# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: New-FileShare
# description: This topic came up recently in the PowerShell forum at ScriptingAnswers.com and I thought you might find it helpful. The issue was creating a file share remotely. In the “olden days”, this would have meant using a command line tool like RMTSHARE, which is really just fine. But if you have a larger workflow, doing it natively in PowerShell may be more desirable.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: jeffhicks
# license: CC0
# function: New-FileShare
# x-poshcode-id: 935
# x-archived: 2015-05-07T02:29:19
# x-published: 2009-03-12T08:04:00
# Let me show you how easy it is to create a file share using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). I wrote a function called New-FileShare.
Function New-FileShare {
#this function returns $True is the share is successfully created
[string]$path=$(Throw "You must enter a complete path relative to the remote computer."),
[string]$share=$(Throw "You must enter the name of the new share."),
if (! $connections) {
#if no connection number specifed set to $Null so
#share will be created with maximum number of connections
[void]$connections = $NULL
#uncomment this next line for debugging
# Write-Host ("Creating share {0} for {1} on {2} ({3})" -f $share,$path,$computername,$comment) -fore Green
Switch ($return.returnvalue) {
0 {$rvalue = "Success"}
2 {$rvalue = "Access Denied"}
8 {$rvalue = "Unknown Failure"}
9 {$rvalue = "Invalid Name"}
10 {$rvalue = "Invalid Level"}
21 {$rvalue = "Invalid Parameter"}
22 {$rvalue = "Duplicate Share"}
23 {$rvalue = "Redirected Path"}
24 {$rvalue = "Unknown Device or Directory"}
25 {$rvalue = "Net Name Not Found"}
if ($return.returnvalue -ne 0) {
Write-Warning ("Failed to create share {0} for {1} on {2}. Error: {3}" -f $share,$path,$computername,$rvalue)
return $False
else {
return $True