# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: memory size
# description: Very grateful to greg zakharov for this example. Good luck you, greg, in search of work.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: greg zakharov
# license: CC0
# function: Get-RamLength
# x-poshcode-id: 5384
# x-archived: 2015-01-31T20:16:58
# x-published: 2015-08-27T11:39:00
function Get-RamLength {
Author: greg zakharov
$raw = (
reg query "HKLM\HARDWARE\RESOURCEMAP\System Resources\Physical Memory"
for ($i = 1; $i -lt $raw.Length; $i++) {
$ram += $raw[$i..($i - 1)]
'{0}Gb' -f [Math]::Round([Convert]::ToUInt32(-join $ram, 16) / 1Gb)