PoshCode Archive  Artifact [3e40e6df5c]

Artifact 3e40e6df5c2eb14cf0474ad57226de3c08b0ae7d6b2acd078cbf2ec93d78f55e:

  • File ScheduleGPOBackups.ps1 — part of check-in [ac47575b41] at 2018-06-10 12:57:56 on branch trunk — Requires Powershell 2.0 & the grouppolicy module. (user: Clint size: 7430)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: ScheduleGPOBackups.ps1
# description: Requires Powershell 2.0 & the grouppolicy module.
# version: 0.1
# type: module
# author: Clint
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 1509
# x-derived-from-id: 3243
# x-archived: 2016-12-28T12:10:11
# x-published: 2009-12-04T13:22:00
# Using the configuration block in the script you can define where to back GPOs up to, how often to backup everything and how often to backup only what has changed since the last good backup.  Schedule the script to automatically run every so often depending on your needs and you should have a nice GPO backup solution.
Import-Module grouppolicy
#region ConfigBlock
# What domain are we going to backup GPOs for?
$domain = "mydomain.com"
# Where are we going to store the backups?
$gpoBackupRootDir = "c:\gpoBackups"
# As I plan to do a new backup set each month I'll setup the directory names to reflect
# the year and month in a nice sortable way.
# Set this up and format to your liking, I prefer $gpoBackupRootDir\yyyy-MM
$backupDir = "$gpoBackupRootDir\{0:yyyy-MM}" -f (Get-Date)

# Perform a full backup how often? Day/Week/Month/Year?
#$fullBackupFrequency = "Day"
#$fullBackupFrequency = "Week"
$fullBackupFrequency = "Month"
#$fullBackupFrequency = "Year"

# Perform Incremental backups how often?  Hour/Day/Week/Month?
$IncBackupFreqency = "Hour"
# $IncBackupFreqency = "Day"
# $IncBackupFreqency = "Week"
# $IncBackupFreqency = "Month"

# How many full sets to keep?
# Alternatively, how far back do we keep our backup sets?
$numKeepBackupSets = 12

# On what day do we want to consider the start of Week?
#$startOfWeek = "Sunday"
$startOfWeek = "Monday"
#$startOfWeek = "Tuesday"
#$startOfWeek = "Wednesday"
#$startOfWeek = "Thursday"
#$startOfWeek = "Friday"
#$startOfWeek = "Saturday"

# On what day do we want to consider the start of Month?
$startOfMonth = 1

# On what day do we want to consider the start of Year?
$startOfYear = 1


$currentDateTime = Get-Date
$doFull = $false
$doInc  = $false

# Does our backup directory exist?
# If not attempt to create it and fail the script with an approprate error
if (-not (Test-Path $backupDir))
		New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $backupDir
		Throw $("Could not create directory $backupDir")

# If we're here then our backup directory is in good shape
# Check if we need to run a full backup or not
#  if we do, then run it
if ( Test-Path $backupDir\LastFullTimestamp.xml )
	# Import the timestamp from the last recorded complete full
	$lastFullTimestamp = Import-Clixml $backupDir\LastFullTimestamp.xml
	# check to see if the timestamp is valid, if not then delete it and run a full
	if ( $lastFullTimestamp -isnot [datetime] )
		$doFull = $true
		Remove-Item $backupDir\LastFullTimestamp.xml
	else # $lastfulltimestamp is or can be boxed/cast into [datetime]
		# determine how long it has been since the last recorded full
		$fullDelta = $currentDateTime - $lastFullTimestamp
		switch ($fullBackupFrequency)
				if ( $fullDelta.days -gt 0 )
					$doFull = $true
				if ( ($currentDateTime.dayOfWeek -eq [DayOfWeek]$startOfWeek) `
					 -or ($fullDelta.days -gt 7) )
					$doFull = $true
				if ( ($currentDateTime.day -eq $startOfMonth) `
					 -or ($fullDelta.days -gt 30) )
					$doFull = $true
				if ( ($currentDateTime.dayofyear -eq $startOfYear) `
					 -or ($fullDelta.days -gt 365) )
					$doFull = $true
else # There is no recorded last completed full so we want to run one
	$doFull = $true

if ($doFull)
	# Run Backup of All GPOs in domain
	$GPOs = Get-GPO -domain $domain -All
	foreach ($GPO in $GPOs)
		$GPOBackup = Backup-GPO $GPO.DisplayName -Path $backupDir
	    # First build the Report path, then generate a report of the backed up settings.
	    $ReportPath = $backupDir + "\" + $GPO.ModificationTime.Year + "-" + $GPO.ModificationTime.Month + "-" + $GPO.ModificationTime.Day + "_" +  $GPO.Displayname + "_" + $GPOBackup.Id + ".html"
	    Get-GPOReport -Name $GPO.DisplayName -path $ReportPath -ReportType HTML 		
	Export-Clixml -Path $backupDir\LastFullTimestamp.xml -InputObject ($currentDateTime)
else # If we're not running a full check if we need to run an incremental backup
	if ( Test-Path $backupDir\LastIncTimestamp.xml )
		# Import the timestamp from the last recorded complete Incremental
		$lastIncTimestamp = Import-Clixml $backupDir\LastIncTimestamp.xml
		# check to see if the timestamp is valid, if not then delete it and run an inc
		if ( $lastIncTimestamp -isnot [datetime] )
			# Import the timestamp from the last recorded complete full
			# If we're here then the timestamp is valid. It is checked earlier and if it fails
			# or doesn't exist then we run a full and will never get here.
			# determine how long it has been since the last recorded full
			$lastFullTimestamp = Import-Clixml $backupDir\LastFullTimestamp.xml
			$IncDelta = $currentDateTime - $lastFullTimestamp
			$doInc = $true
			Remove-Item $backupDir\LastIncTimestamp.xml
		else # $lastIncTimestamp is or can be boxed/cast into [datetime]
			# determine how long it has been since the last recorded full
			$IncDelta = $currentDateTime - $lastIncTimestamp
	else # There is no recorded last Incremental
		# Import the timestamp from the last recorded complete full
		# If we're here then the timestamp is valid. It is checked earlier and if it fails
		# or doesn't exist then we run a full and will never get here.
		# determine how long it has been since the last recorded full
		$lastFullTimestamp = Import-Clixml $backupDir\LastFullTimestamp.xml
		$IncDelta = $currentDateTime - $lastFullTimestamp
	# If we have already determined to run an Inc we want to skip this part
	if ($doInc -eq $false)
		switch ($IncBackupFreqency)
				if ($IncDelta.hours -gt 0)
					$doInc = $true
				if ($IncDelta.days -gt 0)
					$doInc = $true
				if ( ($currentDateTime.dayOfWeek -eq [DayOfWeek]$startOfWeek) `
					 -or ($IncDelta.days -gt 7) )
					$doInc = $true
				if ( ($currentDateTime.day -eq $startOfMonth) `
					 -or ($IncDelta.days -gt 30) )
					$doInc = $true
	# Time to check our Incremental flag and run the backup if we need to
	if ($doInc)
		# Run Incremental Backup
		$GPOs = Get-GPO -domain $domain -All | Where-Object { $_.modificationTime -gt ($currentDateTime - $incDelta) }
		foreach ($GPO in $GPOs)
			$GPOBackup = Backup-GPO $GPO.DisplayName -Path $backupDir
		    # First build the Report path, then generate a report of the backed up settings.
		    $ReportPath = $backupDir + "\" + $GPO.ModificationTime.Year + "-" + $GPO.ModificationTime.Month + "-" + $GPO.ModificationTime.Day + "_" +  $GPO.Displayname + ".html"
		    Get-GPOReport -Name $GPO.DisplayName -path $ReportPath -ReportType HTML 		
		Export-Clixml -Path $backupDir\LastIncTimestamp.xml -InputObject ($currentDateTime)
#TODO: Cleanup old backup sets