# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Apache Log Browser Count
# description: A PowerShell implementation of Commandline Fu Episode 38, I skipped the first step of looking only at posts to login just because I don’t have anything like that in my logs :)
# version: 46.4
# type: script
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 1119
# x-archived: 2009-05-27T10:15:24
Select-String "(MSIE [0-9]\.[0-9]|Firefox\/[0-9]+|Safari|-)" $log -all |
Group { $_.matches[-1].Value } |
ForEach -begin { $total = 0 } `
-process { $total += $_.Count; $_ } |
Sort Count | Select Count, Name |
Add-Member ScriptProperty Percent { "{0,7:0.000}%" -f (100*$this.Count/$Total) } -Passthru
#### Or if you prefer, the way I originally wrote it ######
## sls "(MSIE [0-9]\.[0-9]|Firefox\/[0-9]+|Safari|-)" $log -a |
## Group { $_.matches[-1].Value } | % {$t+=$_.Count; $_ } -b {$t=0} |
## Sort Count | Select Count, Name |
## Add-Member ScriptProperty Percent { "{0,7:0.000}%" -f (100*$this.Count/$t) } -Pass
#### Sample output ######
Count Name Percent
----- ---- -------
34 Firefox/1 2.4%
139 MSIE 8.0 0.3%
290 - 1.2%
363 Firefox/2 3.0%
632 MSIE 6.0 5.3%
1708 Safari 14.3%
3207 MSIE 7.0 27.0%
5534 Firefox/3 46.4%