# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: PowerOAuth
# description: This is the second release, but still very raw. Supports OAuth via Installed Application Authentication (a modified form of OAuth where the consumer fetches access tokens using a username and password instead of a request token) ... now includes a sample app for fetching stuff off Yammer.
# version: 1.1
# type: module
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# function: Get-OAuthBase
# x-poshcode-id: 2376
# x-derived-from-id: 2377
# x-archived: 2012-11-30T03:27:31
# x-published: 2012-11-19T22:03:00
#requires -Version 2.0
##requires -Module HttpRest -Version 1.2
# http://poshcode.org/1262
Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0
$null = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.Web')
$safeChars = [char[]]'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_.~'
function Get-OAuthBase {
# Get the basic OAuth Authorization values
#.Parameter ConsumerKey
# The OAuth Consumer Key
#.Parameter AccessToken
# The OAuth Access token
#.Parameter AccessVerifier
# The OAuth Access verifier from the user's interaction with the web site ...
# A HashTable containing the key-value pairs needed for further requests, including the
# oauth_consumer_key, oauth_signature_method, oauth_timestamp, oauth_nonce, oauth_version, and optionally, the oauth_token.
, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$AccessToken
, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$AccessVerifier
, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]
[ValidateSet("HMAC-SHA1", "PLAINTEXT")]
$SignatureMethod = "HMAC-SHA1"
oauth_consumer_key = Format-OAuth $ConsumerKey
oauth_signature_method = $SignatureMethod # The signature method the Consumer used to sign the request
oauth_timestamp = [int]((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime() - (Get-Date 1/1/1970)).TotalSeconds
oauth_nonce = [guid]::NewGuid().GUID -replace '-'
oauth_version = '1.0' # OPTIONAL: If present, value MUST be 1.0
} + $(if($AccessToken){ @{oauth_token = $AccessToken } } else { @{} }
) + $(if($AccessVerifier){ @{oauth_verifier = $AccessVerifier } } else { @{} }) # $FFAccessToken.oauth_token
function Format-OAuth {
# UrlEncode, but with upper-case hex
#.Parameter value
# The text to encode
$result = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
foreach($c in $value.ToCharArray()){
if($safeChars -notcontains $c) {
$null = $result.Append( ('%{0:X2}' -f [int]$c) )
} else {
$null = $result.Append($c)
write-output $result.ToString()
function ConvertTo-Hashtable {
# Convert a query string into a hashtable
#.Parameter string
# The query string to convert
#.Parameter PairSeparator
# The string separating each set of key=value pairs
#.Parameter KeyValueSeparator
# The string separating the keys from the values
# The hashtable created from reading the query string
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
$PairSeparator = '&'
$KeyValueSeparator = '='
$result = @{}
foreach($w in $string.split($pairSeparator) ) {
$k,$v = $w.split($KeyValueSeparator,2)
write-output $result
function ConvertFrom-Hashtable {
# Convert a hashtable into a query string
# Converts a hashtable into a query string by joining the keys to the values, and then joining all the pairs together
#.Parameter values
# The hashtable to convert
#.Parameter PairSeparator
# The string used to concatenate the sets of key=value pairs, defaults to "&"
#.Parameter KeyValueSeparator
# The string used to concatenate the keys to the values, defaults to "="
# The query string created by joining keys to values and then joining them all together into a single string
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
$pairSeparator = '&'
$KeyValueSeparator = '='
[string]::join($pairSeparator, @(
if($Sort) {
foreach( $kv in $Values.GetEnumerator() | Sort $Sort) {
if($kv.Name) {
'{0}{1}{2}' -f $kv.Name, $KeyValueSeparator, $kv.Value
} else {
foreach( $kv in $Values.GetEnumerator()) {
if($kv.Name) {
'{0}{1}{2}' -f $kv.Name, $KeyValueSeparator, $kv.Value
function ConvertTo-OAuthSignatureBase {
# An internal function to build up the string needed for the OAuth Signature
$Parameters =@{}
[ValidateSet("POST", "GET", "PUT", "DELETE", "HEAD", "OPTIONS")]
$Verb = "GET"
# ,
# [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]
# $Credential
trap { continue }
if(!$Uri.IsAbsoluteUri) {
$Uri= Join-Url $global:url $Uri
Write-Verbose "Relative URL, appending to $($global:url) to get: $Uri"
$normalizedUrl = ("{0}://{1}" -f $Uri.Scheme, $Uri.Host).ToLower()
if (!(($Uri.Scheme -eq "http" -and $Uri.Port -eq 80) -or ($Uri.Scheme -eq "https" -and $Uri.Port -eq 443)))
$normalizedUrl += ":" + $Uri.Port
$normalizedUrl += $Uri.AbsolutePath
write-output $normalizedUrl
if($Uri.Query) {
$Parameters += $(ConvertTo-Hashtable $Uri.Query.trim("?"))
$normalizedRequestParameters = Format-OAuth (ConvertFrom-Hashtable $Parameters -Sort "Name","Value")
## DEBUG Write-Host $normalizedRequestParameters -fore yellow
write-output $normalizedRequestParameters
$result = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
$null = $result.AppendFormat("{0}&", $verb.ToUpper() )
$null = $result.AppendFormat("{0}&", $(Format-OAuth $normalizedUrl) )
$null = $result.AppendFormat("{0}", $normalizedRequestParameters)
## DEBUG Write-Host $result.ToString() -fore cyan
write-output $result.ToString();
function Get-OAuthSignature {
# An internal function to calculate the OAuth Signature using the HMAC-SHA1 algorithm
#.Parameter Verb
# The HTTP verb which will be invoked is the first part of the OAuth Signature string (defaults to GET)
#.Parameter Uri
# The URI which will be queried is the second part of the OAuth Signature string
#.Parameter Parameters
# All of the parameters which will be passed (regardless of how they will be passed) in hashtable format. The OAuth Base Authorization parameters are not included here, they will be set by this function
#.Parameter ConsumerKey
# The OAuth Consumer Key (a key specific to the application requesting access)
#.Parameter ConsumerSecret
# The OAuth Consumer Secret (the secret part of the application's consumer key shouldn't be given to end users)
#.Parameter AccessToken
# The OAuth Access Token (if you're already authenticated)
#.Parameter ConsumerSecret
# The OAuth Access Secret (the secret part of the access token, if you're already authenticated)
$Parameters =@{}
$ConsumerKey = "key"
$ConsumerSecret = "secret"
$AccessToken = ""
$AccessSecret = ""
$AccessVerifier = ""
[ValidateSet("POST", "GET", "PUT", "DELETE", "HEAD", "OPTIONS")]
$Verb = "GET"
[ValidateSet("HMAC-SHA1", "PLAINTEXT")]
$SignatureMethod = "HMAC-SHA1"
# ,
# [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]
# $Credential
@($Parameters.Keys) | % {
$Parameters.$_ = @($Parameters.$_) | %{ Format-OAuth $_ }
$Parameters += Get-OAuthBase $ConsumerKey $AccessToken $AccessVerifier -SignatureMethod $SignatureMethod
$url, $query, $sigbase = ConvertTo-OAuthSignatureBase -Uri $Uri -Parameters $Parameters -Verb $Verb
Write-Verbose ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::URLDecode( $sigbase ) -split "&" -join "`n")
Write-Output $url, $Parameters
if($SignatureMethod -eq "HMAC-SHA1") {
$sha = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1
$sha.Key = [System.Text.Encoding]::Ascii.GetBytes( ('{0}&{1}' -f $(Format-OAuth $ConsumerSecret),$(Format-OAuth $AccessSecret)) )
Write-Output $([Convert]::ToBase64String( $sha.ComputeHash( [System.Text.Encoding]::Ascii.GetBytes( $sigbase ) ) ))
} else {
Write-Output ('{0}&{1}' -f $(Format-OAuth $ConsumerSecret),$(Format-OAuth $AccessSecret))
function Invoke-OAuthHttp {
# The primary OAuth function
#.Parameter Uri
# The URI which will be invoked against
#.Parameter Parameters
# All of the additional parameters which will be passed (regardless of how they will be passed) in hashtable format. Obviously the OAuth Base access parameters are not included here, they will be set by this function
#.Parameter ConsumerKey
# The OAuth Consumer Key (a key specific to the application requesting access)
#.Parameter ConsumerSecret
# The OAuth Consumer Secret (the secret part of the application's consumer key shouldn't be given to end users)
#.Parameter AccessToken
# The OAuth Access Token (if you're already authenticated)
#.Parameter ConsumerSecret
# The OAuth Access Secret (the secret part of the access token, if you're already authenticated)
#.Parameter Verb
# The HTTP verb which will be invoked (defaults to GET)
$Parameters =@{}
$ConsumerKey = "key"
$ConsumerSecret = "secret"
$AccessToken = ""
$AccessSecret = ""
$AccessVerifier = ""
[ValidateSet("POST", "GET", "PUT", "DELETE", "HEAD", "OPTIONS")]
$Verb = "GET"
[ValidateSet("HMAC-SHA1", "PLAINTEXT")]
$SignatureMethod = "HMAC-SHA1"
[ValidateSet("Xml", "File", "Text","Bytes")]
$Output = "Xml"
$parameters.format = "xml"
if($AccessToken -and $AccessSecret) {
$script:url, $script:Headers, $script:sig = Get-OAuthSignature -Uri $Uri -Parameters $Parameters `
-ConsumerKey $ConsumerKey `
-ConsumerSecret $ConsumerSecret `
-AccessToken $AccessToken `
-AccessSecret $AccessSecret `
-AccessVerifier $AccessVerifier `
-Verb $Verb.ToUpper() `
-SignatureMethod $SignatureMethod
} else {
$script:url, $script:Headers, $script:sig = Get-OAuthSignature -Uri $Uri -Parameters $Parameters `
-ConsumerKey $ConsumerKey `
-ConsumerSecret $ConsumerSecret `
-Verb $Verb.ToUpper() `
-SignatureMethod $SignatureMethod
$Headers += @{ oauth_signature = Format-OAuth $sig }
$Parameters.Keys | %{ $Headers.Remove($_) }
$WithHeader = @{ Authorization="OAuth {0}`"" -f $(ConvertFrom-Hashtable $Headers "`", " "=`"") }
Write-Verbose $( $WithHeader | fl | Out-String )
switch($Verb) {
"POST" {
$plug = Get-DreamPlug $Uri.AbsoluteUri -Headers $WithHeader
$global:debugplug = $plug
$script:result = Invoke-Http "POST" -Plug $plug -Content ([HashTable]$Parameters) | Receive-Http $Output -Path $Path
"GET" {
$plug = Get-DreamPlug $Uri.AbsoluteUri -Headers $WithHeader -With $Parameters
$global:debugplug = $plug
$script:result = Invoke-Http "GET" -Plug $plug | Receive-Http $Output -Path $Path
## Freakydeaky magic pulls an access hashtable out of it's hat
if(!$AccessToken -and $result -is [System.Xml.XmlDocument] -and $result.SelectNodes("html") -and $result.SelectNodes("html") -match "oauth_token_secret") {
$result.html | ConvertTo-Hashtable
} elseif($result -is [System.Xml.XmlDocument]){
} else {
# http`://oauth.net/core/1.0#auth_step3
# A good place to practice: http`://term.ie/oauth/example/
# The reason I started playing: http`://friendfeed.com/api/documentation
# http`://friendfeed.com/api/applications/6a3c26fe1af047bb9553b3098bee5867
# The docs for Yammer were also involved: https://www.yammer.com/api_doc.html
# One other resource I found helpful (I had to make a few enhancements to HttpRest):
# http`://blog.developer.mindtouch.com/2009/08/05/async-io-dream-vs-parallel-extensions/
# And thanks to http`://oauth.googlecode.com/svn/code/csharp/
# And thanks to http`://oauth.googlecode.com/svn/code/python/oauth/
### This is *MY* application stuff
$global:PoshOAuthToken = @{
oauth_consumer_key = # You must put your oauth key here
oauth_consumer_secret = # You must put your oauth secret here
$global:OAuthUris = @{
AccessToken = "https://www.yammer.com/oauth/access_token"
RequestToken = "https://www.yammer.com/oauth/request_token"
Authorize = "https://www.yammer.com/oauth/access_token"
function Get-OAuthAccessToken {
# OAuth Web Browser Authentication
if(!(Test-Path Variable:Global:OAuthAccessToken) -or !$global:OAuthAccessToken) {
$RequestToken = Invoke-OAuthHttp `
-Uri $OAuthUris.RequestToken `
-ConsumerKey $PoshOAuthToken.oauth_consumer_key `
-ConsumerSecret $PoshOAuthToken.oauth_consumer_secret `
-Verb "POST" -SignatureMethod 'HMAC-SHA1'
if(!$RequestToken) { return }
$Global:DebugToken = $RequestToken
Write-Warning "Starting browser for interactive authorization"
$AuthURL = ("https://www.yammer.com/oauth/authorize?oauth_token={0}" -f $RequestToken.oauth_token)
Start $AuthURL
$AccessVerifier = Read-Host "Please enter the token from the web site: $AuthURL"
$global:OAuthAccessToken = Invoke-OAuthHttp `
-Uri $OAuthUris.AccessToken `
-ConsumerKey $PoshOAuthToken.oauth_consumer_key `
-ConsumerSecret $PoshOAuthToken.oauth_consumer_secret `
-AccessToken $RequestToken.oauth_token `
-AccessSecret $RequestToken.oauth_token_secret `
-AccessVerifier $AccessVerifier `
-Verb "POST"
return $global:OAuthAccessToken
function Invoke-OAuthorized {
$Parameters =@{}
[ValidateSet("POST", "GET", "PUT", "DELETE", "HEAD", "OPTIONS")]
$Verb = "GET"
[ValidateSet("Xml", "File", "Text","Bytes")]
$Output = "Xml"
if(!(Test-Path Variable:Global:OAuthAccessToken) -or !$global:OAuthAccessToken) {
Write-Warning "Must fetch new Access Token"
$Global:OAuthAccessToken = Get-OAuthAccessToken
Write-Verbose "Fetching URI: $Uri"
Invoke-OAuthHttp -Parameters $Parameters -Uri $Uri `
-ConsumerKey $Global:PoshOAuthToken.oauth_consumer_key `
-ConsumerSecret $Global:PoshOAuthToken.oauth_consumer_secret `
-AccessToken $Global:OAuthAccessToken.oauth_token `
-AccessSecret $Global:OAuthAccessToken.oauth_token_secret `
-Verb $Verb -Output $Output -Path $Path
function Get-AccessTokenForIAA {
# Installed Application Authentication
if(!(Test-Path Variable:Global:IAAccessToken)) {
if(!$Credential) { $Credential = Get-Credential }
$global:IAAccessToken = Invoke-OAuthHttp -Parameters @{
ff_username = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Username # the user's username
ff_password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password # the user's password
} -Uri $FriendFeedUris.AccessToken `
-ConsumerKey $global:PoshFFToken.oauth_consumer_key `
-ConsumerSecret $global:PoshFFToken.oauth_consumer_secret -Verb "POST"
return $global:IAAccessToken
# function get-messages {
# Invoke-OAuthorized https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/messages | tee -var messages
# $global:newestyammer = $messages.messages.message[0].id
# while($messages.messages.message.count -eq 20) {
# $global:oldestyammer = $messages.messages.message[-1].id
# sleep -sec 10
# Invoke-OAuthorized https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/messages -parameter @{ older_than = $oldestyammer } | tee -var messages
# if(!$?) { break }
# }
# }
# get-messages | Select sender-id, thread-id, attachments, created-at, client-type | Export-CSV Messages.csv