PoshCode Archive  Artifact [4436183606]

Artifact 4436183606a1206c93720f5c1d7d28f0f853ff018a7edc6fb98b777435d1aabc:

  • File SharpSSH-Module.ps1 — part of check-in [885cbca97d] at 2018-06-10 12:56:17 on branch trunk — I fixed some stuff. (user: tysonkopczynski size: 6653)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: SharpSSH Module
# description: I fixed some stuff.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: tysonkopczynski
# license: CC0
# function: New-SharpSession
# x-poshcode-id: 1034
# x-archived: 2011-12-30T04:50:02
# x-published: 2011-04-16T00:51:00
# As promised, I started to expand on Joel’s functions (http://poshcode.org/877).  A lot of stuff is missing, but… I have big plans for this module and a PKI module I want to write.
# cmdlets
# New-SharpSession
# Usage:		New-SharpSession -?
function New-SharpSession {
    	Used to open an SSH or SCP Session to the specified server.
    	Uses SharpSSH to open an SSH or SCP Session to the specified server.
	.Parameter Host
    	The hostname or IP address that you want to connect to.
	.Parameter UserName
    	The username string used for the connection.
    .Parameter Key
    	The switch that tells function to execute with key parameters.
    .Parameter KeyFile
    	The path and file name to the key file used for key based
    .Parameter User
    	The switch that tells function to execute with user parameters.
    .Parameter Password
    	The password string used for the connection.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="KeySet", Mandatory=$True)][String]$KeyFile,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="User", Mandatory=$True)][String]$Password,
	try {
		# Default will always be to do SSH...
		if ($SCP){
			$ConnectType = "Tamir.SharpSsh.scp"
			$ConnectType = "Tamir.SharpSsh.SshShell"
		if ($Key -and (Test-Path $KeyFile)){
			$Global:SharpSession = New-Object $ConnectType $Host, $UserName
			$Global:SharpSession.AddIdentityFile((Resolve-Path $KeyFile))
			$Global:SharpSession = New-Object $ConnectType $Host, $UserName, $Password
		if ($ConnectType -eq "Tamir.SharpSsh.SshShell"){
			$Global:SharpSession.RemoveTerminalEmulationCharacters = $True
			return $Global:SharpSession
	catch {
		throw $_

# Transfer-SharpFile
# Usage:		Transfer-SharpFile -?
function Transfer-SharpFile {
    	Used to tranfser(get or put) a file using a valid SCP SharpSession.
    	Uses SharpSSH to tranfer (get or put) a file via SCP.
	.Parameter From
    	The full path and file name to the file you are transferring.
	.Parameter To
    	The full path and file name to where you want to copy the file to.
	try {
		if (!($Get -or $Put)) {
			throw Write-Host "Get or Put must be defined!" -ForeGroundColor Red
		if ($SharpSession.GetType().Fullname -ne "Tamir.SharpSsh.Scp"){
			throw Write-Host "Not currently connected using SCP!" -ForeGroundColor Red
			# The action scriptblock for an EventObject must have
			# things defined in the Global scope.  Yuck!
			$Global:SharpSessiontransferDone = $Null
			$Global:SharpSessiontotalBytes = $Null
			$Global:SharpSessiontransferredBytes = $Null
			[void] (Register-ObjectEvent  -InputObject $SharpSession -EventName OnTransferProgress -SourceIdentifier Scp.OnTransferProgress `
				-Action {$Global:SharpSessiontotalBytes = $args[3]; $Global:SharpSessiontransferredBytes = $args[2]})
			[void] (Register-ObjectEvent  -InputObject $SharpSession -EventName OnTransferEnd -SourceIdentifier Scp.OnTransferEnd `
				-Action {$Global:SharpSessiontransferDone = $True})
			# Default is always to get.
			if ($Get){
				$SharpSession.Get($From, $To)
					do {Write-Progress -Activity "Get - $($From)" -Status "Copying" `
						-PercentComplete (($SharpSessiontransferredBytes/$SharpSessiontotalBytes)*100)} while ($SharpSessiontransferDone -eq $Null)
					Write-Warning "File is not there..."
				$SharpSession.Put($From, $To)
					do {Write-Progress -Activity "Get - $($From)" -Status "Copying" `
						-PercentComplete (($SharpSessiontransferredBytes/$SharpSessiontotalBytes)*100)} while ($SharpSessiontransferDone -eq $Null)
					Write-Warning "File is not there..."
	catch {
		throw $_
	finally {
		if (Get-EventSubscriber -SourceIdentifier Scp.OnTransferProgress){
			[void] (Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier Scp.OnTransferProgress)
		if (Get-EventSubscriber -SourceIdentifier Scp.OnTransferEnd){
			[void] (Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier Scp.OnTransferEnd)
# Remove-SharpSession
# Usage:		Remove-SharpSession -?
function Remove-SharpSession {
    	Used to close an active SSH or SCP Session.
    	Uses SharpSSH to close an active SSH or SCP Session.
	try {
			if ($SharpSession.GetType().Fullname -eq "Tamir.SharpSsh.SshShell"){
				sleep -milli 500
				if($SharpSession.ShellOpened) {
					Write-Warning "Shell didn't exit cleanly, closing anyway." 
			throw "There is no session to remove!"
	catch {
		throw $_
	finally {
		$Global:SharpSession = $Null
# Main
Export-ModuleMember New-SharpSession
Export-ModuleMember Transfer-SharpFile
Export-ModuleMember Remove-SharpSession