# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Start-Job help
# description: Start-Job help
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Letoric
# license: CC0
# function: Test-Transcribing
# x-poshcode-id: 5729
# x-archived: 2015-02-06T05:04:47
# x-published: 2015-02-05T23:13:00
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$DebugPreference = "Continue"
Set-Location (Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
if(Test-Path (".\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.TrimEnd(".ps1") + "_config.xml")) {
[xml]$configfile = (Get-Content (".\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.TrimEnd(".ps1") + "_config.xml"))
} else {
Write-Host "Configuration file is missing, halting script" -ForegroundColor Red
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
#Define logging locations
$LogDir = $configfile.Root.Configuration.LogDirectory
$ScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
$datetime = (get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
$LogFile = ($LogDir + "\" + $ScriptName.TrimEnd(".ps1") + "_" + $datetime + ".log")
$Global:Transcript = $LogFile
#Checks whether powershell was launched as admin and launches as admin if not.
$myWindowsPrincipal=new-object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal($myWindowsID)
if ($myWindowsPrincipal.IsInRole($adminRole)) {
} else {
$sleeptimer = 10
$newProcess = new-object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo "PowerShell";
$newProcess.WorkingDirectory = (Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
$newProcess.Arguments = $myInvocation.MyCommand.Definition;
$newProcess.Verb = "runas";
function Test-Transcribing {
$externalHost = $host.gettype().getproperty("ExternalHost",
[reflection.bindingflags]"NonPublic,Instance").getvalue($host, @())
try {
[reflection.bindingflags]"NonPublic,Instance").getvalue($externalHost, @())
catch {
write-warning "This host does not support transcription."
function main {
#Checks for Logging directory, creates it if it does not exist.
If(!(Test-Path $LogDir)) { New-Item "$LogDir" -Type Directory -Verbose }
#Checks if transcription is active, stops it if so, then starts it.
if(Test-Transcribing -eq "True") {
} else {
#Purging log files older than max log age configured
$a = Get-ChildItem $LogDir | Where-Object {$_.name -like ($ScriptName.TrimEnd(".ps1") + "*")}
foreach($x in $a) {
$y = ((Get-Date) - $x.CreationTime).Days
if ($y -gt $configfile.Root.Configuration.MaxLogAge -and $x.PsISContainer -ne $True) { $x.Delete() }
#The meat of the script goes here.
$JobList = @()
$StartTime = (Get-Date)
$integrations = $configfile.root.integrations.integration
$integrations | ForEach-Object {
$ArgumentList = @($_,$configfile)
$InitializationScript = {
function FTPMonitor {
$ArgumentList = @($integration,$args[1])
$ScriptBlock = {
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Starting function(FTPMonitor) to retrieve packages from SFTP for " + $args[0].FolderName + "`r`n")
$PackIn = ($args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultInstancePath + $args[0].FolderName + $args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultPackInFolder)
If(Test-Path $PackIn) {
if($args[0].FTPMonitorConfig -eq $null -or $args[0].FTPMonitorConfig -eq "") {
$IntegrationConfigFile = ($args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultConfigurationPath + $env:COMPUTERNAME + "\" + $args[0].FolderName + "\" + $args[0].FolderName + $args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultFTPMonitorConfig)
} else {
$IntegrationConfigFile = ($args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultConfigurationPath + $env:COMPUTERNAME + "\" + $args[0].FolderName + "\" + $args[0].FTPMonitorConfig)
$NexusCMD = ($args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.NexusExecutable + " /c " + $IntegrationConfigFile)
Write-Host $NexusCMD
# & $NexusCMD
} else {
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": " + $PackIn + " was not found, unable to process FTP Monitor function")
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Ending function(FTPMonitor) to retrieve packages from SFTP for " + $args[0].FolderName + "`r`n")
$job = Start-Job -Name ($args[0].FolderName + "_FTPMonitor") -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $ArgumentList | Wait-Job
# While($job.state -eq 'Running' -or $job.state -eq 'Not Started') {
# Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200
# Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Waiting on " + $job.name + " to complete`r`n")
# }
$job | Receive-Job -Keep
function SJPPack {
$ArgumentList = @($integration,$args[1])
$ScriptBlock = {
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Starting function(SJPPack) to pack content for TMS Job submission for " + $args[0].FolderName + "`r`n")
$PackIn = ($args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultInstancePath + $args[0].FolderName + $args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultPackInFolder)
$PackOut = ($args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultInstancePath + $args[0].FolderName + $args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultPackOutFolder)
$SJPCMD = ($args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.SJPExecutable + " /p /m -" + $integration.FolderName + $integration.Environment)
If((Test-Path $PackIn) -and (Test-Path $PackOut)) {
if((Get-ChildItem $PackIn | Measure-Object).count -gt 1) {
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Converting integration data into TMS packages")
Write-Host $SJPCMD
} else {
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": No data ready to be packaged, moving on")
} else {
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": " + $PackIn + " was not found, unable to process SJP Pack function")
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Ending function(SJPPack) to pack content for TMS Job submission for " + $args[0].FolderName + "`r`n")
$job = Start-Job -Name ($args[0].FolderName + "_SJP_Pack") -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $ArgumentList | Wait-Job
$job | Receive-Job -Keep
function PKGMonitor {
$ArgumentList = @($integration,$args[1])
$ScriptBlock = {
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Starting function(PKGMonitor) to submit jobs to TMS for " + $args[0].FolderName + "`r`n")
$PackOut = ($args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultInstancePath + $args[0].FolderName + $args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultPackOutFolder)
If(Test-Path $PackOut) {
if((Get-ChildItem $PackOut | Measure-Object).count -gt 1) {
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Submitting packages to TMS for processing")
if($args[0].PKGMonitorConfig -eq $null -or $args[0].PKGMonitorConfig -eq "") {
$IntegrationConfigFile = ($args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultConfigurationPath + $env:COMPUTERNAME + "\" + $args[0].FolderName + "\" + $args[0].FolderName + $args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultPKGMonitorConfig)
} else {
$IntegrationConfigFile = ($args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultConfigurationPath + $env:COMPUTERNAME + "\" + $args[0].FolderName + "\" + $args[0].PKGMonitorConfig)
$NexusCMD = ($args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.NexusExecutable + " /c " + $IntegrationConfigFile)
Write-Host $NexusCMD
# & $NexusCMD
} else {
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": No data ready to be submitted to TMS, moving on")
} else {
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": " + $PackOut + " was not found, unable to process PKG Monitor function")
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Ending function(PKGMonitor) to submit jobs to TMS for " + $args[0].FolderName + "`r`n")
$job = Start-Job -Name ($args[0].FolderName + "_PKGMonitor") -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $ArgumentList | Wait-Job
$job | Receive-Job -Keep
function PKGRetrieve {
$ArgumentList = @($integration,$args[1])
$ScriptBlock = {
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Starting function(PKGRetrieve) to retrieve jobs from TMS for " + $args[0].FolderName + "`r`n")
$UnpackIn = ($args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultInstancePath + $args[0].FolderName + $args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultUnpackInFolder)
If(Test-Path $UnpackIn) {
if($args[0].PKGRetrieveConfig -eq $null -or $args[0].PKGRetrieveConfig -eq "") {
$IntegrationConfigFile = ($args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultConfigurationPath + $env:COMPUTERNAME + "\" + $args[0].FolderName + "\" + $args[0].FolderName + $args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultPKGRetrieveConfig)
} else {
$IntegrationConfigFile = ($args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultConfigurationPath + $env:COMPUTERNAME + "\" + $args[0].FolderName + "\" + $args[0].PKGRetrieveConfig)
$NexusCMD = ($args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.NexusExecutable + " /c " + $IntegrationConfigFile)
Write-Host $NexusCMD
# & $NexusCMD
} else {
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": " + $UnpackIn + " was not found, unable to process PKG Retrieve function")
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Ending function(PKGRetrieve) to retrieve jobs from TMS for " + $args[0].FolderName + "`r`n")
$job = Start-Job -Name ($args[0].FolderName + "_PKGRetrieve") -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $ArgumentList | Wait-Job
$job | Receive-Job -Keep
function SJPUnpack {
$ArgumentList = @($integration,$args[1])
$ScriptBlock = {
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Starting function(SJPUnpack) to unpack content from TMS for return to " + $args[0].FolderName + "`r`n")
$UnpackIn = ($args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultInstancePath + $args[0].FolderName + $args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultUnpackInFolder)
$UnpackOut = ($args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultInstancePath + $args[0].FolderName + $args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultUnpackOutFolder)
$SJPCMD = ($args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.SJPExecutable + " /u /m -" + $integration.FolderName + $integration.Environment)
If((Test-Path $UnpackIn) -and (Test-Path $UnpackOut)) {
if((Get-ChildItem $UnpackIn | Measure-Object).count -gt 1) {
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Converting integration data from TMS packages")
Write-Host $SJPCMD
} else {
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": No data ready to be unpacked, moving on")
} else {
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": " + $PackOut + " was not found, unable to process SJP Unpack function")
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Ending function(SJPUnpack) to unpack content from TMS for return to " + $args[0].FolderName + "`r`n")
$job = Start-Job -Name ($args[0].FolderName + "_SJP_Unpack") -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $ArgumentList | Wait-Job
$job | Receive-Job -Keep
function FTPRetrieve {
$ArgumentList = @($integration,$args[1])
$ScriptBlock = {
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Starting function(FTPRetrieve) to return translated content to " + $args[0].FolderName + "`r`n")
$UnpackOut = ($args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultInstancePath + $args[0].FolderName + $args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultUnpackOutFolder)
If(Test-Path $UnpackOut) {
if($args[0].FTPMonitorConfig -eq $null -or $args[0].FTPMonitorConfig -eq "") {
$IntegrationConfigFile = ($args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultConfigurationPath + $env:COMPUTERNAME + "\" + $args[0].FolderName + "\" + $args[0].FolderName + $args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultFTPRetrieveConfig)
} else {
$IntegrationConfigFile = ($args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.DefaultConfigurationPath + $env:COMPUTERNAME + "\" + $args[0].FolderName + "\" + $args[0].FTPRetrieveConfig)
$NexusCMD = ($args[1].root.IntegrationDefaults.NexusExecutable + " /c " + $IntegrationConfigFile)
Write-Host $NexusCMD
# & $NexusCMD
} else {
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": " + $UnpackOut + " was not found, unable to process FTP Retrieve function")
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Ending function(FTPRetrieve) to return translated content to " + $args[0].FolderName + "`r`n")
$job = Start-Job -Name ($args[0].FolderName + "_FTPRetrieve") -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $ArgumentList | Wait-Job
$job | Receive-Job -Keep
$ScriptBlock = {
#Get files from Integration FTP
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Calling FTPMonitor")
FTPMonitor $args[0]
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Exited FTPMonitor")
#Check if SJP needs to pack content for submitting to TMS
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Calling SJPPack")
SJPPack $args[0]
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Exited SJPPack")
#Push files to TMS
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Calling PKGMonitor")
PKGMonitor $args[0]
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Exited PKGMonitor")
#Get files from TMS
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Calling PKGRetrieve")
PKGRetrieve $args[0]
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Exited PKGRetrieve")
#Check if SJP needs to unpack content for return to integration
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Calling SJPUnpack")
SJPUnpack $args[0]
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Exited SJPUnpack")
#Push files to Integration FTP
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Calling FTPRetrieve")
FTPRetrieve $args[0]
Write-Host ((get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Exited FTPRetrieve")
$ParentJob = Start-Job -Name ($_.FolderName + "_Parent") -InitializationScript $InitializationScript -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $ArgumentList
$JobList += $ParentJob
if($ParentJob.ChildJobs -ne $null) { $JobList += ($ParentJob.ChildJobs | Get-Job) }
[INT]$ScriptTimeOut = 1
$loop = 0
while ($loop -eq 0 -and (Get-Date) -lt $StartTime.AddMinutes($ScriptTimeOut)) {
$jobstatus = (Get-Job -State Running)
if($jobstatus -ne $null -and $jobstatus -ne "") {
if($DebugPreference -ne "SilentlyContinue") {
Get-Job -State Running | Format-Table -Property ID,Name,State
Write-Debug ("`r`n" + (get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ": Sleeping for 5 seconds then checking status of jobs again")
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
} else {
if($DebugPreference -ne "SilentlyContinue") {
Get-Job | Where-Object {$_.state -ne "Running"} | Format-Table -Property ID,Name,State
Write-Debug ("`r`n" + (get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + "All jobs are in a status other than running. Completing script")
$loop = 1
if((Get-Date) -gt $StartTime.AddMinutes($ScriptTimeOut)) {
Write-Host ("`r`n" + (get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + "Script has exceeded maximum allowed run time, aborting execution")
Get-Job -State Running | Format-Table -Property ID,Name,State
Get-Job -State Running | Stop-Job
# $JobList | Sort-Object -Property ID | Format-Table -Property ID,Name,State
$JobList | Sort-Object -Property ID | ForEach-Object {
$_ | Receive-Job
#Checks if transcription is active, stops it if so.
if(Test-Transcribing -eq "True") { Stop-Transcript }
Write-Host "Script is complete!"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
Get-Job | Remove-Job