $_.Name -ne "Extensions" -and !$xlr8r::Get[$_.Name] } | % {
  $xlr8r::Add( $_.Name, $_.FullName )

function New-Xml {
   [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
   [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
   [string]$Version = "1.0"
   [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
   [string]$Encoding = "UTF-8"
   [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
   [string]$Standalone = "yes"
   [Parameter(Position=99, Mandatory = $false, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)]
   if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $root.NamespaceName )) {
      Function New-XmlDefaultElement {
         if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $tag.NamespaceName )) {
            $tag = $($root.Namespace) + $tag
         New-XmlElement $tag @args
      Set-Alias xe New-XmlDefaultElement
   #New-Object XDocument (New-Object XDeclaration "1.0", "UTF-8", "yes"),(
   New-Object XDocument (New-Object XDeclaration $Version, $Encoding, $standalone),(
      New-Object XElement $(
         #  foreach($ns in $namespace){
            #  $name,$url = $ns -split ":",2
            #  New-Object XAttribute ([XNamespace]::Xmlns + $name),$url
         #  }
         while($args) {
            $attrib, $value, $args = $args
            if($attrib -is [ScriptBlock]) {
            } elseif ( $value -is [ScriptBlock] -and "-Content".StartsWith($attrib)) {
            } elseif ( $value -is [XNamespace]) {
               New-XmlAttribute ([XNamespace]::Xmlns + $attrib.TrimStart("-")) $value
            } else {
               New-XmlAttribute $attrib.TrimStart("-") $value
   Set-Alias xe New-XmlElement
function New-XmlAttribute {
   New-Object XAttribute $name,$value
Set-Alias xa New-XmlAttribute

function New-XmlElement {
  Write-Verbose $($args | %{ $_ | Out-String } | Out-String)
  New-Object XElement $(
     while($args) {
        $attrib, $value, $args = $args
        if($attrib -is [ScriptBlock]) {
        } elseif ( $value -is [ScriptBlock] -and "-Content".StartsWith($attrib)) {
        } elseif ( $value -is [XNamespace]) {
            New-Object XAttribute ([XNamespace]::Xmlns + $attrib.TrimStart("-")),$value
        } else {
           New-Object XAttribute $attrib.TrimStart("-"), $value
Set-Alias xe New-XmlElement

###### EXAMPLE SCRIPT: NOTE the `: in the http`: is only there for PoshCode, you can just use http:
# [XNamespace]$dc = "http`://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1"
# $xml = New-Xml rss -dc $dc -version "2.0" {
#    xe channel {
#       xe title {"Test RSS Feed"}
#       xe link {"http`://HuddledMasses.org"}
#       xe description {"An RSS Feed generated simply to demonstrate my XML DSL"}
#       xe ($dc + "language") {"en"}
#       xe ($dc + "creator") {"Jaykul@HuddledMasses.org"}
#       xe ($dc + "rights") {"Copyright 2009, CC-BY"}
#       xe ($dc + "date") {(Get-Date -f u) -replace " ","T"}
#       xe item {
#          xe title {"The First Item"}
#          xe link {"http`://huddledmasses.org/new-site-new-layout-lost-posts/"}
#          xe guid -isPermaLink true {"http`://huddledmasses.org/new-site-new-layout-lost-posts/"}
#          xe description {"Ema Lazarus' Poem"}
#          xe pubDate  {(Get-Date 10/31/2003 -f u) -replace " ","T"}
#       }
#    }
# }
# $xml.Declaration.ToString()  ## I can't find a way to have this included in the $xml.ToString()
# $xml.ToString()
####### OUTPUT: (NOTE: I added the space in the http: to paste it on PoshCode -- those aren't in the output)
# <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
# <rss xmlns:dc="http ://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1" version="2.0">
#   <channel>
#     <title>Test RSS Feed</title>
#     <link>http ://HuddledMasses.org</link>
#     <description>An RSS Feed generated simply to demonstrate my XML DSL</description>
#     <dc:language>en</dc:language>
#     <dc:creator>Jaykul@HuddledMasses.org</dc:creator>
#     <dc:rights>Copyright 2009, CC-BY</dc:rights>
#     <dc:date>2009-07-26T00:50:08Z</dc:date>
#     <item>
#       <title>The First Item</title>
#       <link>http ://huddledmasses.org/new-site-new-layout-lost-posts/</link>
#       <guid isPermaLink="true">http ://huddledmasses.org/new-site-new-layout-lost-posts/</guid>
#       <description>Ema Lazarus' Poem</description>
#       <pubDate>2003-10-31T00:00:00Z</pubDate>
#     </item>
#   </channel>
# </rss>

###### ANOTHER EXAMPLE SCRIPT, this time with a default namespace
## IMPORTANT! ## NOTE that I use the "xe" shortcut which is redefined when you specify a namespace
##            ## for the root element, so that all child elements (by default) inherit that.
##            ## You can still control the prefixes by passing the namespace as a parameter
##            ## e.g.: -atom $atom
###### The `: in the http`: is still only there for PoshCode, you can just use http: ...
#   [XNamespace]$atom="http`://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"
#   [XNamespace]$dc = "http`://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1"
#   New-Xml ($atom + "feed") -Encoding "UTF-16" -$([XNamespace]::Xml +'lang') "en-US" -dc $dc {
#      xe title {"Test First Entry"}
#      xe link {"http`://HuddledMasses.org"}
#      xe updated {(Get-Date -f u) -replace " ","T"}
#      xe author {
#         xe name {"Joel Bennett"}
#         xe uri {"http`://HuddledMasses.org"}
#      }
#      xe id {"http`://huddledmasses.org/" }
#      xe entry {
#         xe title {"Test First Entry"}
#         xe link {"http`://HuddledMasses.org/new-site-new-layout-lost-posts/" }
#         xe id {"http`://huddledmasses.org/new-site-new-layout-lost-posts/" }
#         xe updated {(Get-Date 10/31/2003 -f u) -replace " ","T"}
#         xe summary {"Ema Lazarus' Poem"}
#         xe link -rel license -href "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/" -title "CC By-Attribution"
#         xe ($dc + "rights") {"Copyright 2009, Some rights reserved (licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license)"}
#         xe category -scheme "http://huddledmasses.org/tag/" -term "huddled-masses"
#      }
#   } | % { $_.Declaration.ToString(); $_.ToString() }
####### OUTPUT: (NOTE: I added the spaces again to the http: to paste it on PoshCode)
# <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" standalone="yes"?>
# <feed xml:lang="en-US" xmlns="http ://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
#   <title>Test First Entry</title>
#   <link>http ://HuddledMasses.org</link>
#   <updated>2009-07-29T17:25:49Z</updated>
#   <author>
#      <name>Joel Bennett</name>
#      <uri>http ://HuddledMasses.org</uri>
#   </author>
#   <id>http ://huddledmasses.org/</id>
#   <entry>
#     <title>Test First Entry</title>
#     <link>http ://HuddledMasses.org/new-site-new-layout-lost-posts/</link>
#     <id>http ://huddledmasses.org/new-site-new-layout-lost-posts/</id>
#     <updated>2003-10-31T00:00:00Z</updated>
#     <summary>Ema Lazarus' Poem</summary>
#     <link rel="license" href="http ://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/" title="CC By-Attribution" />
#     <dc:rights>Copyright 2009, Some rights reserved (licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license)</dc:rights>
#     <category scheme="http ://huddledmasses.org/tag/" term="huddled-masses" />
#   </entry>
# </feed>