PoshCode Archive  Artifact [4794a6a119]

Artifact 4794a6a119530d770fd22375381a0589184564ec3b46fa2d59f54e373e1395c6:

  • File Start-IRCJabberBridge.ps1 — part of check-in [cd398b2467] at 2018-06-10 13:01:08 on branch trunk — Creates a bridge between (any) MUC chatroom and a Jabber user — by default it joins the #PowerShell channel at IRC.FreeNode.net and echos everything said there to you, and everything you say to it … to the chat room. Really quite useless, except as a demonstration. (user: Joel Bennnett size: 8123)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Start-IRCJabberBridge
# description: Creates a bridge between (any) MUC chatroom and a Jabber user — by default it joins the #PowerShell channel at IRC.FreeNode.net and echos everything said there to you, and everything you say to it … to the chat room.  Really quite useless, except as a demonstration.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Joel Bennnett
# license: CC0
# function: Start-PowerBot
# x-poshcode-id: 178
# x-archived: 2009-11-28T08:35:49
## Depends on the PoshXmpp.dll from http://CodePlex.com/PoshXmpp
#requires -pssnapin PoshXmpp
# @Author: Joel Bennnett
# @Usage:
# Start-JabberMirror.ps1 User@JabberServer.com Password "groupchat@oneserver.com" "groupchat@anotherserver.com" "BridgeBot" "http://rssfeed"

param (
   $JabberId    =  $(Read-Host "Jabber Login (eg: 'mybot@im.flosoft.biz') ")
   ,$Password   =  $(Read-Host "Jabber Password")
   ,$IRC        =  $(Read-Host "First Jabber conference address (IRC) (eg: powershell%irc.freenode.net@irc.im.flosoft.biz )")
   ,$JabberConf =  $(Read-Host "Second Jabber conference address (eg: powershell@conference.im.flosoft.biz) ")
   ,$ChatNick   =  $(Read-Host "The nickname you want to use")
   ,$IRCPassword=  $(Read-Host "IRC Password")
   ,[string[]]$AtomFeeds = @("http://groups.google.com/group/microsoft.public.windows.powershell/feed/atom_v1_0_topics.xml")
## Requires System.Web for the RSS-feed option
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web") | Out-Null

function Start-PowerBot([switch]$announce) {
   $global:LastNewsCheck = [DateTime]::Now
   $global:feedReader = new-object Xml.XmlDocument
   $global:PoshXmppClient = PoshXmpp\New-Client $JabberId $Password http://im.flosoft.biz:5280/http-poll/
   PoshXmpp\Connect-Chat $IRC $ChatNick
   PoshXmpp\Connect-Chat $JabberConf $ChatNick

   if($announce) {
      PoshXmpp\Send-Message $IRC "Starting Mirror to $('{0}@{1}' -f $JabberConf.Split(@('%','@'),3))"
      PoshXmpp\Send-Message $JabberConf "Starting Mirror to $('{0}@{1}' -f $IRC.Split(@('%','@'),3))"
   if($IRCPassword) {
	  Send-PrivMsg "nickserv" "id $IRCPassword"

function Send-PrivMsg($to,$msg) {
    PoshXmpp\Send-Message $IRC "/msg $to :$msg"

function Process-Command($Chat, $Message) {
   $split = $message.Body.Split(" |;")
   $from = $Message.From.Bare.ToLower()
   switch -regex ( $split[0] ) {
      "!list" {
         Write-Host "!LIST COMMAND. Send users of [$Chat] to [$($Message.From.Bare)]" -fore Magenta
         $users = @($PoshXmppClient.ChatManager.GetUsers( $Chat ).Values)
         PoshXmpp\Send-Message $from  ("There are $($users.Count) on $($Chat):")
         PoshXmpp\Send-Message $from  [string].join(', ',$users)
      "!gh|!get-help|!man" {
         $help = get-help $split[1] | Select Name,Synopsis,Syntax
         if($?) {
            if($help -is [array]) {
               PoshXmpp\Send-Message $from ("You're going to need to be more specific, I know all about $((($help | % { $_.Name })[0..($help.Length-2)] -join ', ') + ' and even ' + $help[-1].Name)")
            } else {
               PoshXmpp\Send-Message $from $help.Synopsis;
               PoshXmpp\Send-Message $from ($help.Syntax | Out-String -w 1000).Split("`n",4,[StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]
         } else {
            PoshXmpp\Send-Message $from "I couldn't find the help file for that, sorry.  Jaykul probably didn't get the cmdlet installed right."

# Max IRC Message Length http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1459.html
$IrcMaxLen = 510 - ("PRIVMSG :".Length + $IRC.Length + $JabberId.split('@')[0].Length)

function Get-Feeds([string[]]$JIDs,[string[]]$AtomFeeds) {
   Write-Verbose "Checking feeds..."
   foreach($feed in $AtomFeeds) {
      for($i = $feedReader.feed.entry.count - 1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {
         $e = $feedReader.feed.entry[$i]
         if([datetime]$e.updated -gt $global:LastNewsCheck) {
            foreach($jid in $JIDs) {
               $msg = ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlDecode($e.summary."#text") -replace "<br>", "").Trim()
               $template = "{0} (Posted at {1:hh:mm} by {2}) {{0}} :: {3}" -f
                        $e.title."#text", [datetime]$e.updated, $e.author.name, $e.link.href

               $len = [math]::Min($IrcMaxLen,($template.Length + $msg.Length)) - ($template.Length +3)
               PoshXmpp\Send-Message $jid $($template -f $msg.SubString(0,$len))
            [Threading.Thread]::Sleep( 500 )
   $global:LastNewsCheck = [DateTime]::Now

[regex]$anagram = "^Unscramble ... (.*)$"

function Bridge {
	foreach( $msg in (PoshXmpp\Receive-Message -All) )
      $Chat = $Null;
      if( $msg.Type -eq "Error" )
         Write-Error $msg.Error 
      elseif( $msg.From.Resource -ne $ChatNick ) 
         switch($msg.From.Bare) {
            $IRC        { $Chat = $JabberConf }
            $JabberConf { $Chat = $IRC;       }
            default      { Write-Debug $msg }
      if($Chat) {
         switch($msg) {
            { ![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Body) -and ($_.Body[0] -eq '!') }{ 
         	   PoshXmpp\Send-Message $Chat ("<{0}> {1}" -f $_.From.Resource, $_.Body)
         	   Process-Command $Chat $_ 
            { ($_.From.Resource -eq "GeoBot") -and $_.Body.StartsWith("Unscramble ... ") }{
               Write-Verbose "KILL ANAGRAM! $($anagram.Match($_.Body).Groups[1].value)"
               $answers = Solve-Anagram $($anagram.Match($_.Body).Groups[1].value)
               foreach($ans in $answers) {
                  Write-Verbose "ANAGRAM: $($_.From.Bare) $ans"
                  PoshXmpp\Send-Message "$($_.From.Bare.ToLower())" "$ans (PowerShell Scripting FTW!)"
            { ![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Subject) }{
               $_.To = $Chat
               # Send it directly using a method on the PoshXmppClient
            { $_.From.Resource }{
               PoshXmpp\Send-Message $Chat ("<{0}> {1}" -f $_.From.Resource, $_.Body)

function Start-Bridge {
   while(!$Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable) {
      $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "PowerBot"
      Get-Feeds @($IRC,$JabberConf) $AtomFeeds
      $counter = 0
      Write-Verbose "PRESS ANY KEY TO STOP" # we're going to wait 3 * 60 seconds
      while(!$Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable -and ($counter++ -lt 1800)) {
         [Threading.Thread]::Sleep( 100 )

function Stop-PowerBot {
   PoshXmpp\Disconnect-Chat $IRC $ChatNick
   PoshXmpp\Disconnect-Chat $JabberConf $ChatNick

## Silly anagram spoiler
function Solve-Anagram($anagram) {
   ((Post-HTTP "http://www.easypeasy.com/anagrams/results.php" "name=$anagram").Split("`n") |
    select-string "res 1" ) -replace ".*res 1.*value=""\s*([^""]*)\s*"".*",'$1'

function Post-HTTP($url,$bytes) {
   $request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($url)
   # $bytes = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes( $bytes )
   $request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
   $request.ContentLength = $bytes.Length
   $request.Method = "POST"
   $rq = new-object IO.StreamWriter $request.GetRequestStream()
   $response = $request.GetResponse()
   $reader = new-object IO.StreamReader $response.GetResponseStream(),[Text.Encoding]::UTF8
   return $reader.ReadToEnd()